#20 Taskotron is now EOL
Opened 4 years ago by kparal. Modified 4 years ago

Hello @dodji and @sinnykumari, please know that Taskotron is now EOL:

I archived Taskotron tasks and projects owned by us, by adjusting README file and project description, see e.g. here:

It's up to you what to do with this project, I just want to inform you. Hopefully in the future we (or some other team) will be able to execute abicheck and other tests using Fedora CI, but the support scripts will likely look very different. You have run_abipkgdiff.py in this repo which could be probably reused.

Thanks for working with us in the past, abicheck was one of the very important checks that we executed, it was very useful for Fedora package maintainers.

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