#18 rpmdev-bumpspec does not bump prelease versions optimaly
Opened 12 years ago by vondruch. Modified 9 months ago


If you want to do some pre-release version of package and you use following version line for example:

Release: %{?prever:0.}3%{?prever:.%{prerpmver}}%{?dist}

the rpmdev-bumspec sub-optimally updates the Release to:

Release: %{?prever:0.}3%{?prever:.%{prerpmver}}%{?dist}.1

I know that there is support for several variables [1], such as release or baserelease, so you can use:

%global release 3
Release: %{?prever:0.}%{release}%{?prever:.%{prerpmver}}%{?dist}

However, my proposal to improve packaging guidelines to document this feature [2] was rejected. Would it be possible to improve rpmdev-bumpspec to handle the above mentioned scenario without use of some variables?

Thank you in advance.

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/rpmdevtools/browser/rpmdev-bumpspec#L47 [[BR]]
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/164

I'm not too thrilled about the idea, mainly because this stuff is already pretty hairy, and doing something like this would make it even hairier and the tendency can go on forever, and we don't have a regression test suite.

However, I'm not going to reject the idea offhand, will look into patches if someone submits them. No promises, but extra points for including a test suite in the patch.

Much too often, obscure release tags such as

Release: %{?prever:0.}3%{?prever:.%{prerpmver}}%{?dist}

are of questionable benefit or are evidence of an underlying problem. The author of such spec files touches multiple custom (!) macros when upgrading from/to a pre/post release version of the software.

rpmdev-bumspec recognizes various pre/post release versioning schemes, such as

Release: 0.3.alpha1%{?dist}

and would increase them correctly. The author of such spec files could simply write something like

%global tarver 2.0-alpha1
Version: 2.0
Release: 0.3.alpha1%{?dist}

and also the step from 2.0-alpha1 to 2.0 final would be easy and clear.

Metadata Update from @mschwendt:
- Issue close_status updated to: None

6 years ago

The proper fix for this is to move the weird upstream versioning data out of Release and back into Version, where it belongs.

I had attempted to get this to happen in Fedora with my Versioning proposal, but it fell by the wayside for other matters.

I'd much rather not introduce more complex parsing the Release, especially given how difficult this is to test and the lack of tests as it is...

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue assigned to ngompa (was: scop)

6 years ago

Just adding for reference - python-django suffers from this:

Name:           python-django
%global         pkgname Django
%global         ver 4.1.7
#global         pre ...
%global         real_version %{ver}%{?pre:%{pre}}
Version:        %{ver}%{?pre:~%{pre}}
Release:        1%{?dist}
Summary:        A high-level Python Web framework 


steve@fedora ~/p/python-django (rawhide)> rpmdev-bumpspec --new 4.1.7 -c "Test" -u "test@test.com" python-django.spec
error: line 6: unclosed macro or bad line continuation
error: query of specfile python-django.spec failed, can't parse
steve@fedora ~/p/python-django (rawhide)> git diff 
diff --git a/python-django.spec b/python-django.spec
index be0e99c..0407b57 100644
--- a/python-django.spec
+++ b/python-django.spec
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Name:           python-django
 %global         ver 4.1.7
 #global         pre ...
 %global         real_version %{ver}%{?pre:%{pre}}
-Version:        %{ver}%{?pre:~%{pre}}
+Version:        %{ver}%{?pre:4.1.7
 Release:        1%{?dist}
 Summary:        A high-level Python Web framework

@@ -136,6 +136,9 @@ cd tests


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