#390 Add config options to parse the base module (e.g. platform) stream from the dist-git branch and apply a buildrequire override
Merged 5 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 5 years ago by mprahl.

file modified
+35 -3
@@ -1974,15 +1974,47 @@


          scm_url, branch = self.cmd.module_get_scm_info(

              self.args.scm_url, self.args.branch)


+         buildrequires = self.args.buildrequires or []

+         branch_search = None

+         try:

+             # The regex to parse the base module stream override from the dist-git branch name.

+             # For example, if you had a branch called `10-fedora-29.0.1` and you wanted to

+             # parse `f29.0.1` from that as the stream to use for the base module, you could

+             # have a regex of `(f)(?:edora)(?:\-)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$`. Then after combining

+             # the capture groups, you'd get the desired result of `f29.0.1`.

+             branch_bm_regex = self.config.get(

+                 self.config_section, 'base_module_stream_regex_from_branch')

+             # The base module (e.g. platform) to apply the buildrequire override to if the parsing

+             # of the branch name is successfull

+             bm = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'base_module')

+         except configparser.NoOptionError:

+             pass

+         else:

+             branch_search = re.search(branch_bm_regex, branch)


+         if branch_search:

+             # Concatenate all the groups together to get the desired stream.

+             # This approach is taken in case there are sections to ignore.

+             # For instance, if we need to parse `f27.0.0` from `fedora-27.0.0`.

+             bm_stream = ''.join(branch_search.groups())

+             # Don't override the base module buildrequire if the user

+             # manually already overrode it with the `--buildrequire` argument

+             if not any(br[0] == bm for br in buildrequires):

+                 buildrequires.append((bm, bm_stream))

+                 if not self.args.q:

+                     print('Added the buildrequire override "{0}" based on the module branch name'

+                           .format('{0}:{1}'.format(bm, bm_stream)))


          auth_method, oidc_id_provider, oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, \

              oidc_scopes = self.module_get_auth_config()


          if not self.args.q:

              print('Submitting the module build...')

          build_ids = self._cmd.module_submit_build(

-             scm_url, branch, auth_method, self.args.buildrequires,

-             self.args.requires, self.args.optional, oidc_id_provider,

-             oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_scopes)

+             scm_url, branch, auth_method, buildrequires, self.args.requires,

+             self.args.optional, oidc_id_provider, oidc_client_id,

+             oidc_client_secret, oidc_scopes)

          if self.args.watch:


          elif not self.args.q:

file modified
@@ -2106,6 +2106,92 @@

          assert reqs['platform'] == ['f29']



+     @patch('openidc_client.OpenIDCClient.send_request')

+     def test_module_build_override_from_branch(self, mock_oidc_req, mock_get):

+         """

+         Test a module build with dep overrides from the branch name

+         """

+         cli_cmd = [

+             'rpkg',

+             '--path', self.cloned_repo_path,

+             'module-build',

+             'git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?#79d87a5a',

+             '10-fedora-27.0.1'

+         ]

+         mock_get.return_value.ok = True

+         mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = {

+             'auth_method': 'oidc',

+             'api_version': 2

+         }

+         mock_oidc_req.return_value.json.return_value = [{'id': 1094}]


+         with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

+             cli = self.new_cli()

+             cli.config.set('rpkg.mbs', 'base_module', 'platform')

+             cli.config.set('rpkg.mbs', 'base_module_stream_regex_from_branch',

+                            r'(f)(?:edora)(?:\-)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$')

+             cli.module_build()


+         exp_json = {

+             'scmurl': ('git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?'

+                        '#79d87a5a'),

+             'branch': '10-fedora-27.0.1',

+             'buildrequire_overrides': {'platform': ['f27.0.1']}

+         }

+         exp_url = ('https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/2/'

+                    'module-builds/')

+         mock_oidc_req.assert_called_once_with(

+             exp_url,

+             http_method='POST',

+             json=exp_json,

+             scopes=self.scopes,

+             timeout=120)


+     @patch('requests.get')

+     @patch('openidc_client.OpenIDCClient.send_request')

+     def test_module_build_override_from_branch_with_manual_input(

+             self, mock_oidc_req, mock_get):

+         """

+         Test that dep overrides aren't preferred over manual input

+         """

+         cli_cmd = [

+             'rpkg',

+             '--path', self.cloned_repo_path,

+             'module-build',

+             'git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?#79d87a5a',

+             '10-fedora-27.0.1',

+             '--buildrequire', 'platform:f29'

+         ]

+         mock_get.return_value.ok = True

+         mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = {

+             'auth_method': 'oidc',

+             'api_version': 2

+         }

+         mock_oidc_req.return_value.json.return_value = [{'id': 1094}]


+         with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

+             cli = self.new_cli()

+             cli.config.set('rpkg.mbs', 'base_module', 'platform')

+             cli.config.set('rpkg.mbs', 'base_module_stream_regex_from_branch',

+                            r'(f)(?:edora)(?:\-)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$')

+             cli.module_build()


+         exp_json = {

+             'scmurl': ('git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?'

+                        '#79d87a5a'),

+             'branch': '10-fedora-27.0.1',

+             'buildrequire_overrides': {'platform': ['f29']}

+         }

+         exp_url = ('https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/2/'

+                    'module-builds/')

+         mock_oidc_req.assert_called_once_with(

+             exp_url,

+             http_method='POST',

+             json=exp_json,

+             scopes=self.scopes,

+             timeout=120)


+     @patch('requests.get')

      def test_module_build_conflicting_keys(self, mock_get):


          Test a module build with optional arguments the conflict with other arguments

Addresses the final part of FACTORY-3084 and relies on #389. Only the last commit is relevant to this PR.

Can you put an example regex in a comment here? It would help a code reader understand how ''.join(branch_search.groups()) down below.

2 new commits added

  • Add config options to parse the base module (e.g. platform) stream from the dist-git branch and apply a buildrequire override
  • Add the ability to pass in buildrequire and require overrides on a module build
5 years ago

@ralph thanks for the review. I added the comment as requested.

@lsedlar could you please review this as well?

Generally looks good to me. :thumbsup:

The regex handling currently allows to remove parts from the branch string, but not add anything. As far as I can tell, that is sufficient now. Do you foresee any change in the requirements?

rebased onto 89e34eb

5 years ago

rebased onto 80a3d1f

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by lsedlar

5 years ago