#4 Improving visibility of Code of Conduct
Closed: Duplicate 7 years ago Opened 8 years ago by jflory7.

Discussed in 2016-08-09 meeting.


It was noted the Code of Conduct should be more visible and even clearly tied to be followed in order to contribute to Fedora.


The Code of Conduct is important for Fedora, and it basically boils down to two big points:

  • Be considerate
  • Be respectful

In my eyes, it's a fairly low ask, and 99% of the time, I don't feel like this ever an issue. But communicating the presence of the Code of Conduct is important in terms of establishing early on in a newcomer's contributor experience that the CoC is to be followed in order for you to contribute to Fedora. At present, this can be inferred but isn't clearly stated or implied when beginning in the project.

One possible solution would be to link the Code of Conduct and have someone registering for a FAS account agree to follow it. Another alternative would be to have a greater presence of the CoC during the registration process or in FAS, in general.

I'm not as clear on direction for this one and would be interested to hear other team member's thoughts on this topic about how to improve visibility. Perhaps @meskarune can offer some thoughts from her experiences in Arch Linux Women.


  1. Discuss how and where to improve Code of Conduct visibility.
  2. Reach out to development teams for including links / adding functionality.
  3. ???

One possible solution would be to link the Code of Conduct and have someone registering for a FAS account agree to follow it. - I have seen and experienced people just click on "I agree" button to get the process done quickly :)
So , I am not sure how helpful it will be.

I think we should target the wider audience here, we can go for blog posts, include it as the topic of the events talks on diversity.
A fedora magazine post or community blog post will help to spread the awareness.
Time to time reminders on the mailing lists will also be helpful.
I was thinking to have/make some videos on the diverse people of Fedora like "The Show" videos. May be, we can include COC in the video as well.

I will be happy to work on some of these items, Please let me know if ideas are welcomed and can be worked upon.


Ubuntu currently has people agree to follow their CoC in order to contribute. I think it makes it much harder for someone to argue against rules if they have already said they agree to abide by them.

It is an issue that people agree to things without reading, but maybe you could have a little CoC test. If someone passes they get a badge. Stack Overflow gives points to people who read through the community rules. You have to spend a certain amount of time on the page.


Onboarding in general might actually be easier if fedora had a tour or introduction page for new users to orient them.

I have expanded on the idea of the code of conduct in our Diversity FAD goals.

Also, I really, really, really love the idea of having a badge for reading the Code of Conduct!! If there would be a smart way we could integrate some kind of badge interactivity / completion into fedmsg, I think this would be a powerful and effective way for improving the CoC visibility. It would be an easy badge to get, and I think a lot of people would read it or review it to get the badge. But we also want to make sure people actually read the CoC and not just scrollscrollscrollclickclickclick and get the badge.

Maybe this is something that would be best fit into Hubs. It's hard for me to say for certain… I don't want to say "make another app!!" unless we really have to. Maybe @duffy or @ralph could offer some pointers on this one (or point to others who would be able to offer advice or help)!

@jflory7 , so here are few action items, which can be done (I am trying to understand it -
1. Open a badge ticket for fedora design team for reading the CoC, if we don't want to people just do scrollscrollscrollclickclickclick and get the badge - Should we have a questionnaire and completing the questionnaire will make you eligible for the badge?

  1. Write a post - in magazine or community blog?

  2. Make CoC posters and using them at the time of events?

We can discuss more in the meeting on this,


Badge: I think a badge proposal would make sense after we have a way to effectively automate how it is awarded. For now, I think we would have to look at some sort of custom solution to do this. I'm not sure who the best person to ping on this would be, but some discussion / Q&A on the idea in #fedora-apps is probably a good starting place to see if we can get this sort of functionality. If not a page, then we should look into some kind of questionnaire app.

Posts: I think it would be reasonable to make posts on the Fedora Community Blog, and maybe some a "pointer" post on the Magazine as well. Helping promote the CoC and the core of what it's about (being excellent to each other) is something we can definitely tidy up into a pretty and short message. I think we should maybe do 1-2 articles on the Community Blog first, and then we could have a shorter article on the Magazine that directs some traffic over to the CommBlog posts.

Posters: This is something we could start requesting now, actually. I think if we generate some key points of information to put on the poster, we could open a Design Team ticket ASAP. This would be a great thing to try to have by the next major Fedora event, which by my watch is FUDCon Phnom Penh.

Thanks @jflory7 :)

Badge - I would like to merge some Q/A on CoC to earn a badge. I will start a conversation on #fedora-apps for this. Agree? :)

Posts - Shared a post with you @jflory7 and @tatica .

Posters - content on the poster can be CoC - the 2 asks
Be considerate
Be respectful
and the contact information in case of violation like diversity adviser and team or local organizer.
if agree with the above, I will open a ticket with this content. :)

also @jflory7 , I will send mail to FUDCon Phnom Penh organizers pointing them to the posters when ready, so that they can use it.


I've tried writing this comment twice, but my comment keeps being eaten up. :disappointed: If this is a double-post, I apologize in advance…

Badge: Agreed! I would say you would be good to go ahead and start doing some research into the possibilities of generating a fedmsg hook for "reading" a web page and/or completing a questionnaire. Hopefully some others in #fedora-apps will be able to come up some ideas for this too.

Posts: Thanks for writing! I just reviewed the post and made a call for feedback on the mailing list. Hopefully @mattdm and @bex can also offer some insight to that post too.

Posters: I think that should be fine, but I think it might be best to wait to file the ticket until we discuss the topic in a meeting, just so we can make sure we cover the right info right when we file the ticket. This might also be something to get Marina's feedback on too.

@jflory7 @amsharma

I wasn't sure how to submit suggestions on the article as it was shared read-only. Therefore I put the article into this etherpad. http://etherpad.osuosl.org/gEd6j1IEX0 My suggestions are green. Text in square brackets are notes/comments.

One thing I tried to do was to eliminate the use of regulatory language like "rules" or "regulations." This kind of language can cause confusion in some cultures and create feelings of censorship. By using the language of the CoC, "guidelines," I think we create a post that is more understandable.

I would like to hear @tatica weigh in on this post as it falls squarely in her wheelhouse :).

@bex thank you very much for your feedback, much appreciated.
Now waiting for @tatica , then we are ready to push @jflory7 :)

@amsharma Did you find out anything about the possibility of interactive page / Q&A form to get a badge for reading a page, like the Code of Conduct?

@jflory7 ah not yet, I am behind on this one. A blog is out on this. Can I use any existing badge for this and to get the interactive page, should I take help from infra team? A pagure ticket for infra will work? And the page should contain COC only? or we should some questionnaire too, if yes for questions, can we work on some questions firts? too many questions haha... So ball is again in your court now ;)

@jflory7 do you mean something like making sure that they've read the thing? Randomly placed in-text sentence with generated code from their fas-accountname. The secret is foo2asdf. I've met with this and its really effective way to make people read rules or whatever, before letting them into whatever they want to get into..

To claim a badge for reading my comment, enter a secret found in the text:


@rhea liked the idea. But more than that, as @meskarune mentioned about questions/tests will make it more suitable?

It came up in channel that we may want to improve visibility of the Fedora Code of Conduct in the IRC Code of Conduct page, or possibly merge the two together. For later discussion…

FAD discussion - File a ticket in the Council Pagure to consider adding a revision to the FAS3 account sign-up to ask new accounts to agree to the Code of Conduct and prompt existing accounts to agree to following it

We have / are discussing this idea during the first ever Fedora Diversity FAD. Here is a summation of our discussions for improving visibility of the Code of Conduct.

Action items

  • File a ticket in the Council Pagure to consider adding a revision to the FAS3 account sign-up to ask new accounts to agree to the Code of Conduct and prompt existing accounts to agree to following it
  • Discover if fedmsg hook can be created for a zodbot / Limnoria alias command (i.e. .thank command)

Some more things when we have a chance to revisit…

Fedora Appreciation Day discussion

Part of the discussion that we had during the FAD was about the Fedora Appreciation Day discussion that originated in CommOps. The end objectives of rolling that into this ticket is that the Fedora Appreciation Day would implictly reward the types of behavior that we would like to encourage among our contributors (and is suggested by the CoC) in a more interactive and engaging method than taking a quiz or reading a policy.

We developed some further ideas to enhance the original proposal for the Appreciation Day, which will be shared further into the ticket there. We encourage cross-team collaboration to work together on fleshing out the details and making this a first-time event for 2017.

Fedora contribution award

During the FAD, we discussed having a way for awarding positive behavior that we want to encourage contributors to act around the year. This became a discussion item after Amita and Brian introduced the existing Red Hat employee awards system that they can use to send a nomination or e-thanks to another employee


Here's some of the goals we would want to accomplish with an award like this:

  1. Encourage thanking
  2. Publicly recognize thanking
  3. Tied to Fedora Appreciation Day by "rolling up" the thanks from the year


Tied to the goals, here is what the implementation would look like…

  1. Encourage thanking
    • Thanking a specific type of action
    • Idea of the Four Foundations categories that someone can give an award to someone else under
  2. Publicly recognize thanking
    • Badge (for the Four Foundations) and sentence describing the reason that the person received the badge
  3. Tied to Fedora Appreciation Day by "rolling up" the thanks from the year
    • Showing them off at the end of the year
      • "Look at all of the amazing things people have done throughout the year!"
    • End result could be giving a physical token of appreciation to contributors (e.g. a t-shirt)
      • Item awarded based on a static criteria (e.g. x number of thanks get a sticker, x number of thanks get a t-shirt, but at least one thanks gets a sticker)

One fear of this is avoiding comparing physical tokens / prizes among contributors. Some people make contributions in areas in ways others don't often see. A single, uniform prize might be best for this approach

Other concerns we had about this if we want to have a limit on the number of badges / thanks someone could give in a set period (annually or release cycle). Additionally, we were also wanting to be aware that some people want to give an anonymous thanks to other users. We also thought a minimum character limit would be helpful to encourage someone to write something meaningful.

Potential badges mockup

This will require a specific ticket to Tahrir and review by Sayan. We'll bring it to them soon, but for now, see the attached whiteboard mockups of how this might look. Obviously, it needs refinement. Each number corresponds to the 1-2-3 goals listed above.

  • File a ticket in the Council Pagure to consider adding a revision to the FAS3 account sign-up to ask new accounts to agree to the Code of Conduct and prompt existing accounts to agree to following it
  • Discover if fedmsg hook can be created for a zodbot / Limnoria alias command (i.e. .thank command)

I think we should follow up on these actions in our next meeting, and also try to move forward on some of the long-term vision for the Badges implementation side of things.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: None (was: 10)

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: 30

7 years ago

File a ticket in the Council Pagure to consider adding a revision to the FAS3 account sign-up to ask new accounts to agree to the Code of Conduct and prompt existing accounts to agree to following it
Discover if fedmsg hook can be created for a zodbot / Limnoria alias command (i.e. .thank command)

I think we should follow up on these actions in our next meeting, and also try to move forward on some of the long-term vision for the Badges implementation side of things.

Are these action items done Justin, I would like to help here with your guidance if possible?

@jflory7 Please drop a comment here before next meeting,

During next meeting, we should discuss if we want to close this ticket and open one specific to Appreciation Day/Week along with the one in CommOps already.

Link to CommOps Fedora Appreciation Day ticket : https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/92

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue priority set to: urgent (1-2 weeks) (was: normal (3 -4 weeks))
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

@bee2502 I'm going to be working on moving the Appreciation Week comments in this ticket to a new CommOps ticket (and closing #92 there) to put a fresh start on all of the things we discussed in CommOps about this and also during the FAD.

However, before this ticket is closed, I think one more important action item to complete here (especially now that the Council is beginning to work on this):

  • File a ticket in the Council Pagure to consider adding a revision to the FAS3 account sign-up to ask new accounts to agree to the Code of Conduct and prompt existing accounts to agree to following it

@jflory7 New ticket from council is here - https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/105 , we can comment in that ticket.

Okay, once @jflory7 's action item is complete, we can close this.

I wanted to share a link [1] to show how Wikimedia handles this situations and how someone can report his/her problem. Also they have the Code of Conduct Committee [2] which is a team of five trusted individuals with diverse affiliations responsible for general enforcement of the Code of conduct for Wikimedia. Committee members are in charge of processing complaints, discussing with the parties affected, agreeing on resolutions, and following up on their enforcement.

[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct
[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct/Committee

Metadata Update from @amsharma:
- Issue close_status updated to: Duplicate
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

Appreciation Week

The new ticket for Fedora Appreciation Week discussion can be found here.


Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 26 (to June 2017) (was: Fedora 26)

6 years ago

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