lholecek / greenwave

Forked from greenwave 6 years ago


Greenwave is a service to decide whether a software artifact can pass certain gating points in a software delivery pipeline, based on test results stored in ResultsDB and waivers stored in WaiverDB.

Quick development setup

Set up a python virtualenv:

$ sudo dnf install python-virtualenv
$ virtualenv env_greenwave
$ source env_greenwave/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Install the project:

$ python setup.py develop

Run the server:

$ python run-dev-server.py

The server is now running at http://localhost:5005 and API calls can be sent to http://localhost:5005/api/v1.0.

Adjusting configuration

You can configure this app by copying conf/settings.py.example into conf/setting.py and adjusting values as you see fit. It overrides default values in greenwave/config.py.

Running test suite

You can run this test suite with the following command::

$ py.test greenwave/tests/

To test against all supported versions of Python, you can use tox::

$ sudo dnf install python3-tox
$ tox

Building the docs

You can view the docs locally with::

$ cd docs
$ make html
$ firefox _build/html/index.html