#65 Fedora Ambassador Polo Shirts
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by dramsey.

This APAC Trac Ticket is to help you for getting support.

The item is the Fedora Polo Shirt.

Please, consider if you have "tax" for your arrived shipment. That would make receiving any shipment not worthy.

The current Wiki for reference of the current design is:

All FAms please provide more details on this ticket regarding the producing procedure of Polos

maybe we can produce in regional but same design n same time ? so we can avoid tax

To all APAC FAms: please consider to update your country specific issues at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/APAC_Media_Shipping_Issues

We need to try International Registered Parcel Post instead FedEx, in some countries it is known as EMS I suppose. it should work. Most of the time no tax or very less tax considering the FedEx. It is cheaper too.

Replying to [comment:4 bckurera]:

We need to try International Registered Parcel Post instead FedEx, in some countries it is known as EMS I suppose. it should work. Most of the time no tax or very less tax considering the FedEx. It is cheaper too.

+1. Yes, It's called EMS in Vietnam. It's cheaper and more convenience.

This topic has been discussed much in the last two meetings:

so I would like to reactivated it.

It is available in EMEA and other regions: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt

In the last APAC meeting, somvannda said that producing cost is $7.5 ($7 for over 20 pcs).
I think it is best to try one before producing in batch for all APAC ambassadors.

Here is the original SVG design file: http://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/1/13/FedoraLogo_inverse_ambassador.svg.
It is really appreciated if sarupbanskota and design team can follow this to make sure that the production would be fine.

If you have any ideas, comments or questions, please add here.

somvannda, please check the time and start processing this asap.
Hope we can wear it during the next SFD in Hanoi.

Here is the original SVG design file: http://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/1/13/FedoraLogo_inverse_ambassador.svg.
It is really appreciated if sarupbanskota and design team can follow this to make sure that the production would be fine.

If you have any ideas, comments or questions, please add here.

I'm sorry I have exams on and was unable to respond earlier.

I verified that the paths are closed on this svg, so it should be good to go. Are we going to embroider that design on the arm, and the Fedora logo on the chest?

I have never dealt with a tshirt vendor before, so Somvannda could you please show this svg file to the vendor and ask him/her what else would be needed for it to be produced properly? Does the design file need to be in a specific format, for example? Also, if a different file is required for the chest (this one also contains the logo), just let me know and I'll send you one!


Hi everyone,

In the ticket, I've attached transparent pngs of the stuff we want embroidered. That should avoid any confusion; ideally Somvannda should be able to just pass this on to the vendor and his software should work with the png.

However, if the vendor requires them in another format, please let me know and I'll send them to you.

Replying to [comment:8 sarupbanskota]:

Are we going to embroider that design on the arm, and the Fedora logo on the chest?

Yes. Similar to the whole Polo Shirts produced in EMEA (picture in wiki page)

Hi Sarup and all,

I was asking the vendor and they can do that with 7.5$ if we do it up to 20 T Shirt. If we do more than 20, the price is 7$. If you compare the quality of the Polo T-shirt it would not be as good as in Europe, but it is imported from Thailand, so the quality is acceptable to me.

If you are all agree with this, I will start doing this asap to ensure I can bring it to Hanoi.

Tuan: how much do you want?


Somvannda, in this case, I think you should order one (or two) for you (and me) to see if it is fine enough.
If it is ok, we can produce more (for all active APAC ambassadors) and distribute in FAD PP.

Another idea is order all seven ones for all SFD Hanoi participants (I prefer this one)

Anyway, you need to open a wiki page (or a section in SFD Hanoi wiki page) to get their size.

Mine is Large (L)

somvannda: How long does it take to produce one?

I think it is best to produce only one for you to check the quality. Then if it is fine and there is enough time, we can produce some more for SFD Hanoi participants.

Replying to [comment:14 tuanta]:

somvannda: How long does it take to produce one?

Yep, I have the same concern.

I think it is best to produce only one for you to check the quality. Then if it is fine and there is enough time, we can produce some more for SFD Hanoi participants.

Somvannda, if the vendors interact with you over email, could you send them a copy of the material I've attached here and ask if they expect it in a different form? If they require additional information, I'll send it to you.

would be nice if we produce 10% in addition to the current count of ambassadors.

well, I have already produced one with the $20 price. I will get them today or tomorrow and bring to SFD Hanoi. If we produce more than 20 t-shirt, the price will go back to $7.5.


Somvannda, I've dropped you an email about the format.
Just reminding that we need to speak to the vendor about the logo.

At SFD Hanoi, Somvannda shown one produced in Cambodia but I see that the quality of polo shirt may be not good enough. It contains less cotton so it is a bit hot (while we usually wear it in the whole day at our events)

Now Alick is looking for other vendors in China and I am doing so in Vietnam.

Firstly, we should consider the quality of the shirt; then the stitch quality; then the cost is at last.

We are also working with another vendor here to produce a sample one. I hope it could be finished soon then I can show you. If it is in better quality, I think we can go with this vendor. They quoted just about $5/piece (at the quantity of over 150 pieces)

I just noticed that the t-shirt size page is not linked anywhere in this ticket, so here it is:


I see not any objections up to now and time is coming so we will go with the solution to produce polo shirts in Cambodia.

Regarding to the quantity, there are 34 ambassadors (minus one for Somvannda) registered until now: ‌‌https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014/shirts
so I propose to go with 100, with 34 exact size ones.

For the left ones, we will produce 2/3 in Large size (44) and 1/3 in Medium size (22) then organize a stock in Cambodia to distribute them later.

If there is no major objection by Oct 30th, we will start producing this way.

@Somvannda: please make sure for everything ready at that time. Let me know if you need any support.

just some things,

  • numbers are incorrect, it are already 38 sizes now
  • but for real it are only 37, as Somvannda gets one from EMEA stock
  • we might wait until monday as snavin pushes it right now forward in a good way
  • I am not sure its meant for real XXL for cicku, what leads to the question what to do with the XXL persons

Hello guys,

Everything is ready! I will start producing them this weekend, if there is no objection today.

Kindly regards,

In addition to the 9 tshirts in the wiki, I will also carry 3 of each size extra so that we don't have to spend money shipping the shirts to any future ambassadors.

Hello guys,

I see no objection and it is the deadline now. I will be producing 37 as the size request from the list. and 44 XL, 19 L.

Please agree on these size.


@somvannda: please check out my #comment:21. The approved quantity to produce is 100.

With all no-size ones, we can produce 2/3 in L size and 1/3 in M size.

Finally, this ticket has been done by #157

Metadata Update from @tuanta:
- Issue assigned to tuanta

7 years ago

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