#800 Fedora Community Outreach Survey Taker Badge
Opened 3 years ago by marianab. Modified a year ago

Badge description :
Create a badge for Community Survey Takers

Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is
awarded for certain kinds of activities:

1) What are those activities?

Taking a survey to help provide feedback on community health

2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers? veterans?
users? sponsors?)
"You took a Fedora Community Survey!"

3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?)
- to help improve Fedora community outreach & overall community health

4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?)
- This should be happening yearly minimally, so we should make this into a series.

5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the console?
by using a web interface?)
- It will be done using a survey platform

Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
- A clipboard with paper/check marks and numbers counting up for number of surveys completed 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 - can remix this artwork: https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/585

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Custom field artwork adjusted to None
- Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None
- Issue tagged with: outreachy-2021

3 years ago

Hey @marianab ! I have an idea for this badge. Contributions can be celebrated as small victories, so for every contribution a MILESTONE badge can be given.
I thought of a panda standing on a sphere(like earth) with the fedora logo , or even a mountain like this, andhe has a victory flag stuck in the ground. Kind of like this. https://images.app.goo.gl/emTKEf6M4WmPtZ4K6
Every 5th (or every other) contribution by the receiver can be rewarded with another different style of badges, so that it excites them to work for the next level of badge.
Another idea is of a panda racing , he has just reached the finishing line first and is the winner. Ex- https://images.app.goo.gl/azDM775ZgHuLYCKu7
Do tell me if these sound interesting, I would like to work on these. :)

Hi @marianab @somya23 @sayaksarkar I updated the ticket description to reflect what we need for this badge. Because we have the other ticket for the TTF member and artwork is started there, lets focus this badge on survey taking.

Here is another idea for the art:
- A panda sitting and taking a survey, this artwork could be remixed: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/107

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue tagged with: artwork - needed, difficulty - easy

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue untagged with: difficulty - easy
- Issue tagged with: difficulty - intermediate

3 years ago

@riecatnor Now the need for the artwork looks pretty specific, thanks for helping in this! How is this design for reference? I saw the one which you referred but I think taking a survey didn't need much paperwork and it would look much better with a clipboard holding panda, wearing a tie with colors reflecting fedora. Do tell me your thoughts on this. 😊😍

@somya23 that idea is cute!! I would say go for it! Crop it to the top half of the figure (waist and up). Looking forward to what you come up with :)

@riecatnor Hey, Sorry I took some time in this, due to covid, our exams had been shifted and it has been a bit hectic. 😥
I designed this completely in inkscape, the Beizier tools works like magic for me!! 😍❤
I understood few of the mistakes I did in "How Do You Fedora" video series issue and rectified them here. -https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/798


Hi @somya23 you are hitting it off with badges, love that :D Also, so glad you are getting into inkscape, its a lot of fun for me too! This is really cute, though I think there are some adjustments that would help make it more "Badge-y":
- Make sure you are using the Fedora & Fedora badges palette for your artwork, found here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/badges/design-badges/
- I would say choose a background pattern from the resources link I posted in the last line
- Remove the bubble shadow from the bubble object, we don't have this on any other badges, so it would make it stand out quite a bit
- Remove the gradient from the panda ears and style them more like other badge art found here: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/famsco-member
- The paws look a bit off. The one on the left can be pretty much round :) Here is a nice example of a panda holding a pencil: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/working-a-beat-beat-writer-ii
- Try some of the colors from the palettes for the clip board, maybe a purple with a grey clip?
- Move your panda down just a little bit so it's head is more centered in the design
Looking forward to the next draft!

Hey! @riecatnor Haha, thanks! I saw that there were many open issues so I tried my hand at as many as I could. Got to have so much fun playing around, lol. 😁😛
I am loving inkscape I must say.❤ I have worked on two softwares majorly- adobe illustrator(for vector art) and autodesk sketchbook (for scalar art). I felt that it is less complex than illustrator and has more features than sketchbook (sort of a comfortable middle ground and an awesome software for quick learners.)🤩

Anyways, I made a few changes, keeping up with the suggestions given. Looking forward to your feedback.

@mahnoor123 thanks for starting work on this! A couple recommendations for you:
- Right now the artwork has a lot going on. Remember these are generally viewed at a small size, so we try to make them as simple as possible while still getting the concept across. Based on this, you may want to rethink the composition
- The panda on the right side looks like it got smooshed! Make sure to hold "ctrl" while resizing objects to ensure they keep their aspect ratio
- We try not to include the Fedora unless it makes a lot of sense, I don't think we need it in this design

@somya23 nice improvements! I have a couple notes for your next iteration:
- Panda head is huge and arms are tiny! I would make the head a bit smaller, and the arms a bit rounder :)
- Give the panda some space at the top
- The clipboard is still kind of hard to understand. I think you might need to use a light color with a dark outline and simplify it a little bit.. check out this one: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fedora-respins-tester-i

Looking forward to the next drafts :)

@riecatnor Hey so I am made the updates. Sorry, I am taking some time, I want to make new drawings and not just use the old SVG files completely, as this way, new character designs could be made and also, that would be a good way for me for learning Inkscape. :D Hope you like this.


Hey peeps! Thanks for all the work here, comments below :)

@somya23 lookin' good. I have some recommendations for you:
- I like the addition of the numbering, but it is really hard to read. I would add it into the design somewhere else, styling it like this: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/i-voted%3A-fedora-36
- The arms need a little bit more love, I would try simplifying them by removing nodes, smoothing the nodes, and adjusting them to smooth out the bumps and lumps :)
- The paw on the left side looks tiny! Make that paw bigger to match the size of the panda :)

Hi @dhairya15 nice start! I have some notes for your next draft:
- Make sure to use the template and don't adjust anything, export at 256x256 pixels
- I think the yellow is just so so here.. I would try out a different color for the background
- Add in numbering

Hi @sunidhikashyap this is cute :) I have some recommendations:
- I would take a look at the guidelines, and make sure to use the template, exporting at 256x256 pixels.
- Increase the stroke on your panda
- Try a different color for the background
- Add in numbering
- The pencil is nice, but a bit small. I would enlarge it, maybe leave it there or try a different spot depending on how it looks

@mahnoor123 nice work! I have some notes for you:
- The lines and the check marks on the clipboard are a bit small. Simplify this. The orange is also clashing with the background and is difficult to see, I would make it grey.
- That is a huge pencil :P I think you can reduce that a bit and add a stroke to help it stand out
- Add in numbering

Looking forward to the next drafts, thanks everyone :)

Hey @dhairya15 I like the second version better, nice work!

There are a lot of nice drafts here, though I think I am leaning towards the panda taking the survey concept. I took @somya23 last draft and made some small changes.

What do folks think of this?


@riecatnor Thanks for liking my work and improving it too! Sorry I had been away, had some covid-19 related family emergency. Everything's fine now. :)
I see that you fixed the arms of the panda, hehe, mine looked like a gym-going weightlifter, you did great work on that!! 😍❤
It looks really lovely now! The only thing I'll suggest is fixing the pink rays, they look a bit unorderly? Let me try and revert to you soon! cheers!

This badge has been pushed - https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/community-survey-taker-i

@siddharthvipul1 & @riecatnor have the badge award authorizations. Please let me know if you need some information update on the badge.

Metadata Update from @sayanchowdhury:
- Issue close_status updated to: pushed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Custom field external_requirements adjusted to on
- Custom field has_complete_yaml adjusted to on
- Custom field has_description adjusted to on
- Custom field has_name adjusted to on
- Custom field needs_manual_award adjusted to on
- Custom field triaged adjusted to on
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

3 years ago

Hi @dhairya15 perfect! Thanks

@sayanchowdhury or whoever else, please push these when you get a chance :) thank you!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue untagged with: artwork - needed
- Issue tagged with: artwork - approved, ready to push

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @smeragoel:
- Issue untagged with: difficulty - intermediate, outreachy-2022

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue untagged with: artwork - approved, ready to push
- Issue tagged with: artwork-needs-improvement, category - community, difficulty - easy, outreachy-2022

2 years ago

Hi there- I am working on the Annual Contributor Survey with @bookwar and we discussed this badge. Because this badge was made for the Annual Survey and the responses are anonymous, we think that having a series of 1, 5, 10, 15 etc isn't feasible. At some point we thought we could aggregate survey responses, but that is also problematic because of the anonymous factor. Instead, we would like this be a yearly badge for the Annual Contributor Survey.

What needs to be done:
- Update the old artwork to say "2021"
- Push the new art in place of the old for the current badge
- Once we have the 2021 badge, let's update that for "2022"
- Push the new artwork and give award rights to @bookwar @siddharthvipul1 @riecatnor

The survey will run for the month of June so it would be great to get this all completed by mid-May. Thanks!

hi @smeragoel @riecatnor, I would like to start work on this issue!

- Hi, the task at hand is only to update the artwork based on @riecatnor's last comment. Also, I'd suggest you look at the Badges Style Guide and documentation to help you get started: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/badges/design-badges/

- Go ahead, you can start working on this badge. Looking forward to your work!

Thank you @smeragoel!
I have worked on the badge and made the desired changes. Attaching the files below for review @smeragoel @riecatnor
I have made the badge for 2021 currently. Based on feedback I will make the desired changes and then make one for 2022 as well!
Thank you :blush:

Hi, @riecatnor @smeragoel I tried my hands on this one.

@zohamid It hasn't been assigned to anyone yet. I hope you do not mind

I have pushed the new badge and have authorized all of us mentioned.
I have not edited the 2021 badge yet

Issue tagged with: AW: needed

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue untagged with: AW: needed, AW: needs improvement, outreachy-2023
- Issue tagged with: AW: approved

a year ago

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