#117 [VOTE] Make Atomic the primary focus of the Cloud Working Group
Closed None Opened 9 years ago by jzb.

We've discussed on the mailing list:


And in this week's cloud working group meeting in IRC:


I'm asking for a formal vote so we can move forward on some deliverables.


  1. The new primary focus of the WG will be the atomic cloud image.
  2. The cloud base image will remain.
  3. The group will also be looking to improve and reduce the size of the Fedora Docker image.

Since we've got groups together to handle all the moving pieces of this [0], I'm +1 as well.

[0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud#Points_of_Contact

Just to be clear though, "new primary focus" is somewhere in the F24 timeframe [0]. We're not making this change for F23.

[0] Or potentially later if something comes up with the tooling/process.

I'm very squarely +0 on this -- I know we have groups to handle the various pieces, but still I'm afraid we're leaving other things behind if Atomic is our primary focus. And just to be clear -- I'm not against it, just not 100% convinced either.

+1 from me with a note that we should have clear message around the base image, and making sure that the users know that we are not abandoning it.

+1. I would like to include ensuring cluster readiness as part of this.

Hi all,

Closing this vote as passed with 6 +1's (including myself), but note that we need to do some further on defining this for FESCO. I will take that on and create a new ticket, but other hands welcome.

Thanks all!

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