Originally discussed in fedora-commops#92, Fedora Diversity FAD 2017, fedora-diversity#4.
For one week during the year, Fedora contributors would have a special event where they are encouraged to give their thanks and appreciation to other contributors in Fedora.
If you want the full background of everything, I would recommend going through the three links at the top of the ticket, or poking around the references at the bottom. This new ticket intends to bring all of the current information together and refocus for organizing a Fedora Appreciation Week this year.
The goal is to celebrate a week of appreciation for the contributors who help make Fedora what it is. This can be from a development, infrastructure, marketing, engineering, or any relevant standpoint. During this time of appreciation, users and contributors alike would be highly encouraged to select either a single or group of contributors to thank for their efforts in the Project.
There is a long-term and short-term component to this ticket. The long-term vision is better explained here. This ticket is looking more short-term at what we have to do in order to complete this in 2017.
A few links for browsing or reading more.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: minor (3-4 weeks) - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017) - Issue tagged with: help wanted, outreach
Discussed in 2017-09-13 meeting.
A lot of the Appreciation Week is still abstract (or not very well-defined). To move forward on this, we want to come up with some concrete action items to work on over the next few months to move forward on the event. During the meeting, we agreed on some planning updates for this year.
Before, there was an idea about a wiki page as a "wall". On this wall, anyone could leave friendly comments or compliments to specific Fedora contributors, to teams or sub-projects, or to the project in general. However, there's complications with using the wiki without being CLA+1 and it's also not intuitive.
Instead, we figured a lot of people are already on Twitter / other social networks, we could use a hashtag and encourage people to post their thanks / appreciation onto a social network using the hashtag. We could then sort through all of the posts using the hashtag and display them or make a word cloud.
We briefly discussed a hashtag we could choose for the event. The popular two choices during the meeting were:
I prefer the one with the year because this is an annual event independent from the release cycles, and there's also a chance that F27 could be delayed another week, which would leave us running the event during F26.
We briefly discussed the idea of having a badge to award people who use the hashtag on a public social network to say thanks. This would probably be a manual task, where CommOps team members monitor major social networks using the hashtag and award the badge, or an individual comes to us with a link to their post to get the badge.
We decided to revisit this at a later meeting, after other details are finalized.
In early October, we agreed to run a Community Blog post to promote the event and get it onto peoples' calendars. The article would have some basic information like when the Appreciation Week will be, what you can do to give thanks, and mention things like the hashtag. Ideally between 400-500 words.
This is currently an open item, but we wanted to follow up with either @x3mboy or @cprofitt to see if they might have the cycles to help. I know @cprofitt had an interest in helping before. We'll revisit this at the next meeting.
WeAreFedora2017 WeAreFedora27
Short and helps us trend
Shorter than the proposals and reusable
Tweets are short and we're asking for a thoughtful appreciation.
WeAreFedora2017 WeAreFedora27 Fedora Short and helps us trend WeAreFedora Shorter than the proposals and reusable
Fedora Short and helps us trend WeAreFedora Shorter than the proposals and reusable
I am +1 for WeAreFedora if we want to go for a reusable hashtag. It was mainly from a metrics point of view that we wanted to add the year or fedora release.
I am -1 for Fedora as a hashtag. People can tag the public Fedora social media account so it can be linked to us. As a hashtag, it can be too noisy - with the fedora hat and different other meanings/ use cases for the word or with generalized fedora tweets.
It depends on how eloquent people want to be. We can suggest people to use multiple social media platforms like Twitter, Google Plus etc. some which offer more writing space than others. Additionally, we can suggest that they can also tweet with URLs if they write blog posts thanking someone with a small intro.
Social media platforms will help us measure the activity and impact without requiring too much infrastructure for this year. However, we need to decide on the platforms and promote them in our CommOps blog post accordingly - for people to use them and for us to be able to measure it later on.
@x3mboy Also suggested having something like a Happiness Packet Challenge during the Fedora Appreciation week to engage more people with the event.
More info - https://blog.justinwflory.com/2017/04/happiness-packets-challenge/
Action items for this ticket as decided in the meeting today: (1) By Oct 2. Suggest and vote on event details like platform for event, hashtag, date etc via ticket. (2) By mid Oct Have a CommBlog post about Fedora Appreciation Week 2017 (3) Event takes place in Novemeber tentatively from Monday, November 6th, 2017 to Sunday, November 12th, 2017
+1 for WeAreFedora
And I suggest "#OneFedorian<3YourWork" for thinks like:
#OneFedorian<3YourWork @bee2502 thanks for helping in ... or #OneFedorian<3YourWork in Commops @jflory7 ...
I know this hashtag is too long but i don't have another idea :grin:
0 for #Fedora is too general
+1 for #WeAreFedora2017
We can suggest people to use multiple social media platforms like Twitter, Google Plus etc. some which offer more writing space than others. Additionally, we can suggest that they can also tweet with URLs if they write blog posts thanking someone with a small intro.
This is a great idea. Even with a longer hashtag, people won't be restricted by the writing space on Twitter.
Metadata Update from @bee2502: - Issue tagged with: meeting
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: meeting - Issue priority set to: no deadline (was: minor (3-4 weeks)) - Issue set to the milestone: Future releases (was: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017))
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 28 (to May 2018) (was: Future releases) - Issue tagged with: Community Blog, FAD, Flock, GSoC, Marketing, meeting
Discussed at the CommOps 2018 FAD.
We revisited Fedora Appreciation Week and mapped out a plan to implement a first run in 2018. The emphasis during the FAD was to create a realistic, short-term plan to launch the event this year.
(A more detailed timeline is on the Etherpad linked at the top.)
Discussed in 2018-02-19 meeting.
@bee2502 drafted the Appreciation Week template and we approved it during the meeting.
I plan to add the template to the contributor-stories repo next. I need to learn how to do this.
@bt0dotninja volunteered to write a draft post to introduce the contributor stories. The article should have three pieces and be somewhere between 300-500 words:
A first draft is due by Monday, Feb. 26, 2018.
This is keeping us to our timeline discussed in the FAD for February.
<img alt="commops-feb-timeline.png" src="/fedora-commops/issue/raw/files/16da8702a92b83964c8f988215feb99e2f66a9c49c6dd4d1c85ae1954d1cde5b-commops-feb-timeline.png" />
here the first (and quick) draft:
I will update it after the meeting when i have a more clear idea about how to submit the story and his format
P.D: sorry for the delay :disappointed:
Discussed in 2018-03-19 meeting.
@bt0dotninja wrote an introduction to the contributor stories idea for Fedora Appreciation Week, as mentioned above. Please review the draft and share any feedback on the article here in this ticket.
Any requests for feedback are due by our next meeting on Monday, March 26, 2018. After that, we will schedule it for publishing.
I need to add the story submission template to the contributor-stories repository. Someone who files an issue (i.e. story) on the repo will see the template. I aim to do this by next week's meeting, so this will not block the contributor stories intro article.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: Flock, Marketing, help wanted - Issue assigned to jflory7 - Issue priority set to: critical (next week) (was: no deadline)
Discussed in 2018-03-26 meeting.
We briefly revisited this today. We still have the same two actions as above to move forward.
@bt0dotninja will share a request for review on the CommOps mailing list this week.
The template and a README for the repository are both due on Monday, April 2, 2018.
I passed up this task because I have a lot on my plate now (I still need to ship the FAD report and CommOps Year in Review). @wesleyotugo and @bt0dotninja are tag-teaming to add the template from the Etherpad into the contributor-stories repository.
There is documentation on how to do this in Pagure. Both @wesleyotugo and @bt0dotninja should have access to do this.
@x3mboy is also going to submit a PR to the contributor-stories repo to add a README.
Both the template and the README are due to be complete by the next CommOps meeting on Monday, April 2, 2018.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue assigned to wesleyotugo (was: jflory7) - Issue set to the milestone: Future releases (was: Fedora 28 (to May 2018))
@jflory7 @pingou Template for Issues does not work, i.e it does not show up when creating a new issue
@wesleyotugo @pingou @jflory7 @bt0dotninja I have added the template as reflected in the etherpad. Please retest.
@bex Thanks! this works now. How did you do it?
Please see: https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/usage/ticket_templates.html
Tested (Works) Many thanks @bex @wesleyotugo
The ticket template is live – the ball is back in my court to review @bt0dotninja's article to announce the contributor stories.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue assigned to jflory7 (was: wesleyotugo)
Discussed in 2018-04-02 meeting.
Oops, I forgot to comment here this morning. In the meeting, we mostly did a quick check-in on this ticket.
The repo for collecting contributor stories is now set up and ready to collect new stories.
@bt0dotninja finished the draft and it is pending review. I'm hoping to review this week.
I made some edits to the Contributor Stories draft and it looks good to me. I changed a few things:
Would we want to publish this later this week or the next?
+1, great job @bt0dotninja
+1 I also revamped this article to create the README file in the Contributor's Stories' Pagure
Discussed in 2018-04-23 meeting.
The Contributor Stories introduction is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at 08:30 UTC. Feedback can be incorporated before the publishing time. When published, it will be available here:
Discussed in 2018-04-30 meeting.
The contributor stories introduction article publishes Tuesday, May 1, 2018. To support the article, we will do extra outreach to help make the article more visible.
I will help with Twitter and rounding up some others to socialize the post on Facebook / G+ / etc.
@jonatoni will help with Instagram.
@bt0dotninja will write an email to the announce@lists.fp.o mailing list.
We will do this outreach at the end of this week (e.g. Friday, May 4) or at the start of next week. Fedora 28 releases tomorrow, May 1st, so it's unlikely anything we share tomorrow will be seen.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018) (was: Future releases)
We're entering into July now. Below is the original plan we made for the summer at 2018 CommOps FAD:
<img alt="Fedora Appreciation Week - July/August calendar from 2018 CommOps FAD" src="/fedora-commops/issue/raw/files/9cfc3cf88d24a4047c0f64e5cdf01c0834d6bab1695db0871162500ec7560ca6-Screenshot-2018-7-1_commops-fad-2018_Etherpad.png" />
We know the Perceval GSoC plugin is no longer possible by Flock. We've spent a lot of time developing and promoting Contributor Stories. As of now, we have collected seven, which is enough to use as examples and promote them further. If we can double the number of contributor stories by November, I think we will be in excellent shape.
Otherwise, for now, I think it is best to focus on the actual logistics and orchestration of Appreciation Week. We want to grow awareness inside and outside the Fedora community about Appreciation Week. Also, having it be a talking point at Flock would also be helpful to get additional buy-in from other contributors outside our team.
A while back, I was actioned to write a new article about Fedora Appreciation Week on the Community Blog. I plan to publish this in July (I'd like to time it close to Flock so it will hopefully be fresh on peoples' minds at the conference too).
I started a draft on Google Docs for now. I'm going to make a start on the article there and then ask for feedback as I make progress. Once we are happy with the content, we can move it into the CommBlog.
Setting a deadline for this by Sunday, July 22, 2018.
The next meeting should focus around the logistics of Appreciation Week. Think of it like this: what is our game plan for Monday, November 5, 2018 (Day 1 of Appreciation Week)? How do we kick off the event? What things should be in place by then to ensure the launch is a success?
Maybe even more importantly… what is success? What does it mean? Knowing what we are aiming for will help us keep on track as we move closer.
Unrelated, I just noticed this year will be the 15th anniversary of Fedora – sweet!
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: GSoC
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: type - Community Blog, type - FAD - Issue tagged with: team - commops, type - Flock
this ideas were brainstormed in the 2018-07-30 meeting
I just put this here for documentation and posterior discussion purposes :smile:
Discussed at Flock 2018 and in 2018-09-03 meeting.
At Flock, we reviewed and updated our roadmap / timeline for Fedora Appreciation Week this year and reviewed collaboration possibilities with the Marketing team.
The updated roadmap is below. The shortest-term goals for August/September are to complete the following:
Stretch goals include:
<img alt="Roadmap of Fedora Appreciation Week 2018 planning activities" src="/fedora-commops/issue/raw/files/baa95a0f73e68f0683067aa807db2fee1d9c37df70a8e3d628eb6b191863719c-Screenshot_2018-09-03_fedora-commops-flock-2018-session_The_GNOME_Etherpad.png" />
To keep to the timeline, we should do the following:
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue tagged with: help wanted
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: next meeting (was: needs review) - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 30 (to May 2019) (was: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018))
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: next meeting
A final draft of the FAW announcement article (Say thank you this November during Fedora Appreciation Week) is available on Google Docs. Please review the draft and leave any feedback before Thursday, Sept. 13. It will be scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 18.
The announcement was ported to the Community Blog (see the preview here). Thanks everyone who reviewed the draft. The article is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2018 at 08:30 UTC.
I've filed tickets against the required designs and the badge.
Design ticket - https://pagure.io/design/issue/615
Badges ticket - https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/647
Discussed in 2018-09-19 meeting.
In the meeting, we discussed the idea of using Nuancier to run a community submission contest for photos to submit. Pictures would show Fedora community members or past Fedora events (anything people want to share that shows what Fedora is). People can vote for their favorites and we can feature them on the CommBlog during Appreciation Week.
@bt0dotninja is going to look into configuring / running this. I'm going to help start a conversation with pingou on how we can make this possible.
I really like the community photo idea
See related PR #185 to add a new page for Fedora Appreciation Week. Feedback and review welcome in the PR.
Discussed in 2018-09-26 meeting.
Today's check-in was short. We're waiting for follow-up on the design tickets and to discuss using Nuancier with @pingou. A common header for CommBlog posts during Appreciation Week needs to be done but may slip into October (based on our timeline).
Otherwise, everything seems to be on track.
Discussed in 2018-10-03 and 2018-10-10 meetings.
It would be great to use Nuancier and we still want to investigate its use for the future, if possible, but getting to the bottom of model release agreements and whether we could use it (per @duffy's comments) isn't something I think we will solve this month.
For reference, @nb shared this blog post on street photography do's and dont's. It might be helpful to revisit whenever we do pick up this conversation again.
As a short-term compromise, we started a new Discourse thread to solicit photos from people to use on the Community Blog. We'll see what kind of reactions we get from this thread.
I am actioned to get drafts of the contributor story excerpts ready by the end of the month. Then, we can schedule and forget during the actual FAW week.
Some quick updates of recent changes:
A Fedora Magazine article draft was submitted to the editors yesterday (see preview here). Aiming to publish during week of Oct. 29.
Note to self: Featured image currently uses the logo-in-progress by the Design Team. Need to update the featured image once logo is completed (I went ahead and did it now because I'm traveling for the next week and won't have time until next Tuesday).
The first contributor story CommBlog article is drafted. This draft would publish on Day 1 of FAW. It includes excerpts from submitted stories. See more on Discourse.
I also asked a few others to write a Contributor Story. Hopefully we can get a few more.
@terezahl and @duffy are currently working on the Fedora Appreciation Week logo and a working version is now available. See design#615 for more info.
@jflory7 should we close design#619? also, the model release form issue isn't nuancier specific.
@duffy Sorry I haven't replied there yet. It won't happen this year but I want to revisit using it in the future and you left a lot of helpful feedback. I want to archive this somewhere so we don't forget your comments in the future, but I haven't figured out where to put your feedback yet.
Discussed in 2018-10-31 meeting. See Discourse thread for more detail.
We've done our due diligence and most of the work this week is following up on final remaining action items. Straight from the meeting notes:
I drafted and scheduled five days of Contributor Stories on the CommBlog and scheduled tweets on the @fedora Twitter account to go along with them after they publish.
Here are the public preview links for each day's post. If you notice anything off, please let me know in this ticket before publishing time:
I read through them. Fantastic work @jflory7 I appreciate all of the hardwork that went into making this happen!
Discussed in 2018-11-14 meeting.
We did it!! Thanks to everyone who has been a part of this year’s first-ever Appreciation Week and helped make it a success. Thank you! ¡Gracias!
Please share feedback for this year's FAW on this Discourse thread.
The thread is above is acting as our retrospective for this year's event. Next up, Fedora Appreciation Week 2019! :wink:
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: help wanted
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