#3 Add new card designs and upgrade argument parsing
Merged 4 years ago by bex. Opened 4 years ago by bex.
bex/fedora-business-cards new_designs  into  master

@@ -19,13 +19,12 @@ 




- Command-line interface to business card generator. Takes no arguments; uses

- optparser.OptionParser instead.

+ Command-line interface to business card generator.



  from copy import copy

  import decimal

- import optparse

+ import argparse

  import sys


  from fedora_business_cards import common
@@ -33,104 +32,74 @@ 

  from fedora_business_cards import generators



- def check_decimal(option, opt, value):

-     """

-     Checks that value can be converted to a decimal.Decimal object.

-     """

-     try:

-         return decimal.Decimal(value)

-     except decimal.InvalidOperation:

-         return optparse.OptionValueError("option %s: invalid decimal value: %s"

-                                          % (opt, value))



- class NewOptionClass(optparse.Option):

-     """

-     Replacement Option class for OptionParser that includes decimal type.

-     """

-     TYPES = optparse.Option.TYPES + ("decimal",)

-     TYPE_CHECKER = copy(optparse.Option.TYPE_CHECKER)

-     TYPE_CHECKER["decimal"] = check_decimal



  def main():


      Call this to make things happen.


      # Setup option parser

-     parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_class=NewOptionClass)

-     parser.usage = "%prog [options] GENERATOR"

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

      # General options

-     parser.add_option("--list-generators", dest="showgen", default=False,

-                       action="store_true", help="display list of generators")

+     parser.add_argument("--list-generators", dest="showgen", default=False,

+                         action="store_true", help="display list of generators")

      # Size options

-     size_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Size options")

-     size_group.add_option("--height", dest="height",

-                           default=decimal.Decimal("2"), type="decimal",

-                           help="business card height (default: 2)")

-     size_group.add_option("--width", dest="width",

-                           default=decimal.Decimal("3.5"), type="decimal",

-                           help="business card width (default: 3.5)")

-     size_group.add_option("--bleed", dest="bleed", type="decimal",

-                           default=decimal.Decimal("0"), help="extra space "

-                           "around card, often requested by printers "

-                           "(default: 0)")

-     size_group.add_option("--inch", dest="unit", default="in", const="in",

-                           action="store_const",

-                           help="units are specified in inches (default)")

-     size_group.add_option("--mm", dest="unit", default="in", const="mm",

-                           action="store_const",

-                           help="units are specified in millimeters")

+     size_group = parser.add_argument_group("Size options")

+     size_group.add_argument("--height", dest="height",

+                             default=decimal.Decimal("2"), type=decimal.Decimal,

+                             help="business card height (default: 2)")

+     size_group.add_argument("--width", dest="width",

+                             default=decimal.Decimal("3.5"), type=decimal.Decimal,

+                             help="business card width (default: 3.5)")

+     size_group.add_argument("--bleed", dest="bleed", type=decimal.Decimal,

+                             default=decimal.Decimal("0"), help="extra space "

+                             "around card, often requested by printers "

+                             "(default: 0)")

+     size_group.add_argument("--inch", dest="unit", default="in", const="in",

+                             action="store_const",

+                             help="units are specified in inches (default)")

+     size_group.add_argument("--mm", dest="unit", default="in", const="mm",

+                             action="store_const",

+                             help="units are specified in millimeters")

      # Output options

-     out_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Output options")

-     out_group.add_option("-d", "--dpi", dest="dpi", default=300, type="int",

-                          help="DPI of exported file")

-     out_group.add_option("--pdf", dest="output", default="png", const="pdf",

-                          action="store_const", help="Export as PDF")

-     out_group.add_option("--png", dest="output", default="png", const="png",

-                          action="store_const", help="Export as PNG (default)")

-     out_group.add_option("--svg", dest="output", default="png", const="svg",

-                          action="store_const", help="Export as SVG")

-     out_group.add_option("--eps", dest="output", default="png", const="eps",

-                          action="store_const", help="Export as EPS")

-     out_group.add_option("--cmyk-pdf", dest="output", default="png",

-                          const="cmyk_pdf", action="store_const",

-                          help="Export as PDF with CMYK color (if the generator"

-                          " supports it)")

+     out_group = parser.add_argument_group("Output options")

+     out_group.add_argument("-d", "--dpi", dest="dpi", default=300, type=int,

+                            help="DPI of exported file")

+     out_group.add_argument("--pdf", dest="output", default="png", const="pdf",

+                            action="store_const", help="Export as PDF")

+     out_group.add_argument("--png", dest="output", default="png", const="png",

+                            action="store_const", help="Export as PNG (default)")

+     out_group.add_argument("--svg", dest="output", default="png", const="svg",

+                            action="store_const", help="Export as SVG")

+     out_group.add_argument("--eps", dest="output", default="png", const="eps",

+                            action="store_const", help="Export as EPS")

+     out_group.add_argument("--cmyk-pdf", dest="output", default="png",

+                            const="cmyk_pdf", action="store_const",

+                            help="Export as PDF with CMYK color (if the generator"

+                            " supports it)")


-     # Finish setting up option parser

-     parser.add_option_group(size_group)

-     parser.add_option_group(out_group)

      # Check for generator-specific option groups

+     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(metavar='GENERATOR',dest='generator', required='--list-generators' not in sys.argv)

      for module_name in generators.__all__:


              module = common.recursive_import(

                  'fedora_business_cards.generators.%s' % module_name)

              generator = module.generator

-             option_group = generator.extra_options(parser)

-             if option_group:

-                 parser.add_option_group(option_group)

+             generator.extra_options(subparsers)

          except ImportError:



      # Parse arguments

-     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

+     options = parser.parse_args()


      if options.showgen:

          print("Generators: %s" % ', '.join(generators.__all__))



-     if len(args) != 1:

-         parser.print_help()

-         parser.set_usage(optparse.SUPPRESS_USAGE)

-         parser.error("Exactly one argument (the generator) is required")


      # Import the generator we care abuot


          module = common.recursive_import('fedora_business_cards.generators.%s'

-                                          % args[0])

+                                          % options.generator)

      except ImportError:

-         parser.error("Generator '%s' does not exist or is broken" % args[0])

+         parser.error("Generator '%s' does not exist or is broken" % options.generator)

      gen = module.generator(options)


      # collect information from user if necessary

@@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ 

          return None



- __all__ = ('fedora',)

+ __all__ = ('fedora','fedora-vertical','fedora-horizontal')

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ 

+ ###

+ # fedora-business-cards - for rendering Fedora contributor business cards

+ # Copyright (C) 2012  Red Hat, Inc. and others.

+ # Primary maintainer: Brian Exelbierd <bexelbie@redhat.com>

+ #

+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

+ # (at your option) any later version.

+ #

+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+ # GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #

+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

+ # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

+ # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

+ ###


+ """

+ Generator for the Fedora horizontal business card layout.


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Business_cards


+ https://pagure.io/design/issue/531

+ """


+ import sys

+ import string

+ import importlib.resources as pkg_resources

+ import argparse

+ from decimal import Decimal

+ from getpass import getpass

+ from xml.dom import minidom

+ from builtins import input


+ from fedora_business_cards import __version__

+ from fedora_business_cards import common

+ from fedora_business_cards.generators import BaseGenerator

+ from fedora_business_cards import templates  # relative-import the *package* containing the card templates


+ AccountSystem = \

+         common.recursive_import('fedora.client.fas2', True).AccountSystem


+ FEDORA_LOGO_VIEWBOX = '100 100 707.776 215.080'



+ class FedoraHorizontalGenerator(BaseGenerator):

+     rgb_to_cmyk = {

+             (60, 110, 180): (1, .46, 0, 0),

+             (41, 65, 114): (1, .57, 0, .38),

+             (0, 0, 0): (0, 0, 0, 1),

+             (255, 255, 255): (0, 0, 0, 0),

+     }


+     @staticmethod

+     def extra_options(parser):

+         option_group = parser.add_parser('fedora-horizontal', help='Fedora horizontal business cards')

+         option_group.add_argument('-u', '--username', dest='username',

+                                   default='', help='If set, use a different name'

+                                   ' than the one logged in with to fill out'

+                                   ' business card information')

+         return option_group


+     def collect_information(self):

+         # ask for FAS login

+         print("Login to FAS:")

+         username = input("Username: ")

+         password = getpass()


+         # get information from FAS

+         fas = AccountSystem(username=username, password=password,

+                             useragent='fedora-business-cards/%s' % __version__)

+         if self.options.username:

+             username = self.options.username

+         userinfo = fas.person_by_username(username)


+         # set business card fields

+         self.fields['name'] = userinfo["human_name"]

+         self.fields['title'] = "Fedora Project Contributor"

+         self.fields['lines'] = [''] * 6

+         self.fields['lines'][0] = '%s@fedoraproject.org' % username

+         self.fields['lines'][1] = 'fedoraproject.org'

+         next_line = 2

+         if userinfo['ircnick']:

+             self.fields['lines'][next_line] = '%s on irc.freenode.net' % \

+                     userinfo['ircnick']

+             next_line += 1

+         next_line += 1  # blank line


+         if userinfo['gpg_keyid'] == None:

+             gpg = ''

+         else:

+             gpg = "GPG: %s" % userinfo['gpg_keyid']

+         self.fields['lines'][next_line] = gpg


+         # ask user to edit information

+         def cmdline_card_line(data):

+             return "| %s%s |" % (data, ' ' * (59 - len(data)))


+         done_editing = False

+         while not done_editing:

+             print("Current business card layout:")

+             print("   +" + "-" * 61 + "+")

+             print(" n " + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['name']))

+             print(" t " + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['title']))

+             print("   " + cmdline_card_line(''))

+             for i in range(6):

+                 print((" %i " % i) + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['lines'][i]))

+             print("   " + cmdline_card_line(''))

+             print("   " + cmdline_card_line(''))

+             print("   " + cmdline_card_line('fedora' + ' ' * 19 + \

+                                             'FREEDOM. FRIENDS. '

+                                             'FEATURES. FIRST.'))

+             print("   +" + "-" * 61 + "+")

+             lineno = input("Enter a line number to edit, or [y] to accept: ")

+             if lineno == "" or lineno == "y":

+                 done_editing = True

+             elif lineno in ['n', 't', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']:

+                 newdata = input("Enter new data for line %s: " % lineno)

+                 if lineno == 'n':

+                     self.fields['name'] = newdata

+                 elif lineno == 't':

+                     self.fields['title'] = newdata

+                 elif lineno in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']:

+                     self.fields['lines'][int(lineno)] = newdata


+     def generate_front(self):

+         card_template = string.Template(pkg_resources.read_text(templates, 'fedora-horizontal-front.svg-template'))

+         biz_card = card_template.safe_substitute({'NAME': self.fields['name'],

+                                                   'TITLE': self.fields['title'],

+                                                   'Line0': self.fields['lines'][0],

+                                                   'Line1': self.fields['lines'][1],

+                                                   'Line2': self.fields['lines'][2],

+                                                   'Line3': self.fields['lines'][3],

+                                                   'Line4': self.fields['lines'][4],

+                                                   'Line5': self.fields['lines'][5],

+                                                   })

+         return biz_card


+     def generate_back(self):

+         return pkg_resources.read_text(templates, 'fedora-back.svg-template')


+ generator = FedoraHorizontalGenerator

@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ 

+ ###

+ # fedora-business-cards - for rendering Fedora contributor business cards

+ # Copyright (C) 2012  Red Hat, Inc. and others.

+ # Primary maintainer: Brian Exelbierd <bexelbie@redhat.com>

+ #

+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

+ # (at your option) any later version.

+ #

+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+ # GNU General Public License for more details.

+ #

+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

+ # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

+ # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

+ ###


+ """

+ Generator for the Fedora vertical business card layout.


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Business_cards


+ https://pagure.io/design/issue/531

+ """


+ import sys

+ import string

+ import importlib.resources as pkg_resources

+ import argparse

+ from decimal import Decimal

+ from getpass import getpass

+ from xml.dom import minidom

+ from builtins import input


+ from fedora_business_cards import __version__

+ from fedora_business_cards import common

+ from fedora_business_cards.generators import BaseGenerator

+ from fedora_business_cards import templates  # relative-import the *package* containing the card templates


+ AccountSystem = \

+         common.recursive_import('fedora.client.fas2', True).AccountSystem


+ FEDORA_LOGO_VIEWBOX = '100 100 707.776 215.080'



+ class FedoraVerticalGenerator(BaseGenerator):

+     rgb_to_cmyk = {

+             (60, 110, 180): (1, .46, 0, 0),

+             (41, 65, 114): (1, .57, 0, .38),

+             (0, 0, 0): (0, 0, 0, 1),

+             (255, 255, 255): (0, 0, 0, 0),

+     }


+     @staticmethod

+     def extra_options(parser):

+         option_group = parser.add_parser('fedora-vertical', help='Fedora vertical business cards')

+         option_group.add_argument('-u', '--username', dest='username',

+                                   default='', help='If set, use a different name'

+                                   ' than the one logged in with to fill out'

+                                   ' business card information')

+         return option_group


+     def collect_information(self):

+         # ask for FAS login

+         print("Login to FAS:")

+         username = input("Username: ")

+         password = getpass()


+         # get information from FAS

+         fas = AccountSystem(username=username, password=password,

+                             useragent='fedora-business-cards/%s' % __version__)

+         if self.options.username:

+             username = self.options.username

+         userinfo = fas.person_by_username(username)


+         # set business card fields

+         self.fields['name'] = userinfo["human_name"]

+         self.fields['title'] = "Fedora Project Contributor"

+         self.fields['lines'] = [''] * 5

+         self.fields['lines'][0] = '%s@fedoraproject.org' % username

+         self.fields['lines'][1] = 'fedoraproject.org'

+         next_line = 2

+         if userinfo['ircnick']:

+             self.fields['lines'][next_line] = '%s on irc.freenode.net' % \

+                     userinfo['ircnick']

+             next_line += 1

+         next_line += 1  # blank line


+         # Short GPG is insecure lets omit it

+         #if userinfo['gpg_keyid'] == None:

+         #    gpg = ''

+         #else:

+         #    gpg = "GPG: %s" % userinfo['gpg_keyid']

+         # self.fields['lines'][next_line] = gpg


+         # ask user to edit information

+         def cmdline_card_line(data):

+             return "| %s%s |" % (data, ' ' * (35 - len(data)))


+         done_editing = False

+         while not done_editing:

+             print("Current business card layout:")

+             print("Vertical cards don't hold much data ...:")

+             print("   +" + "-" * 37 + "+")

+             print(" n " + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['name']))

+             print(" t " + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['title']))

+             print("   " + cmdline_card_line(''))

+             for i in range(5):

+                 print((" %i " % i) + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['lines'][i]))

+             print("   +" + "-" * 37 + "+")

+             lineno = input("Enter a line number to edit, or [y] to accept: ")

+             if lineno == "" or lineno == "y":

+                 done_editing = True

+             elif lineno in ['n', 't', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']:

+                 newdata = input("Enter new data for line %s: " % lineno)

+                 if lineno == 'n':

+                     self.fields['name'] = newdata

+                 elif lineno == 't':

+                     self.fields['title'] = newdata

+                 elif lineno in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']:

+                     self.fields['lines'][int(lineno)] = newdata


+     def generate_front(self):

+         card_template = string.Template(pkg_resources.read_text(templates, 'fedora-vertical-front.svg-template'))

+         biz_card = card_template.safe_substitute({'NAME': self.fields['name'],

+                                                   'TITLE': self.fields['title'],

+                                                   'Line0': self.fields['lines'][0],

+                                                   'Line1': self.fields['lines'][1],

+                                                   'Line2': self.fields['lines'][2],

+                                                   'Line3': self.fields['lines'][3],

+                                                   'Line4': self.fields['lines'][4],

+                                                   })

+         return biz_card


+     def generate_back(self):

+         return pkg_resources.read_text(templates, 'fedora-back.svg-template')


+ generator = FedoraVerticalGenerator

@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ 



  import sys

+ import argparse

  from decimal import Decimal

  from getpass import getpass

- from optparse import OptionGroup

  from xml.dom import minidom

  from builtins import input

@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ 



      def extra_options(parser):

-         option_group = OptionGroup(parser, "Options for fedora")

-         option_group.add_option('-u', '--username', dest='username',

-                                 default='', help='If set, use a different name'

-                                 ' than the one logged in with to fill out'

-                                 ' business card information')

+         option_group = parser.add_parser('fedora', help='Fedora original horizontal business cards')

+         option_group.add_argument('-u', '--username', dest='username',

+                                   default='', help='If set, use a different name'

+                                   ' than the one logged in with to fill out'

+                                   ' business card information')

          return option_group


      def collect_information(self):

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ 

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file modified
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ 

      author_email = 'bexelbie@redhat.com',

      url = 'https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Business_cards',


+     include_package_data=True,


      entry_points = {

          'console_scripts': [

              ('fedora-business-cards = '

Finally implement the replacement horizontal and new vertical
designs by @mleonova


Note: This adds SVG templates which we do text replacement on
this has the side effect of making new cards easier

This also moves from optparse to argparse

@pviktori thank you for considering looking at this - any comments appreciated.

And yes - this is a mixed commit

[throwaway@f30-devbox-server ~]$ fedora-business-cards --list-generators
usage: fedora-business-cards [-h] [--list-generators] [--height HEIGHT]
                             [--width WIDTH] [--bleed BLEED] [--inch] [--mm]
                             [-d DPI] [--pdf] [--png] [--svg] [--eps]
                             GENERATOR ...
fedora-business-cards: error: the following arguments are required: GENERATOR

I get this error while trying to list generators available.

rebased onto 3a3cee3

4 years ago

There's a lot of duplicate logic, but the change looks OK to me!

Sorry for the delay; there was work to take care of.

@pviktori thank you for the feedback. I agree that this can probably be deduplicated - but being done now was important to me :)

PRs welcome from anyone, not just you :)

Pull-Request has been merged by bex

4 years ago