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to build base-runtime module, we are using manually created f26-modularity tag which groups RPMs needed to bootstrap the base-runtime module which is later used as a base module for other modules.
This f26-modularity tag is quite old and it has been created before we even deployed MBS to prod by following rel-eng tickets:
This tag is supposed to be F26 only and therefore we would like to have similar tag to bootstrap base-runtime using the rawhide packages (that's the long-term goal).
Therefore I would like to kindly ask rel-engs to create module-bootstrap-master tag, which would:
We are using "module-bootstrap-master" name instead of "rawhide-modularity", because it fits to current "module-" prefixed namespace of modules better.
Just fyi, I would also like to rename f26-modularity to module-bootstrap-f26 to make the purpose of this tag clear, but this is something we have to do in sync with change in PDC.
Metadata Update from @mohanboddu: - Issue tagged with: meeting
Discussed here: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2017-05-15/releng.2017-05-15-14.31.html
For docs on modularity, see https://docs.pagure.org/modularity/
The original MBS doc is here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Factory2/Focus/MBS
I'm not quite understanding the requests for documentation here. It feels very procedural, as if we are doing a strict waterfall methodology with rel-eng signoff required upfront — or else randomly gating things at the end. Rel-eng is obviously a stakeholder, but that heavyweight process doesn't feel right for Fedora.
I see that tags like f26-gnomeor f27-ocaml are generally created with very little effort; maybe a few questions about timeframe, but no cross-examination about the need for OCAML in Fedora at all or anything like that. Can't this be that easy — or, easier, since Modularity is a Council objective?
Okay, we now have a draft of the Host and Platform Fedora 27 Change Proposal. The Release Engineering review is tracked under #6815.
The Host and Platform wiki page describes the new concept, how it differs from Base Runtime and what the Bootstrap module is used for.
I'll just reiterate what's been said already -- here, during the meetings or our last week's call:
Thanks in advance.
We have created a module-bootstrap-rawhide tag that inherits from module-package-list, there is currently no packages tagged in at all
Thank you!
Ah, it's rawhide, not master... well, that's okay.
Please, tag the following secure boot packages into the new tag: releng#6823
Metadata Update from @mohanboddu: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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