This is upon us now. Nightly images are here:
This ticket should track any issues/blockers/improvements we need to make to this process.
We need to get the wrong perms on tmp bug fixed so that our 2WA images don't have the problem and so that updating from original F23 released fedora fixes the problem:
Also need to get this docker bug fixed so that we can run atomicapps:
The ostree bug and the docker bug are both fixed and in stable.
We missed this two week release because we were late and because the builder hosts can't build images anymore since being updated to Fedora 23. Two bugs that document this issue:
Note that this bug is fixed in kernel 4.3+ so the rawhide kernels have the fix in them.
Dennis has updated the builder hosts with an unreleased 4.3 kernel and we will see if they can build images now.
Replying to [comment:4 dustymabe]:
Where was that decision discussed and which kernel was used?
The kernel that was used was
Replying to [comment:6 dustymabe]:
fedora-releng is where the discussion took place.
Do you have logs of this that you could provide? Sending them to me privately is fine if needs be. Nobody from the kernel team was involved in this discussion.
Here is the log file from the last 2 days. Search for 4.3 (as in kernel 4.3) and you should find the conversation.
The image builds have been fixed and we released the first 2 week atomic images:
We can probably close this ticket after a couple of iterations.
We will close this ticket after 2 weeks (next release) as decided in the cloud WG meeting.
We had regular 2 week releases in the last few times. Closing this ticket as discussed on the meeting.
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