taskotron / resultsdb

Created 8 years ago
Maintained by tflink
ResultsDB is a results store engine for (not only) Fedora QA tools  |  http://docs.resultsdb20.apiary.io
Members 5
FrantiĊĦek Zatloukal committed 2 years ago



The current repository where this project lives on is here: https://github.com/release-engineering/resultsdb

logo of ResultsDB

What is ResultsDB

ResultsDB is a results store engine for (not only) Fedora QA tools. The API documentation can be found at http://docs.resultsdb20.apiary.io/.


Quick development setup

First, clone the repository.

Then, setup a virtual environment for development:

$ sudo dnf install python-virtualenv python-pip
$ virtualenv --system-site-packages env_resultsdb
$ source env_resultsdb/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you encounter any installation issues, it's possible that you don't have gcc and necessary C development headers installed to compile C extensions from PyPI. Either install those based on the error messages, or install the necessary packages directly to your system. See requirements.txt to learn how.

Install the project:

$ python setup.py develop

Initialize your database:

$ DEV=true ./init_db.sh

Run the server:

$ DEV=true python runapp.py

The server is now running with a very simple frontend at http://localhost:5001. API calls can be sent to http://localhost:5001/api/v2.0. All data is stored inside /var/tmp/resultsdb_db.sqlite.

Adjusting configuration

You can configure this app by copying conf/settings.py.example into conf/setting.py and adjusting values as you see fit. It overrides default values in resultsdb/config.py.

Using with libtaskotron

You might want to use this tool together with libtaskotron. To use your own ResultsDB server in libtaskotron, edit /etc/taskotron/taskotron.yaml and set the following value::

resultsdb_server: http://localhost:5001/api/v2.0

You might also need to adjust reporting_enabled and report_to_resultsdb, depending on your local settings.

Using real-life data from Fedora Infra dumps

Sometimes, you might want to check some performance tweaks with real-life data. The easy solution might be using our daily dumps and a Postgres instance in Docker::

docker run --name postgres_resultsdb -e POSTGRES_USER=resultsdb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=resultsdb -d -p 65432:5432 postgres
wget https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/db-dumps/resultsdb.dump.xz
xzcat resultsdb.dump.xz | docker exec -i postgres_resultsdb psql -Uresultsdb

Then just change your config (for DEV environment, you can use conf/settings.py file) to contain this db connector::

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql+psycopg2://resultsdb:resultsdb@localhost:65432/resultsdb'

And run as usual.

Running test suite

You can run the test suite with the following command::

$ tox

Note, that in order for some of the tests to work properly, tox is configured to spin-up PostgreSQL in a docker container using the tox-docker plugin, which needs to be installed separately. The best option probably is::

$ pip install --user tox-docker
$ pip3 install --user tox-docker

Should you, for some reason avoid docker, you could run the following command (with virtualenv active)::

$ NO_CAN_HAS_POSTGRES=sadly pytest

To use tox-docker with podman without requiring root, you can use tox-podman.sh script that wraps tox::

$ ./tox-podman.sh -e py39


If you're trying to deploy ResultsDB, you might find some helpful instructions in the Fedora infra docs.