#43 procedures and process for producing and releasing updated images
Closed None Opened 10 years ago by mattdm.

Right now, cloud images only get mirrored at GA release time. We need to figure out how to ship updates.

At FESCo today, we reviewed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1091299 — the Fedora 21 feature related to this. FESCo agreed that we could keep the feature targeted at F21 if it seems reasonable that we can have something in place by final release (since there are no contingency decisions that affect anything else).

Do we think we can make this happen? (See also https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/51)

From a recent comment in the BZ:

''"We're making some progress on this but I don't think we'll have the releng or automatic QA bits in place by F21 release. I think we still want to do this for F21 during the F21 cycle, but it probably needs to get dropped from the F21 release list."''

Should we refocus this ticket on making this available, but after release?

Replying to [comment:3 dustymabe]:

From a recent comment in the BZ:

''"We're making some progress on this but I don't think we'll have the releng or automatic QA bits in place by F21 release. I think we still want to do this for F21 during the F21 cycle, but it probably needs to get dropped from the F21 release list."''

Should we refocus this ticket on making this available, but after release?

I am okay in moving it after release.

We have decided to focus on this after GA of F21. Removing 'meeting' keyword until then.

Closing this ticket as part of trac clean up process. If you want to reopen, please reopen it after we move to pagure.io as atomic-wg.

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