#94 Fedora Women's Day 2019
Closed: complete 4 years ago by jflory7. Opened 5 years ago by amsharma.

Next step is to work on timelines.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: needs review (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: help wanted, needs info, new change, type - events, type - outreach

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora Women's Day 2019

5 years ago

Anyone wants to take up the timeline task, we can reuse last year's work #66 as well.
Please share your views. Thanks.

@jflory7 @bee2502 @jonatoni This is one of major annual goal of the team and we have been doing it successfully so far. Do you think that we should have a google hangout meeting to kickstart the work here? Please suggest. Thanks.

@amsharma I am unable to be a lead organizer for FWD this year. :pensive: I am taking an indefinite break after the Fedora 30 release cycle.

ok, @jonatoni also intimated that she is busy now a days. We clearly need more helping hands here.
@pyadav @nikhilkathole are you interested to contribute here? Please let me know and I can guide further, Thanks.

@amsharma Thanks. I will be happy to work on it and yes please schedule a call to kick off.

@bee2502 if you have sometime over this weekend, then we can schedule a call

@amsharma yeah, I am interested and would like to contribute. Please let me know about further details.

@amsharma I will participate in the call as well. What time will be the call?

FWD Discussion Meeting

Date - April 28, 2019 - Sunday
Time - 7:00 PM IST , 3:30 PM Brno Time

@jonatoni @bee2502 @pyadav @nikhilkathole if this time suits everyone, then I will start working on agenda. Please confirm and I will schedule the call with details. Thanks.

@amsharma can we please schedule it a bit earlier? Like 2 pm Brno time. Otherwise I will just join from my phone.

@jonatoni we can reschedule it to Date - April 29, 2019 - Monday as well. Any preference for suitable timing for you?

Apart from 1 pm - 2 pm CET, I am available on Monday.

Thanks @jonatoni . @amsharma Scheduled the call on

FWD Discussion Meeting

Date - April 29, 2019 - Monday
Time - 3:00 PM IST , 11:30 AM Brno Time

Sorry I was in middle of exams.

@nikhilkathole is it on April 29, Monday? Your comment says Sunday so I was confused.

If it's at 1130 CET on Apr 29.. I will try to join as early as possible but I might not be able to make it until 1200 CET as I have a class which ends around 1200 CET

Sorry I was in middle of exams.

@bee2502 no problem.

@nikhilkathole is it on April 29, Monday? Your comment says Sunday so I was confused.

Yea, my bad, it is on Monday.

If it's at 1130 CET on Apr 29.. I will try to join as early as possible but I might not be able to make it until 1200 CET as I have a class which ends around 1200 CET

Sure. I look forward to see you there. Thanks.

Agenda -
1. We need to work on timelines and
2. Ownership for major tasks

I suggest, we start a rough template for timelines and tasks prior to the meeting so that we can save sometime during the meeting.

Please add in the agenda:
- Overview of the FWD we did last year
- what went okay and what not
- why we should do again FWD for 2019 and what are the goals

Everyone, we postponed this meeting for tomorrow (April 29) 3:00 PM CET = 6:30 PM IST
BJN - https://bluejeans.com/7987631326 or https://bluejeans.com/u/nkathole/

Thanks @nikhilkathole @jonatoni and @pyadav for joining. Here is the meeting summary -

Agenda Topics:

  • Overview of the FWD we did last year
    AI : Jona will create a etherpad for this discussion by 4th May like this one - https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/FWD and everyone will contribute to it.

  • What went okay and what not
    AI : Nikhil will create the google form for the suggestions and feedback from the organizers of last year FWD by 15th May- https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/fedora-womens-day/issues?status=Closed
    AI : Pooja will do a blog post with the help of team - 31st May
    Create a summary draft by 27th May and link it with the ticket and ask for review by 7th June.

  • Why we should do again FWD for 2019 and what are the goals
    Feedback from the organizers and event reports

  • Timelines for the project
    We will visit the timelines after 15th May

  • Task assignments
    We will visit the timelines after 15th May

@nikhilkathole please share the meeting recording. Thanks

@nikhilkathole Please schedule next meeting and share the details, thanks.

@amsharma @jonatoni @bee2502 @pyadav Going to schedule next call on

Date - May 23, 2019 - Thursday
Time - 2:30 PM IST , 11:00 AM Brno Time

Please let me know your availability.

Can we please do it on May 21?

@nikhilkathole please share the results here once the survey is closed.

@pyadav Let's start working on the draft of the article - We should be including the call for applications for FWD, 2019 as well in the same article as we don't have much time left. Flock will also block a 2-3 weeks time of all members. Reference for the last year's post is - https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/FWD_Marketing_Pitch

@jonatoni @bee2502 @jflory7 I believe we should start working on the FWD application repo like last year.

Thoughts please?

@nikhilkathole please share the results here once the survey is closed.
@pyadav Let's start working on the draft of the article - We should be including the call for applications for FWD, 2019 as well in the same article as we don't have much time left. Flock will also block a 2-3 weeks time of all members. Reference for the last year's post is - https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/FWD_Marketing_Pitch
@jonatoni @bee2502 @jflory7 I believe we should start working on the FWD application repo like last year.

Why can't we reuse the repo from last year?

Thoughts please?

@jonatoni @bee2502 @jflory7 I believe we should start working on the FWD application repo like last year.

Why can't we reuse the repo from last year?

We can. When I made the repo, I hoped to make it easy to reuse each year. There is only one maintenance task: create a new milestone in the roadmap for FWD 2019. I did that now. A screenshot of how to do this is below for documenting:

Add a new Milestone to the Roadmap for the next year of Fedora Women's Day

I can help with the maintenance of this repo if needed. But if we reuse the same issue template, it should be ready to go.

+1 to use the same repo

@jonatoni @bee2502 @jflory7 I believe we should start working on the FWD application repo like last year.
Why can't we reuse the repo from last year?

@bee2502 We definitely can, but that would also need some modifications to reflect 2019 FWD which I meant by start working!!

We can. When I made the repo, I hoped to make it easy to reuse each year. There is only one maintenance task: create a new milestone in the roadmap for FWD 2019. I did that now. A screenshot of how to do this is below for documenting:
Add a new Milestone to the Roadmap for the next year of Fedora Women's Day
I can help with the maintenance of this repo if needed. But if we reuse the same issue template, it should be ready to go.

This is truly helpful @jflory7 , thanks :)

Can we please do it on May 21?

@jonatoni I am not available after May 20 till 31st May for this meeting and @nikhilkathole is also travelling during this time frame.

In order to not loose momentum here, I suggest to co-ordinate efforts on this ticket offline and on google doc for the article and we can discuss this as well on our next team meeting call. WDYT?

@nikhilkathole thanks for sharing survey results. Can you please paste them in this ticket as well, thanks.

I believe this is the time we should start drafting the article for publishing these results as well as call for applications otherwise it will be too late and organizers won't get enough time. WDYT?
@jonatoni @bee2502 @jflory7 @pyadav

@amsharma +1, I am working on the article. Is anything finalized yet for application submission date. Please let me know about the important dates to be included in the article.

Thanks @pyadav for working on the article.

Link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zn2Adkn-DPz1tIuiMdGXq2A7xU2wTxCoJ1YQuJ_pmfQ/edit?usp=sharing

Everyone, please share your review comments by 7th June and we can target to publish this article by mid June. Thanks.
@jflory7 @bee2502 @jonatoni @nikhilkathole

Hi all!

Do you think we are fitting too much content into a single post? If we are opening a call for participation, I think it is better to be short and direct. For example, see last year's post:


The blog post title was clear and indicated we are looking for new proposals for 2018. We provided some reasons to organize a FWD and how someone can take the next steps to be an organizer. We had a clear call-to-action for readers to take the next step to become a local organizer.

The feedback we collected is valuable for the global organizers in our team for ways we can better support local organizers. Instead of a blog post from the feedback, what if we improved the Fedora Docs pages about Fedora Women's Day, like the resource pack?



Since we have only so much bandwidth, I think improving our resources for local organizers is a good way to prioritize our time to act on the feedback we received.

@jflory7 thanks for the feedback. +1 to the suggestion.
To be more specific , should we remove "Feedback from FWD-2018" section from the draft post and put that in the doc instead?

To be more specific , should we remove "Feedback from FWD-2018" section from the draft post and put that in the doc instead?

Yes. I think the feedback is useful internally. I don't think we need to publish the survey results.

Instead of putting the feedback results into the docs, I think we should ask how we want to act on the feedback we received. To highlight some excerpts from the feedback form, these are areas local organizers thought could be improved:

  • More Interactivity.
  • More breaks in our scheduling and more direction on topics from Fedora would be nice.
  • More local and global Marketing
  • Greater publicity for the events of Fedora
  • More follow-up with participants after the event, hackathon with participants to get them started
  • We should involve some activities and also follow-up sessions.
  • Event can be improved by settings some measurable goals.

Some ideas that come to my mind:

  1. Add suggested interactive activities to Resource Pack
  2. Better promotion / visibility of Resource Pack for coming up with topics
  3. Teaming up with Fedora Marketing / Social Media to improve outreach
  4. Maybe set up a Google Form for all FWD attendees (globally) to help with follow-up opportunities later? We could send a single follow-up email with info about getting involved with Fedora community a month after the event.

+1 We can shorten the article. Also we can set the goals for this year event according to the feedback received and work on improving things where we lacked in past year.

@pyadav is it ready for the another round of review?

@amsharma Its in progress, I will share it here within a day or two.

Awesome @pyadav , Thank you so much for working on this. I will take a look soon. Everyone, let's do it by next two weeks so that we will have enough time to plan events. Thanks.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: next meeting (was: needs review)

5 years ago

Discussed in 2019-06-17 meeting.

Action items

FWD call for proposals

@pyadav has a draft ready for the FWD call for proposals (see here). She is posting to the mailing list for a final round of feedback. By Monday, 24 June, we will move it over into the CommBlog and coordinate with @bcotton on publishing.

@pyadav One idea that comes to mind for me. Maybe we could move the important dates to the top so they are up-front and obvious? For repeat event owners, this is probably the most important thing they are looking for. Otherwise, this looks great! :thumbsup: Thanks so much for working on this. :blush:

Example FWD proposal

Last year, we used the Pagure CFP repo to collect proposals from the community. We also had an example ticket to give an example of a good proposal. This is especially helpful for first-time event owners to get an idea of what we're looking for.

@tatica volunteered to write a new example ticket in the CFP repo by Monday, 24 June. This will pair nicely with @pyadav's work on the CommBlog article, so people will have an example proposal to look at when they read the CFP announcement.

We also need to fill in the dates for FWD in the article and It will be good to mention Pagure repo link in the article too.

We also need to fill in the dates for FWD in the article and It will be good to mention Pagure repo link in the article too.

I suggest these dates:

  • Deadline for submission: Friday, 23 August, 2019
  • Acceptance deadline: Friday, 6 September, 2019
  • Suggested dates for organizing FWD: September – October 2019

I added +1 week from last year's dates because we ended it closely after Flock and I think that was hard since many of us were still getting caught up on non-Fedora responsibilities after traveling for Flock. I also left the suggested dates open-ended because we suggested one weekend in the past, but very rarely did events happen in that specific weekend. Instead, I thought it makes more sense to be flexible and suggest anywhere in September or October. This way, an organizer can make the call that's best for their local community.

Do these dates sound good?

I am okay with the dates. +1 from me. Thanks @jflory7

I like the idea, these dates looks good to me +1.

Discussed in 2019-06-24 meeting.

Thanks all for following up on last week's action items! Things are rolling along. :raised_hands:

FWD CFP CommBlog article

The feedback deadline for the article was today. This is ready to go to the CommBlog for publishing! We can use these dates mentioned above in the article:

  • Deadline for submission: Friday, 23 August, 2019
  • Acceptance deadline: Friday, 6 September, 2019
  • Suggested dates for organizing FWD: September – October 2019

Also @pyadav, please include a mention of @tatica's new example proposal ticket for readers to get an idea of what we are expecting for a proposal. :smile:

Check out this guide on publishing a Community Blog article for guidance on next steps. It would be great to get the article submitted to the editors by Friday, 28 June. This way, it can be one of the first articles to publish next week so we can start getting the word out to local organizers!

Generic marketing resources

One of the ways we can better assist local event organizers is by making the organizing work easier. We can provide some marketing resources to help organizers promote and advertise their events.

One idea was to create a generic flyer that organizers can use to promote their events. @tatica is going to open a ticket by Monday, 1 July with the Fedora Design team to pull them into the conversation and help us make this resource for local organizers.

Additionally, one of @solanch69's friends made an awesome flyer in Perú, check it out here! @solanch69, if you can upload the original design file to this ticket and let us know who to credit, we can share this with the Fedora Design Team to help FWD organizers around the world. :smile:

Global feedback form

One of the most-requested feedback from last year's organizers was better post-event follow-up. This is also useful for us to better connect attendees to the wider Fedora community. @nikhilkathole is going to create a draft Google Form to help us collect feedback by Monday, 1 July.

The feedback form will be shared by us to local event organizers. It will ask some questions like:

  • Name
  • FAS username / email
  • Location
  • Date of local FWD event
  • What you liked / didn't like about FWD
  • What type of things you are interested in

After all FWDs wrap up, we will do a one-time email follow-up with info about Fedora and suggest ways to get involved with the community.

Shout-out to this week's volunteers @pyadav @tatica @solanch69 and @nikhilkathole! :tada:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: help wanted, needs info

5 years ago

@jflory7 @tatica
He is my friend :)
he helped me last year with the FWD flyer


@dbs01 @solanch69 Thanks for sharing! :raised_hands:

Created new post inside the Community Blog WordPress site: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=7901&preview=true and requested for review.

@pyadav Thanks for getting this submitted! :thumbsup: I read through it but it looks like Page 3 from Google Docs didn't make it into WordPress (see the Increase your chances section). Could you please add it into the WordPress article?

Thought a nice header could go well with the awesome post from @pyadav

I couldn't find a logo for Fedora Women, so let me know if this one works.

@tatica Wow, I love this! :heart_eyes: We haven't standardized on a blog post header image and there is not a Fedora Women logo either.

I have one request though. It looks like you used something similar to the Female Technologist emoji. Could you create another version with three women together, including more skin tones like Medium Skin Tone and Dark Skin Tone? I think it will send a better message and also suggest an idea of a community since FWD is about celebrating the women in our communities together with others. :smile:

Thanks for working on this.

@jflory7 Thanks for noticing that, I have updated the article.

@tatica Yeah, its a nice image as we didn't have any image therefore I used the old one, but definitely we can go with new one, it really nice, thanks :)
+1 for @jflory7 idea.

@pyadav Link of diversity mailing list in article is not working. Can you please update it?
Thanks :)

@nikhilkathole Thanks for pointing that out, I have updated the mailing list link. Please let me know if something else needed to be updated. Thanks :)

@tatica Wow, I love this! 😍 We haven't standardized on a blog post header image and there is not a Fedora Women logo either.
I have one request though. It looks like you used something similar to the Female Technologist emoji. Could you create another version with three women together, including more skin tones like Medium Skin Tone and Dark Skin Tone? I think it will send a better message and also suggest an idea of a community since FWD is about celebrating the women in our communities together with others. 😄
Thanks for working on this.

+1 with Justin - also we should be consistent with the name and use Fedora Women's Day instead of Fedora Women Day.

Global feedback form
One of the most-requested feedback from last year's organizers was better post-event follow-up. This is also useful for us to better connect attendees to the wider Fedora community. @nikhilkathole is going to create a draft Google Form to help us collect feedback by Monday, 1 July.
The feedback form will be shared by us to local event organizers. It will ask some questions like:

FAS username / email
Date of local FWD event
What you liked / didn't like about FWD
What type of things you are interested in

After all FWDs wrap up, we will do a one-time email follow-up with info about Fedora and suggest ways to get involved with the community.

Here is the draft for global feedback form[1]. Please let me know if any suggestions/comments.


[1] https://forms.gle/7auXeGLSz3GMmrqx6

Just added a design ticket for FWD design#649

Please, take a look and feel free to add any request (or ask to remove any that doesn't fit). I'll be adding this header once it's approved by everyone, but probably the best idea would be to keep the designs requests and feedback at the design ticket.

Global feedback form
One of the most-requested feedback from last year's organizers was better post-event follow-up. This is also useful for us to better connect attendees to the wider Fedora community. @nikhilkathole is going to create a draft Google Form to help us collect feedback by Monday, 1 July.
The feedback form will be shared by us to local event organizers. It will ask some questions like:
FAS username / email
Date of local FWD event
What you liked / didn't like about FWD
What type of things you are interested in
After all FWDs wrap up, we will do a one-time email follow-up with info about Fedora and suggest ways to get involved with the community.

Here is the draft for global feedback form[1]. Please let me know if any suggestions/comments.
[1] https://forms.gle/7auXeGLSz3GMmrqx6

I am confused, which feedback we are collecting now. We already collected the feedback, right?

I am confused, which feedback we are collecting now. We already collected the feedback, right?

This will be post-event feedback for attendees.

Discussed in 2019-07-01 meeting.

Design assets

@tatica opened design#649 to track FWD design assets (e.g. updated logo, poster, social media images, etc.), as mentioned above. Keep an eye on that ticket for more activity about design work.

Post-event feedback form

@nikhilkathole created the draft form to collect post-event feedback from events around the world. This will be included in the FWD organizer resource pack.

Please share any feedback on this form by next Monday, 8 July.

For next week

We took a lighter week on FWD tasks since we are making steady progress. Since the CFP publishes next Tuesday, 9 July, we can start looking at the following items in any order:

  • Review and update resource pack for 2019
  • Brainstorm metrics we can use to measure outcomes of hosting FWDs
  • Brainstorm fun suggestions for interactive Fedora sessions to give to local organizers to run

All the above ideas came from @nikhilkathole's feedback results form from May 2019.

@nikhilkathole The survey looks great. I think it is really important to keep it as short as possible to avoid survey fatigue:


Maybe one multiple choice question we could add in:

  • Do you want to get involved with the Fedora community after this event? Yes/No/Not right now

One question I wonder is what the biggest impact of FWDs are. I do not think it is new contributors inside the Fedora community, and I think that's okay. But I want more data to understand whether attendees are motivated to get involved or not after an event like FWD too.

What do you think about this question?

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue tagged with: needs info

5 years ago

I love this! Couple of toughts

about the survey

  • I would change questions "What did you like about the event?" and "What did you dislike about the event?" since we already have 4 questions where people have to write their answers, and this usually ends up on an empty answer.

  • Questions "Are there any suggestions you have for next year’s event?" and "Is their anything else you'd like to share about the event?" could be merged as one as we are asking for final thoughts, something like "Do you have any suggestions or would like to share something that help us grow next year?"

  • Would add a checkbox to let us know if they would like us to follow their progress. We could set up 3 months checkups to see if those who marked that they wanted to contribute are still on board.

Probably can get some more ideas with a bit of coffee tomorrow, however, this looks really fantastic!

@nikhilkathole The survey looks great. I think it is really important to keep it as short as possible to avoid survey fatigue:

Thanks @jflory7 . Yes, completely agree on this. It should be short and simple !!

Maybe one multiple choice question we could add in:

Do you want to get involved with the Fedora community after this event? Yes/No/Not right now

One question I wonder is what the biggest impact of FWDs are. I do not think it is new contributors inside the Fedora community, and I think that's okay. But I want more data to understand whether attendees are motivated to get involved or not after an event like FWD too.
What do you think about this question?

Yes, addressed by combining this with one of the suggestion from @tatica .

I would change questions "What did you like about the event?" and "What did you dislike about the event?" since we already have 4 questions where people have to write their answers, and this usually ends up on an empty answer.

I merged this 2 questions.

Questions "Are there any suggestions you have for next year’s event?" and "Is their anything else you'd like to share about the event?" could be merged as one as we are asking for final thoughts, something like "Do you have any suggestions or would like to share something that help us grow next year?"


Would add a checkbox to let us know if they would like us to follow their progress. We could set up 3 months checkups to see if those who marked that they wanted to contribute are still on board.

Added a question suggested by Justin "Do you want to get involved with the Fedora community after this event?", If attendee answered it as yes, another section will pop-up asking about follow-ups.

Thanks @tatica for nice suggestions!

@nikhilkathole Thanks! This looks great. :thumbsup: Also nice idea on using the FWD image in the form.

Per this last comment, I think one next step for FWD planning is coming up with how we can improve the organizer resource pack.

A few questions (thinking in the context of adding this to event guidelines docs)

  • Does this survey have to go through RH Legal too?
  • If no, why not? Does that mean any Fedora event organizer can send a survey to participants without going through RH Legal?

@bex let me know what you think

Does this survey have to go through RH Legal too?
If no, why not? Does that mean any Fedora event organizer can send a survey to participants without going through RH Legal?

@spot @mattdm Could you please weigh in from a Fedora Legal point-of-view on post-event feedback forms?

@bee2502 I assume the difference from the demographic survey is what data is being stored and collected on Fedora-owned infrastructure. Event feedback forms ask for a name and email, and ask a few questions about a specific event. The demographic survey collects personally-identifiable information like age, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. I am assuming that type of data collection requires more caution than open-ended questions about a specific event.

That said, I am not a lawyer and this is my best guess. If it all possible, I would like to avoid adding a legal review process to a post-event feedback form because I think it will cost us an opportunity to gain useful feedback.

Discussed in 2019-07-15 meeting.

Next follow-up: Monday, 29 July

Next steps

In the meeting, we discussed what next steps look like for FWD planning:

  1. Proposing new changes/additions to the current resource pack (by Monday, 29 July)
  2. Updating the docs to include changes/additions (post-Flock D&I hackfest, #109)

@pyadav and @nikhilkathole volunteered to collaborate on the first step together.

Updates to resource pack

To help local organizers, we want to come up with improvements and additions to the FWD organizer resource pack. Some ideas for how we can improve the existing resource pack:

  • Divided in two types of resources:
    • Actual organizer resources (e.g. promoting your FWD, where to find flyers / graphics from D&I team)
    • Content resources (e.g. What cool things are happening in Fedora community? How to get involved in Fedora community? etc.)
  • Organize content resources by audiences (e.g. discussion topics for university FWDs, discussion topics for office FWDs, etc.)

Also see the feedback suggested by @orionstar25 in this comment.

@pyadav and @nikhilkathole will create a shared Google Doc to brainstorm ideas and improvements by Monday, 29 July. This will be especially useful as a resource during the D&I hackfest (#109) at Flock. :grinning:

@tatica @jflory7 @bee2502 @jonatoni Hello everyone,

We actually crossed the deadline for FWD ticket approvals.

Today I voted on the tickets. I request you all to please find sometime to leave your comments/votes in these tickets so that organizers can go ahead with the events.


Sorry I got delayed, I got a bit swamp at work this week. I tried to tackle as much tickets as I could, hope that helps!

The art pack is done at the design ticket just waiting for some feedback as well.


We got a total 13 responses so far only from 1 location (Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India).

What did you like about the event?
- The variety of topics covered in the whole session.
- The speakers, content and Good knowledge delivery.
- Got to know about quite a new things and also where and in what ways we can contribute to Fedora.
- Got to learn so many things.

Are there any suggestions you have for next year’s event/anything else you'd like to share about the event?
- Should must conduct the event next year also.
- Event timing should be more.
- Please do conduct such events related to Fedora.

Do you want to get involved with the Fedora community after this event?
Yes - 76.9%
No - 0%
Not Right Now - 23.1%

Out of 13 responses, 10 wants us to follow their progress over the year.

Fedora Womes's Day 2019

From all the tickets here https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/fedora-womens-day/issues
we had 8 FWD in total - 3 reports are already published, and we are waiting for 5 more. When we have all the reports we can write a general one on Community Blog. Anyone that volunteers to write it?

@nikhilkathole do we have new data from the survey? I'm very curious to know the results now that we finished with all the FWD planned. :100:

Metadata Update from @jonatoni:
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback, new idea

5 years ago

Here is the overall feedback we got for "Fedora Women's Day 2019". :100:

We got a total 93 responses from 6 different locations.

What did you like about the event?

  1. Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
    - The variety of topics covered in the whole session.
    - The speakers, content and Good knowledge delivery.
    - Got to know about quite a new things and also where and in what ways we can contribute to Fedora.
    - Got to learn so many things.

  2. Allahabad, India
    - Very informative and motivating.
    - Interactive and like the outreachy information shared.
    - Liked the reflective exercises that the organizers included.
    - Good opportunity to get aware about various opportunities present for us as women and also gave us all a chance to come together and discuss our experiences.

  3. Bhubaneswar, India
    - It was fun and informative.
    - Interactive.
    - Good insights regarding fedora community.
    - Liked their experiences and how we should proceed to join projects.

  4. Lima, Perú
    - The speakers explained dynamically and with an understandable example and also that the attendees were surprised with Fedora's topics since they had no knowledge about Free Software.

  5. Surat, Gujarat, India
    - Got many things to learn like how one should be contributing to open source projects. And how fedora gives a platform to start with open source projects.
    - Liked distribution of swags.
    - It was Awesome getting Started with Git and Github. I learnt Pull Request For Hacktoberfest and Now want to Dig deeper and Contribute to Open Source.
    - Got to know lot about open source and fedora.Loved to hear Justin's experience.

  6. Tirana, Albania
    - Overall, the event went very well and the majority of the attendees enjoyed it. We had 3 different sessions presented in order to cover topics not only related to the FP but also raise awareness about the impact of women in tech in general.
    - Additionally, for one of the speakers this was her very first time presenting which I believe it was a great chance to help her dismiss her fears and uncertainness.

Are there any suggestions you have for next year’s event/anything else you'd like to share about the event?

  1. Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
    - Should must conduct the event next year also.
    - Event timing should be more.
    - Please do conduct such events related to Fedora.

  2. Allahabad, India
    - To include more competitions and interactive events.
    - Event should be conducted more frequently. It'll be a great booster for all girl students.
    - Bring more stickers and goodies.
    - The event extended the time slot. The workshop is too long and it must be short.
    - Should be more rich in content.
    - Event should be organised on weekends.

  3. Bhubaneswar, India
    - Add a little pictorial representation.
    - Keep doing such events.
    - Short duration, Wanted it to be longer.
    - Should have done hands on coding.

  4. Lima, Perú
    - NA

  5. Surat, Gujarat, India
    - Event was more kind of abstractive, would love if can explained in detail like a kind of workshop thing.

  6. Tirana, Albania
    - NA

Do you want to get involved with the Fedora community after this event?
Yes - 89.2%
No - 0%
Not Right Now - 10.8%

Out of 93 responses, 83 wants us to follow their progress over the year.


@nikhilkathole awesome, thanks a lot for the stats, very helpful :smile:
We should write an article and include the stats :100:

I'm really glad we tried this method of collecting feedback this year. Thanks so much @nikhilkathole for organizing this!! This feedback is so valuable to me.

A few quick thoughts:

  1. A lot of feedback for interactive sessions / workshops. This is also feedback I received in the past from Fedora events I organized in the U.S. Something like "workshop starter kits" for local organizers might be useful for local organizers to plan more interactive sessions to get people hands-on with the Fedora community.
  2. Wow, so many people want us to follow their progress! Do we have emails for all these people? If so, we need to start thinking carefully about how we do our follow-up. If I remember right, we originally planned to do a one-time email communication with an option to stay contacted again, e.g. signing up on a mailing list. We should think about what info we include in that first email and consider ways to connect these people interested in getting started to each other.

These are some big thoughts; it would help to deconstruct them more in a collaborative audio/video call.

Great to see the feedback and I am glad we again it a great job of having so many FWDs across the globe.

I think we should do a magazine post about it to share the summary. What are the thoughts here?

@amsharma I will share some statistics from the events with @riecatnor (thread: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/176) and she will create an infographic highlighting different events.

Hi all. I opened two new tickets, #121 and #122, to focus our discussions down. This ticket nearly has 100 comments and it is becoming hard to follow (it takes a minute to load on my computer). :joy:

Given that FWD 2019 has passed and we have closed out the work for organizing, I am closing this ticket as complete. :clapper: Let's move discussions to the more focused tickets.

Thanks everyone who helped make FWD 2019 possible!! :tada:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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