WaiverDB is a companion service to ResultsDB, for recording waivers against test results.
The fastest way to setting up development environment is to install
docker-compose or podman-compose and use make up
to provision required
containers and use make test
to run tests or make coverage
to generate and
open coverage report.
As alternative to using containers, below are steps to set up development environment on local machine.
Install dependencies:
$ sudo dnf builddep waiverdb.spec
Configure Postgres on the local machine, with a waiverdb
$ sudo dnf install postgresql-server $ sudo postgresql-setup --initdb $ sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql $ sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER $ createdb waiverdb
Create a local configuration file:
$ cp conf/settings.py.example conf/settings.py
Populate the database:
$ PYTHONPATH=. DEV=true python3 waiverdb/manage.py db upgrade
Run the server:
$ PYTHONPATH=. DEV=true python3 waiverdb/manage.py run -h localhost -p 5004 --debugger
The server is now running at http://localhost:5004 and API calls can be sent to
http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0. All data is stored in the waiverdb
database on the local machine. You can verify the server is running correctly
by visiting http://localhost:5004/api/v1.0/about.
You can configure this app by copying conf/settings.py.example
and adjusting values as you see fit. It overrides default
values in waiverdb/config.py
You can run this test suite with the following command::
$ py.test-3 tests/
The test suite will drop and re-create a Postgres database named
. By default, it expects to have superuser access to Postgres on
the local machine.
To test against all supported versions of Python, you can use tox::
$ sudo dnf install python3-tox $ tox
You can view the docs locally with::
$ cd docs $ make html $ firefox _build/html/index.html
You can view fedmsgs published when new waivers get created by doing::
$ fedmsg-relay --config-filename fedmsg.d/config.py & $ fedmsg-tail --config fedmsg.d/config.py --no-validate --really-pretty
WaiverDB has a command-line client interface for creating new waivers against test
results. A sample configuration is installed as /usr/share/doc/waiverdb/client.conf.example
Copy it to /etc/waiverdb/client.conf
and edit it there. Or you can use --config-file
to specify one.
Usage: waiverdb-cli [OPTIONS] Creates new waivers against test results. Examples: waiverdb-cli -r 47 -r 48 -p "fedora-28" -c "This is fine" or waiverdb-cli -t dist.rpmdeplint -s '{"item": "qclib-1.3.1-3.fc28", "type": "koji_build"}' -p "fedora-28" -c "This is expected for non-x86 packages" Options: -C, --config-file PATH Specify a config file to use. -r, --result-id INTEGER Specify one or more results to be waived. -s, --subject TEXT Deprecated. Use --subject-identifier and --subject-type instead. Subject for a result to waive. -i, --subject-identifier TEXT Subject identifier for a result to waive. -T, --subject-type TEXT Subject type for a result to waive. -t, --testcase TEXT Specify a testcase for the subject. -p, --product-version TEXT Specify one of PDC's product version identifiers. --waived / --no-waived Whether or not the result is waived. -c, --comment TEXT A comment explaining why the result is waived. -h, --help Show this message and exit.