#485 `request-branch`: detect existing branch
Merged 2 years ago by onosek. Opened 2 years ago by onosek.
onosek/fedpkg existing_branch  into  master

file modified
+26 -12
@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ 


  import pkg_resources

  import six

+ from pyrpkg import rpkgError

+ from pyrpkg.cli import cliClient

  from six.moves import configparser

- from six.moves.configparser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError, ConfigParser

+ from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError

  from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlparse


  from fedpkg.bugzilla import BugzillaClient

- from fedpkg.completers import (build_arches, list_targets,

-                                fedpkg_packages, distgit_branches)

+ from fedpkg.completers import (build_arches, distgit_branches, fedpkg_packages,

+                                list_targets)

  from fedpkg.utils import (assert_new_tests_repo, assert_valid_epel_package,

                            config_get_safely, do_add_remote, do_fork,

                            expand_release, get_dist_git_url,

-                           get_fedora_release_state, get_release_branches,

-                           get_stream_branches, is_epel, new_pagure_issue,

-                           sl_list_to_dict, verify_sls)

- from pyrpkg import rpkgError

- from pyrpkg.cli import cliClient

+                           get_fedora_release_state, get_pagure_branches,

+                           get_release_branches, get_stream_branches, is_epel,

+                           new_pagure_issue, sl_list_to_dict, verify_sls)


  RELEASE_BRANCH_REGEX = r'^(f\d+|el\d+|epel\d+)$'

  LOCAL_PACKAGE_CONFIG = 'package.cfg'
@@ -1063,12 +1063,13 @@ 




+             anongiturl=self.cmd.anongiturl,




      def _request_branch(logger, service_levels, all_releases, branch,

                          active_branch, repo_name, ns, no_git_branch,

-                         no_auto_module, name, config):

+                         no_auto_module, name, config, anongiturl):

          """ Implementation of `request_branch`.


          Submits a request for a new branch of a given dist-git repo.
@@ -1094,6 +1095,8 @@ 

              used.  Typically the value of `self.name`.

          :param config: A dict containing the configuration, loaded from file.

              Typically the value of `self.config`.

+         :param anongiturl: A string with the name of the anonymous git url.

+             Typically the value of `self.cmd.anongiturl`.

          :return: None


@@ -1193,9 +1196,19 @@ 

              ticket_title = 'New Branch "{0}" for "{1}/{2}"'.format(

                  b, ns, repo_name)


-             print(new_pagure_issue(

-                 logger, pagure_url, pagure_token, ticket_title, ticket_body,

-                 name))

+             # check whether the requested branch was already created

+             if b not in get_pagure_branches(

+                 logger=logger,

+                 url=get_dist_git_url(anongiturl),

+                 namespace=ns,

+                 repo_name=repo_name

+             ):

+                 print(new_pagure_issue(

+                     logger, pagure_url, pagure_token, ticket_title, ticket_body,

+                     name))

+             else:

+                 logger.warning('Requested branch "{0}" already exists. '

+                                'Skipping the operation.'.format(b))


              # For non-standard rpm branch requests, also request a matching new

              # module repo with a matching branch.
@@ -1235,6 +1248,7 @@ 

                      no_auto_module=True,  # Avoid infinite recursion.



+                     anongiturl=anongiturl,



      def do_distgit_fork(self):

file modified
+47 -2
@@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ 


  import git

  import requests

+ from pyrpkg import rpkgError

  from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError

  from six.moves.configparser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError

  from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse


- from pyrpkg import rpkgError



  def query_pdc(server_url, endpoint, params, timeout=60):

      api_url = '{0}/rest_api/v1/{1}/'.format(
@@ -234,6 +233,52 @@ 

      return True



+ def get_pagure_branches(logger, url, namespace, repo_name):

+     """

+     Returns list of branches for the repo from Pagure dist-git.

+     :param logger: A logger object

+     :param url: a string of the URL to Pagure

+     :param namespace: a string determines a type of the repository

+     :param repo_name: a string of the repository name

+     :return: a list of branches

+     """

+     api_url = '{0}/api/0'.format(url.rstrip('/'))

+     get_branches_url = '{0}/{1}/{2}/git/branches'.format(api_url, namespace, repo_name)


+     headers = {

+         'Accept': 'application/json',

+         'Content-Type': 'application/json'

+     }

+     try:

+         logger.debug('Pagure API request: {0}'.format(get_branches_url))

+         rv = requests.get(

+             get_branches_url, headers=headers, timeout=60)

+     except ConnectionError as error:

+         error_msg = ('The connection to Pagure failed while getting a list '

+                      'of branches from Pagure. The error was: {0}'.format(

+                          str(error)))

+         raise rpkgError(error_msg)


+     base_error_msg = ('The following error occurred while getting a list  '

+                       'of branches from Pagure: {0}')


+     try:

+         # Extract response error text (and debug data)

+         rv_json = rv.json()

+         logger.debug("Pagure API response: '{0}'".format(rv_json))

+         rv_error = rv_json.get('error')

+     except (ValueError, AttributeError):

+         rv_error = rv.text


+     if not rv.ok:

+         # When specific namespace has no branches, API returns error "Project not found".

+         # Do not fail. Return "no branches found" instead.

+         logger.debug(base_error_msg.format(rv_error))

+         return ()


+     return rv_json.get("branches", ())



  def get_release_branches(server_url):


      Get the active Fedora release branches from PDC

file modified
+109 -11
@@ -913,17 +913,25 @@ 

          with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

              return self.new_cli(name=name, cfg=cfg, user_cfg=user_cfg)


+     @patch('requests.get')



      @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

-     def test_request_branch(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post):

+     def test_request_branch(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post, mock_request_get):

          """Tests request-branch"""

          mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

                                   'epel': ['el6', 'epel7']}


+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.ok = True

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {"branches": ["f25", "f26", "main", "rawhide"]}

+         mock_request_get.return_value = mock_rv


          mock_rv = Mock()

          mock_rv.ok = True

          mock_rv.json.return_value = {'issue': {'id': 2}}

          mock_request_post.return_value = mock_rv


          # Checkout the f27 branch

          self.run_cmd(['git', 'checkout', 'f27'], cwd=self.cloned_repo_path)

@@ -932,6 +940,8 @@ 

          cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)



+         self.assertEqual(1, mock_request_get.call_count)


          expected_issue_content = {

              'action': 'new_branch',

              'repo': 'testpkg',
@@ -949,13 +959,47 @@ 


          self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)


+     @patch('requests.get')

+     @patch('requests.post')

+     @patch('fedpkg.cli.get_release_branches')

+     @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

+     def test_request_existing_branch(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post, mock_request_get):

+         """Tests request-existing-branch"""

+         mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

+                                  'epel': ['el6', 'epel7']}


+         # branch 'f27' already exists and there is no POST request sent to Pagure (it would create

+         # an issue)

+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.ok = True

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {"branches": ["f25", "f26", "f27", "main", "rawhide"]}

+         mock_request_get.return_value = mock_rv


+         # Checkout the f27 branch

+         self.run_cmd(['git', 'checkout', 'f27'], cwd=self.cloned_repo_path)


+         cli_cmd = ['fedpkg-stage', '--path', self.cloned_repo_path,

+                    'request-branch']

+         cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)

+         cli.request_branch()


+         self.assertEqual(1, mock_request_get.call_count)

+         mock_request_post.assert_not_called()


+     @patch('requests.get')



      @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

-     def test_request_branch_override(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post):

+     def test_request_branch_override(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post, mock_request_get):

          """Tests request-branch with an overridden package and branch name"""

          mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

                                   'epel': ['el6', 'epel7']}


+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.ok = True

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {"branches": ["f25", "f26", "main", "rawhide"]}

+         mock_request_get.return_value = mock_rv


          mock_rv = Mock()

          mock_rv.ok = True

          mock_rv.json.return_value = {'issue': {'id': 2}}
@@ -966,6 +1010,8 @@ 

          cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)



+         self.assertEqual(1, mock_request_get.call_count)


          expected_issue_content = {

              'action': 'new_branch',

              'repo': 'nethack',
@@ -1010,6 +1056,8 @@ 

          cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)



+         self.assertEqual(2, mock_request_get.call_count)


          expected_issue_content = {

              'action': 'new_branch',

              'repo': 'sudoku',
@@ -1040,15 +1088,17 @@ 

          """Tests request-epel-branch-override"""

          mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

                                   'epel': ['el6', 'epel7', 'epel8']}

-         mock_rv = Mock()

-         mock_rv.ok = True

-         mock_rv.json.return_value = {'issue': {'id': 2}}

-         mock_request_post.return_value = mock_rv


          mock_rv = Mock()

          mock_rv.ok = True

          mock_rv.json.return_value = {"arches": [], "packages": {}}

          mock_request_get.return_value = mock_rv


+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.ok = True

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {'issue': {'id': 2}}

+         mock_request_post.return_value = mock_rv


          # Checkout the epel7 branch

          self.run_cmd(['git', 'checkout', 'epel7'], cwd=self.cloned_repo_path)

@@ -1077,13 +1127,20 @@ 


          self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)


+     @patch('requests.get')



      @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

-     def test_request_branch_module(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post):

+     def test_request_branch_module(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post, mock_request_get):

          """Tests request-branch for a new module branch"""

          mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

                                   'epel': ['el6', 'epel7']}


+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.ok = True

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {"branches": ["f25", "f26", "main", "rawhide"]}

+         mock_request_get.return_value = mock_rv


          mock_rv = Mock()

          mock_rv.ok = True

          mock_rv.json.return_value = {'issue': {'id': 2}}
@@ -1112,12 +1169,20 @@ 


          self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)


+     @patch('requests.get')



-     def assert_request_branch_container(self, cli_cmd, mock_grb, mock_request_post):

+     def assert_request_branch_container(self, cli_cmd, mock_grb, mock_request_post,

+                                         mock_request_get):

          """Tests request-branch for a new container branch"""

          mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

                                   'epel': ['el6', 'epel7']}


+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.ok = True

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {"branches": ["f25", "f26", "main", "rawhide"]}

+         mock_request_get.return_value = mock_rv


          mock_rv = Mock()

          mock_rv.ok = True

          mock_rv.json.return_value = {'issue': {'id': 2}}
@@ -1157,15 +1222,28 @@ 

                     '--repo', 'nethack', '--namespace', 'container', 'f27']



+     @patch('requests.get')




      @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

      def test_request_branch_sls(self, mock_verify_sls, mock_grb,

-                                 mock_request_post):

+                                 mock_request_post, mock_request_get):

          """Tests request-branch with service levels"""

          mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

                                   'epel': ['el6', 'epel7']}


+         responses = []

+         mock_rv_get = Mock()

+         mock_rv_get.ok = True

+         mock_rv_get.json.return_value = {"branches": ["f25", "f26", "main", "rawhide"]}

+         responses.append(mock_rv_get)

+         mock_rv_get = Mock()

+         mock_rv_get.ok = False

+         mock_rv_get.json.return_value = {'error': 'Project not found', 'error_code': 'ENOPROJECT'}

+         responses.append(mock_rv_get)

+         mock_request_get.side_effect = responses


          responses = []

          for idx in range(2, 5):

              mock_rv_post = Mock()
@@ -1180,6 +1258,7 @@ 

          cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)



+         self.assertEqual(2, mock_request_get.call_count)

          # Get the data that was submitted to Pagure

          output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()

          # Three bugs are filed.  One for the rpm branch, and one for a new
@@ -1247,13 +1326,23 @@ 


          self.assertDictEqual(expected_issue_content, actual_issue_content)


+     @patch('requests.get')



      @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

-     def test_request_branch_all_releases(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post):

+     def test_request_branch_all_releases(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post, mock_request_get):

          """Tests request-branch with the '--all-releases' option """

          mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

                                   'epel': ['el6', 'epel7']}


+         get_side_effect = []

+         for i in range(1, 4):

+             mock_rv = Mock()

+             mock_rv.ok = True

+             mock_rv.json.return_value = {"branches": ["main", "rawhide"]}

+             get_side_effect.append(mock_rv)

+         mock_request_post.side_effect = get_side_effect


          post_side_effect = []

          for i in range(1, 4):

              mock_rv = Mock()
@@ -1268,6 +1357,8 @@ 

          cli = self.get_cli(cli_cmd)



+         self.assertEqual(3, mock_request_get.call_count)


          for i in range(3):

              expected_issue_content = {

                  'action': 'new_branch',
@@ -1431,13 +1522,20 @@ 

          with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, rpkgError, expected_error):



+     @patch('requests.get')



      @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

-     def test_request_with_repo_option(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post):

+     def test_request_with_repo_option(self, mock_grb, mock_request_post, mock_request_get):

          """Test request branch with option --repo"""

          mock_grb.return_value = {'fedora': ['f25', 'f26', 'f27'],

                                   'epel': ['el6', 'epel7']}


+         mock_rv = Mock()

+         mock_rv.ok = True

+         mock_rv.json.return_value = {"branches": ["f25", "f26", "main", "rawhide"]}

+         mock_request_get.return_value = mock_rv


          mock_rv = Mock()

          mock_rv.ok = True

          mock_rv.json.return_value = {'issue': {'id': 2}}

Prevent opening an issue for 'fedora-scm-requests' team to create
a new branch when the branch already exists.

Fixes: #481

Signed-off-by: Ondrej Nosek onosek@redhat.com

Pull-Request has been merged by onosek

2 years ago