#558 Package pyomexmeta: Python bindings for libOmexMeta, a library aimed at providing developer-level support for reading, writing, editing and managing semantic annotations for biosimulation models.
Opened 9 months ago by ankursinha. Modified a month ago

Please use this ticket to add new software to the NeuroFedora packaging queue.

New software: pyomexmeta

Short description: Python bindings for libOmexMeta, a library aimed at providing developer-level support for reading, writing, editing and managing semantic annotations for biosimulation models.

Upstream URL: https://pypi.org/project/pyomexmeta/#history

License: ASL

Domain: Computational modelling/Utilities

Additional information

Would be good to package the c++ library too (and maybe generate the python bindings from it, instead of packaging them separately?)


Note, uses something called vcpkg to "manage deps", so we may need to make tweaks to remove all this cruft and use system deps.

vcpkg is a c/c++ dep manager for windows.. sheesh.

They also bundle a handful of third party libraries. See:


Most of them look like common libraries available in Fedora.

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