Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): - You attended the Fedora Linux 40 Release Party online in May 2024!
Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities:
1) What are those activities? - Register for the virtual event, attend, and find the Badge claim code in the event.
2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers? veterans? users? sponsors?) - Fedora contributors and users around the world.
3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?) - We are celebrating the release of Fedora 41 with lots of great changes from our community
4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?) - once a year
5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the console? by using a web interface?) - Click a URL embedded in the virtual event or scan a QR code in the welcoming remarks
Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
Check out past designs:
F41 release party badge available. <img alt="F41.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/daa1dff933e4e3a477ab1a039b50332a8353bbb7eee7bd4a28e2db5207e89b98-F41.png" /><img alt="F41.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/4ed0b756afe0793f470c6a36531dde66b9190a707b8177192fe0ba7352f22821-F41.svg" />
Metadata Update from @chris: - Custom field artwork adjusted to None - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None
Metadata Update from @chris: - Issue tagged with: AW: needed, C: event, D: easy, T: badge request
If a badge owner is needed, feel free to use me for this (FAS: moralcode) since I have access to the attendee lists for people who registered for the event.
Also @chris Since theres already attached artwork, the AW:needed badge is probably not needed
Thanks for helping with this!
Metadata Update from @chris: - Issue untagged with: AW: needed
You're welcome! Happy to assist. I also edited the tags 👍
The badge has been pushed:
I authorized @moralcode for awarding the badge.
Metadata Update from @gui1ty: - Issue close_status updated to: pushed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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