#133 Update OpenShift Dockerfile to conform C3I
Merged 5 years ago by jskladan. Opened 5 years ago by rayson.
taskotron/ rayson/resultsdb update-dockerfile-3  into  develop

file modified
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ 

      WSGIScriptReloading On

      Order deny,allow

      Allow from all

+     Require all granted



  #Alias /resultsdb/static /var/www/resultsdb/resultsdb/static
@@ -15,4 +16,5 @@ 

  #<Directory /var/www/resultsdb/resultsdb/static>

  #Order allow,deny

  #Allow from all

+ #Require all granted


@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ 


  # OIDC Configuration


+ import os

  OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS = os.getcwd() + '/conf/oauth2_client_secrets.json'

  OIDC_AUD = 'My-Client-ID'

  OIDC_SCOPE = 'https://pagure.io/taskotron/resultsdb/access'

file modified
+28 -19
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ 

  # This will produce an image to be used in Openshift

  # Build should be triggered from repo root like:

  # docker build -f openshift/Dockerfile \

- #              --tag <IMAGE_TAG> \

- #              --build-arg resultsdb_rpm=<RESULTSDB_RPM> ./

+ #              --tag <IMAGE_TAG>


- FROM fedora:28

+ FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/f29/httpd:latest


      name="ResultsDB application" \

      vendor="ResultsDB developers" \
@@ -13,24 +12,33 @@ 

      usage="https://pagure.io/taskotron/resultsdb/blob/develop/f/openshift/README.md" \



- # The caller should build a resultsdb RPM package used and then pass it in this arg.

- # Accept both a URL or a local path relative to the build context.

- ARG resultsdb_rpm

- ADD $resultsdb_rpm /tmp

+ USER root

+ COPY ./resultsdb.spec /opt/app-root/src/resultsdb/resultsdb.spec


- RUN dnf -y update \

-     && dnf -y install --setopt=tsflags=nodocs \

-         python-psycopg2 \

-         httpd \

-         mod_wsgi \

-         /tmp/$(basename $resultsdb_rpm) \

-     && dnf clean all \

-     && rm -f /tmp/$(basename $resultsdb_rpm)

+ # install dependencies defined in RPM spec file

+ RUN dnf -y install findutils rpm-build python3-pip python3-mod_wsgi python3-psycopg2 \

+     && rpm --query --requires --specfile ./resultsdb/resultsdb.spec | xargs -d '\n' dnf -y install


- EXPOSE 5001/tcp

- VOLUME ["/etc/resultsdb", "/etc/httpd/conf.d"]

- ENTRYPOINT ["mod_wsgi-express", "start-server", "/usr/share/resultsdb/resultsdb.wsgi"]

- CMD [\

+ COPY . /opt/app-root/src/resultsdb/

+ # install using --no-deps option to ensure nothing comes from PyPi

+ RUN pip3 install --no-deps ./resultsdb


+ # config files

+ RUN install -d /usr/share/resultsdb/conf \

+     && install -p -m 0644 ./resultsdb/conf/resultsdb.conf /usr/share/resultsdb/conf/ \

+     && install -p -m 0644 ./resultsdb/conf/resultsdb.wsgi /usr/share/resultsdb/ \

+     && install -d /etc/resultsdb \

+     && install -p -m 0644 ./resultsdb/conf/settings.py.example /etc/resultsdb/settings.py \

+     && install -p -m 0644 ./resultsdb/conf/resultsdb.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/


+ # clean up

+ RUN rm -rf /opt/app-root/src/resultsdb \

+     && dnf -y autoremove findutils rpm-build \

+     && dnf clean all


+ # EXPOSE 5001/tcp

+ EXPOSE 5001

+ CMD ["mod_wsgi-express-3", "start-server", "/usr/share/resultsdb/resultsdb.wsgi", \

      "--user", "apache", "--group", "apache", \

      "--port", "5001", "--threads", "5", \

      "--include-file", "/etc/httpd/conf.d/resultsdb.conf", \
@@ -39,3 +47,4 @@ 

      "--access-log", \

      "--startup-log" \


+ USER 1001:0

file modified
+1 -6
@@ -6,16 +6,11 @@ 



  $ docker build -f openshift/Dockerfile \

-                --tag <IMAGE_TAG> \

-                --build-arg resultsdb_rpm=<RESULTSDB_RPM> ./

+                --tag <IMAGE_TAG>



  `IMAGE_TAG` is the tag to be applied on the image built.


- `RESULTSDB_RPM` is either the URL of the ResultsDB rpm, or the relative path of

- that rpm *within* the build context.



  Using the container image



  1. Install app from source without building RPM to make it easier to build an image on OpenShift.
  2. Install dependencies from official Fedora repo rather than PyPI
    to comply Fedora policies.
  3. Bump up Fedora version to 29.

Thank you! I'll be merging this shortly

Pull-Request has been merged by jskladan

5 years ago