#70 Distribution of Fedora Women Stickers
Closed: Complete 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by bee2502.

Currently, distribution of Fedora Women stickers needs to be approved by D&I team which is one more task for event organizers.

This is a proposal to allocate certain amount of FW stickers to regions every FY which can they be shipped to event organizers along with their swag request.

Given the upcoming changes in Ambassadors/Mindshare, I encourage this ticket to be generalized to:

Proposal: Allocate a certain amount of FWD stickers to events to be allocated by Mindshare. Stickers to be paid for by Diversity.

Given the upcoming changes in Ambassadors/Mindshare, I encourage this ticket to be generalized to:
Proposal: Allocate a certain amount of FWD stickers to events to be allocated by Mindshare. Stickers to be paid for by Diversity.

+1 for your proposal @bex

Given the upcoming changes in Ambassadors/Mindshare, I encourage this ticket to be generalized to:
Proposal: Allocate a certain amount of FWD stickers to events to be allocated by Mindshare. Stickers to be paid for by Diversity.

+1, however it would be great if we can see how many stickers were used by region or event. It can help us decide the sticker allocation for next year and also identify target outreach events. If there is an internal log for this, great! If not, it's not a barrier.

it would be great if we can see how many stickers were used by region or event. It can help us decide the sticker allocation for next year and also identify target outreach events. If there is an internal log for this, great! If not, it's not a barrier.

This should be possible in most cases

Discussed in 2018-04-27 meeting.

Agreed: Annual allocation of stickers to Mindshare

We approved @bex's suggestion of allocating an amount of stickers to the Mindshare Committee each fiscal year (FY). This simplifies distribution and makes the awesome stickers more accessible to more people.

The metrics @bee2502 suggested would be helpful to have for planning.

Logistics for this FY

We didn't have time in the meeting to discuss how this affects logistics for this FY. Do we want to allocate some stickers to Mindshare now? Or is it easier to share all amounts with Mindshare since the stickers are mostly used for events already?

We can discuss this in IRC or at the next meeting.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: budget
- Issue priority set to: by next meeting (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018)
- Issue tagged with: approved

6 years ago

For now, I am using this ticket as justification to ship 70 FWD stickers to OSCAL

Discussed in 2018-05-04 meeting.

Distribution for this FY after OSCAL

This ticket is blocked. We need to determine how many stickers to transfer to Mindshare for this fiscal year. We decided we would do this after OSCAL since we will use some there. We will revisit this ticket in late May or June.

To "transfer" the stickers, we need to tell @bex how many to transfer and he will work on the logistics for that.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: next meeting
- Issue tagged with: meeting

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: approved, meeting
- Issue priority set to: by next release cycle (was: by next meeting)
- Issue tagged with: blocked

6 years ago

On what factors we need to decide the number of stickers to be handed over to mindshare? I think it should be according to the number of Fedora diversity events through out the year?

@amsharma We can always print more if we finish our stock which I think is highly likely. We can start with a small fixed amount like 500 (for Mindshare now) and print more as we go.

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue untagged with: blocked
- Issue tagged with: needs feedback, next meeting

6 years ago

I think this is time we can unblock and decide on a number. 1000 seems good to start with. What others think? Please vote in the ticket as this can be done offline.

I need to know will mindshare ship these stickers to the FWD organizers too for this year? If that is the case then we can increase the number.

@amsharma We agreed to allocate 500 stickers to Mindshare now and print more as we go in meeting on 2018-06-15. This does not include FWD stickers.


Last year, we shipped the stickers directly from stickermule. I think we should decide if we ship them directly or through Mindshare depending on budget and other logistics.

  • I dont think we have enough stickers in the reserve for all FWD, so we need to print more. Direct shipping via stickermule might be easier in that case.
  • If we send some other Fedora swag too, I think shipping it through Mindshare might be easier.

But I think this should be a separate discussion on FWD ticket.

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback, next meeting

6 years ago

This process can now be coordinated on Mindshare ticket: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/27
I am closing this ticket.

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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