#136 Virtual Fedora Women's Days
Closed: complete 4 years ago by jflory7. Opened 4 years ago by nasirhm.

Proposal for Virtual Fedora Women's Day

Due to situations caused by COVID-19 we won't be able to have any in-person Fedora Women's Day and I would like suggest to utilize the situations caused by this pandemic and as July 15 is close, let's celebrate Women in Fedora virtually.

The mindshare committee is also working on planning to help organize virtual release parties for F32. How about doing something similar for Fedora Women's Day to engage and empower more women in Fedora.

What do others think about Virtual Fedora Women's Day ?

We should definitely do it. Most young women in tech from our country are unaware of Fedora 32 too. This way they'll get to know about it and will be encouraged to contribute to the community as well :)

Thanks @nasirhm and @hirat for launching this discussion!

In the team chat today, we discussed a "global FWD" that we could run around Flock/Nest. @bt0dotninja also pointed out that usually "global" means "English only". So it would be a cool opportunity if we could find Language Leaders to help facilitate a virtual FWD in different languages across different time zones.

I would be happy to co-facilitate an English FWD in a NA/LATAM-friendly time zone.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: needs review (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: needs feedback, new change, type - budget, type - events, type - outreach

4 years ago

+1 to Virtual FWD.

I am not sure what you mean by running around FLOCK/ NEST. Will it be on the same days? If so, then as an attendee, it might get confusing if one should attend the FLOCK sessions or FWD ones. It might be too much for attendees interested in both, if it is just before/after NEST/FLOCK.

Also, another thing to logistically consider is that FLOCK/NEST is just a month away and it might be difficult to organize FWD in that short span of time i.e. getting and reviewing FWD proposals. I also think having some more time in planning FWD can help us improve on some of the pain points previous FWD organizers mentioned in @nikhilkathole's survey like better outreach about the events.

Also, maybe we can plan to have some fun games and preplanned questions to boost interaction like suggested in Mindshare ticket for Virtual Release Parties. Some possible questions could be - What interests you about open source/Fedora? Which areas in Fedora are you interested in contributing to?

This is a good point. Usually we use Flock as a chance to finalize FWD planning. I think it is better not to rush it and to be consistent with previous years. Flock will take a lot of energy and time too.

I like the idea of planning more interactive activities. Would we want to propose FWD 2020 organizer calls for Flock, to help coordinate with others to brainstorm new ideas for this year? (I have already proposed one session for Fedora D&I, so looking out if anyone else could submit to the CFP for this one! :smile: )

+1 from me as well. I don't think we have time to do FWD same dates as Flock, but we should start planning now. Therefore we should start with creating the organizing team that will:

  • decide on the dates
  • go through last year/s feedback and improve things for this year
  • open call for local FWD organizers
  • improve the event organizer pack
  • other things that will come up :) (such as help local organizers to find speakers, FWD badge, event reports, metrics etc)

It will be easier to have a "global" organizing team that will work on all this topics and start planning FWD'20. @nasirhm @hirat @orionstar25 @bee2502 @jflory7 would you like to be part of the team? I will help too :raised_hand:

@jonatoni Count me in on the squad !! ^^

I can help with some things related to improvements based on previous feedback.. but I dont have the bandwidth to dedicate myself fully to the team because of the exams.. However, we have so many interested folks that I am sure we will have a succesful FWD 2020 :)

Nice to see the idea is being accepted. We may want to send a ping/mail to the previous year participants to check if they can participate in doing virtual FWD.

@amsharma +:100: also, I feel we can open this session to community organziers who want to organize a FWD? They can drop by and ask any questions they have.

@bee2502 +1 . We can plan to write a blog post or plan to send mails to reach out to wider audience.

@amsharma Sounds good, How about calling for volunteers/organizers on a CommBlog post along with a Mailing list thread on D&I Mailing list ?

@nasirhm sounds good. Do you want to take the lead on writing/publishing the commblog post? We can publish it once the time and date for our session has been announced.

@bee2502 I would love to take the lead on writing/publishing of the Comm Blog post.

Metadata Update from @nasirhm:
- Issue assigned to nasirhm

4 years ago

Hey @nasirhm, thanks for picking this up! Do you think you can get a draft ready by Monday? We can aim to publish this on the CommBlog next Tuesday with the help of @bcotton.

Hey @jflory7 , Sorry, I was away the past days due to Eid holidays at my side, I will get the draft ready today.

here's the draft in Public preview: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=9110&preview=1&_ppp=2d833444d0

Kindly review for me to create a discourse thread to get it published.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: next meeting (was: needs review)

4 years ago

Based on our conversation in today's meeting and a forthcoming meeting with GNOME, we should talk about the RFP process in our next scheduled meeting.

Discussed in 2020-09-10 meeting.

We actually did not explicitly cover this ticket in the meeting, but we followed up in #122 (resource pack) and #156 (FWD planning survey). I think these are the main current focuses, so check those tickets for more updates!

Ok! We now have access to HopIn. We are sharing this account with the Open Source Program Office at Red Hat, which supports other open source communities as well. That means we need to request dates in advance for access. There is no limitation on number of the events, the limitation comes from the organizer spots within the platform. There are 10 spots. From my experience with Nest with Fedora, an event of that size can be managed with 3-5 organizers pre-event and during.

This is the info we will need to gather from event organizers to request dates.

Hopin Platform Event Intake Form
Thank you for your interest in using the Hopin platform for your upcoming event.

This form will be reviewed by the Mindshare Committee and they will provide feedback and/or vote on the event. The forms will then be submitted for date accessibility. Once the request has been approved, Mindshare Committee will reach out to you to start coordinating your use of the Hopin platform.

Primary Event Manager

Additional Event Managers

Event Name

Brief Description of the Event

Date(s) + Time(s) of the Event (72 hour max)

Please include start + end time (72 hour max)

Estimated registrations for the event
Note: Hopin charges per registration not per attendee.

Hopin defines organizers as those people who are working on the back-end to set-up the event. Note: we are limited to 8 or 9 organizers total, which will need to be shared among events that are being coordinated in Hopin during the same time frame. Organizers are also those who have administrator access on the day of the event to help moderate and troubleshoot.

How many members of your planning team will need to be coded as organizers in the system pre-event?

How many members of your team will need to be coded as organizers in the system during the event?

Are you using Hopin for your event registration? If no, what platform are you using for registration?

Would you like to contact event attendees after the event? If so, when and what information will you be sharing?

Hi folks! I jumped in to help out and get FWD on track. I hacked this event outline together to try to get things organized. If you want to edit, leave comments, etc, feel free.


Please take a chance to review that before the meeting next week, Thursday 3PM UTC in the fedora-diversity channel, where we will be furthering plans and taking actions on FWD. Look forward to seeing you there!

Have a great weekend :)

Please take a chance to review that before the meeting next week, Thursday 3PM UTC in the fedora-diversity channel, where we will be furthering plans and taking actions on FWD.

@riecatnor Thank you for doing this! I've left some review comments there. :)

Hi all! So, I am closing this ticket as complete given that FWD 2020 happened already with great fun. There are subsequent follow-up tickets on post-FWD feedback and retrospectives (see #122, #156, #175).

Thanks everyone who played a part, small or large, in pulling this year's event off. I have to be honest, back in August I wasn't sure if we could pull it off! But we did, and it is something I think we can all be proud of having accomplished. Can't wait for the videos to follow and for next year's event! :heart:

Closing. :clapper:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback

4 years ago

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