#950 Spins and labs not linked from redesigned website
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago by duffy. Opened 5 years ago by bcotton.

As noticed by @x3mboy, there's no link to the spins and labs on the new getfedora.org

In stg website I am suggesting to add a section for "Spins & Labs" after the "Emerging Fedora Editions" section which lists CoreOS, Silverblue, IOT. So, after them add "Spins & Labs" with two blocks just like CoreOS, Silverblue, IOT.

Also, I am wondering whether we publicized anything about our Cloud, Container variants before?

This was previuosly discussed in design#411

Maybe I'm wrong but the impression that time was:
"getfedora.org is for the main editions, spins and labs are mentioned for politeness"

I think is a great time to have this discussion

I handed this off to @ryanlerch and @relrod so I don't know the current status of staging, but, the original intention was to have an area with sliders to highlight labs and spins, see mockup here:


My guess is that it's not complete yet.

I handed this off to @ryanlerch and @relrod so I don't know the current status of staging, but, the original intention was to have an area with sliders to highlight labs and spins, see mockup here:
My guess is that it's not complete yet.

100% Correct!

This is the last part that is yet to be added to the front page.


We could probably close this ticket then.

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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