#160 Changing the mouse cursor while pointing to different elements on sidebar
Closed: complete 5 years ago by jflory7. Opened 5 years ago by alishapapun.


Changing the mouse cursor while pointing to different elements on sidebar.


The mouse cursor shows inappropriate pointers when hovered over different components of sidebar. For example over "packets sent" cursor underlines on hover which should not be happening.


Since the side bar contains navigation to different pages and as well as content providing information (like packets sent), it is necessary to make the pointers specific to what they should be. Like instead of using default cursor in the links (like send some happiness packets) we can change it to pointer cursor and removing the underline on"Packets Sent" while hovering.


Better presentability of Sidebar.

I think i understand the nature of this issue, and should not take time to resolve. Thanks

I will like to work on #160 @jflory7

Welcome to Fedora Happiness Packets, @adetola . Well I already have worked on it , and just waiting for the issue to pass so that I can make a PR. Sorry, but can you look for some other issues? Well #100 and #103 are great start.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue assigned to alishapapun
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue set to the milestone: Summer Coding 2019: community bonding
- Issue tagged with: PASSED, difficulty - easy, good first issue, improvement, type - frontend, type - summer coding

5 years ago

@alishapapun Thanks for opening this. I noticed this too actually but forgot to file a ticket. If you already have a PR ready, feel free to send it up. :thumbsup:

Thanks for #168 @alishapapun! I'm closing this ticket as complete. :clapper:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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