
WaiverDB is a companion service to ResultsDB, for recording waivers against test results.

Quick development setup

Install dependencies:

$ sudo dnf builddep waiverdb.spec

Run the server::

$ cp conf/ conf/
$ DEV=true python waiverdb/ run -h localhost -p 5004 --debugger

Migrate the db::

$ DEV=true python waiverdb/ db upgrade

The server is now running at http://localhost:5004 and API calls can be sent to http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0. All data is stored inside /var/tmp/waiverdb_db.sqlite. You can verify the server is running correctly by visiting http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0/about.

Adjusting configuration

You can configure this app by copying conf/ into conf/ and adjusting values as you see fit. It overrides default values in waiverdb/

Running test suite

You can run this test suite with the following command::

$ py.test tests/

To test against all supported versions of Python, you can use tox::

$ sudo dnf install python3-tox
$ tox

Building the docs

You can view the docs locally with::

$ cd docs
$ make html
$ firefox _build/html/index.html

Viewing published fedmsgs

You can view fedmsgs published when new waivers get created by doing::

$ fedmsg-relay --config-filename fedmsg.d/ &
$ fedmsg-tail --config fedmsg.d/ --no-validate --really-pretty

WaiverDB CLI

WaiverDB has a command-line client interface for creating new waivers against test results. A sample configuration is installed as /usr/share/doc/waiverdb/client.conf.example. Copy it to /etc/waiverdb/client.conf and edit it there. Or you can use --config-file to specify one.

Usage: waiverdb-cli [OPTIONS]

  Creates new waivers against test results.


      waiverdb-cli -r 123 -r 456 -p "fedora-26" -c "It's dead!"

  -C, --config-file PATH      Specify a config file to use
  -r, --result-id INTEGER     Specify one or more results to be waived
  -p, --product-version TEXT  Specify one of PDC's product version
  --waived / --no-waived      Whether or not the result is waived
  -c, --comment TEXT          A comment explaining why the result is waived
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.