#14 FWD 2019 Proposal - San Cristóbal, Venezuela
Closed: not possible 5 years ago by jonatoni. Opened 5 years ago by tatica.

Event logistics

  • Date - Time: 2019-10-17 - 3pm to 6pm
  • Location: San Cristóbal, Venezuela
  • Organizer(s): @tatica
  • First time organizing a FWD event?: No
  • Estimated number of attendees: 30

About your event

What kind of people do you expect to attend?

We expect to gather people who are interested in Technology, using OpenSource or not, and talk about Fedora can improve your productivity at School and Work.

What do you plan to cover in the agenda for your FWD event?

  • Opensource as daily routine
  • Best tools for each area (https://labs.fedoraproject.org/)
  • Struggles as women inside an IT environment
  • How to cope life with IT and survive
  • Success cases on female working with OpenSource inside Fedora
  • What can I do to contribute to the Fedora Community? (http://whatcanidoforfedora.org/)

Are there any questions you have for the D&I Team?

  • Would be nice to have a video from different Women around fedora giving a short 1min message.

Anything you want us to know?

  • We will host this event as an informal meeting to make it more relaxed for attendees to come.
  • Registration will be upon arrival

Budget request

We would like to offer a small coffee table for attendees to enjoy, as well some cookies.

  • Coffee break: $50

+1 from me.
@tatica @jflory7 @bee2502 @jonatoni What is your vote for this request please?

+1. We will be a small group, but happy to go for it!

Tho I will change the date to the actual October one since we didn't had an initial date when this draft was made.

Is that ok?

@tatica who else will be speaking at the event?

You can definitely change the date, it is not a problem :)

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: needs review (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora Women's Day 2019

5 years ago

I originally assumed this was a fake example ticket, I didn't realize it was a real example. :smile: Thanks for putting together a FWD proposal @tatica!

I have one question. What parts of Fedora do you think most interest your audience? I was thinking, if the audience is broad, narrowing what parts of Fedora to introduce to your audience could help identify success criteria for the event.

Tho I will change the date to the actual October one since we didn't had an initial date when this draft was made.
Is that ok?

Yep, this is no problem! Please edit the original ticket comment with the correct date/time once you know. :)

@tatica any update on this? I'm not sure if already happened or the plans changed.

@tatica I'm closing this ticket - in case you will have new info please feel free to re-open it.

Metadata Update from @jonatoni:
- Issue close_status updated to: not possible
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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