#389 Add the ability to pass in buildrequire and require overrides on a module build
Merged 5 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 5 years ago by mprahl.
Unknown source mbs-dep-overrides  into  master

file modified
+19 -3
@@ -3478,9 +3478,9 @@

          return resp


      def module_submit_build(self, scm_url, branch, auth_method,

-                             optional=None, oidc_id_provider=None,

-                             oidc_client_id=None, oidc_client_secret=None,

-                             oidc_scopes=None):

+                             buildrequires=None, requires=None, optional=None,

+                             oidc_id_provider=None, oidc_client_id=None,

+                             oidc_client_secret=None, oidc_scopes=None):


          Submit a module build to the MBS

@@ -3488,6 +3488,10 @@

          :param branch: a string of the module's branch

          :param str auth_method: a string of the authentication method used by

              the MBS.

+         :param list buildrequires: a list of buildrequires in the format of

+             'name:stream' to override.

+         :param list requires: a list of requires in the format of 'name:stream'

+             to override.

          :param optional: an optional list of "key=value" to be passed in with

              the MBS build submission.

          :type optional: list[str]
@@ -3514,10 +3518,22 @@

              raise rpkgError(

                  'Optional arguments are not in the proper "key=value" format')


+         for dep_type, overrides in (('buildrequires', buildrequires),

+                                     ('requires', requires)):

+             for override in overrides or []:

+                 dep_name, dep_stream = override

+                 # Get the override key that MBS accepts (e.g.

+                 # buildrequire_overrides)

+                 key = '{0}_overrides'.format(dep_type[:-1])

+                 body.setdefault(key, {})

+                 body[key].setdefault(dep_name, [])

+                 body[key][dep_name].append(dep_stream)


          conflicting_keys = set(body.keys()) & set(optional_dict.keys())

          if conflicting_keys:

              raise rpkgError('The following optional arguments conflict with other arguments: {0}'

                              .format(', '.join(conflicting_keys)))



          url = self.module_get_url(build_id=None, action='POST')

          resp = self.module_send_authorized_request(

file modified
+11 -2
@@ -1082,6 +1082,14 @@

              '--watch', '-w', help='Watch the module build',



+             '--buildrequires', action='append', metavar='name:stream',

+             dest='buildrequires', type=utils.validate_module_dep_override,

+             help='Buildrequires to override in the form of "name:stream"')

+         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

+             '--requires', action='append', metavar='name:stream',

+             dest='requires', type=utils.validate_module_dep_override,

+             help='Requires to override in the form of "name:stream"')

+         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

              '--optional', action='append', metavar='KEY=VALUE',


              help='MBS optional arguments in the form of "key=value"')
@@ -1972,8 +1980,9 @@

          if not self.args.q:

              print('Submitting the module build...')

          build_ids = self._cmd.module_submit_build(

-             scm_url, branch, auth_method, self.args.optional,

-             oidc_id_provider, oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_scopes)

+             scm_url, branch, auth_method, self.args.buildrequires,

+             self.args.requires, self.args.optional, oidc_id_provider,

+             oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_scopes)

          if self.args.watch:


          elif not self.args.q:

file modified
@@ -105,3 +105,11 @@

          cmd += ['--config', args.config]


      return cmd



+ def validate_module_dep_override(dep):

+     """Validate the passed-in module dependency override."""

+     try:

+         return dep.split(':', 1)

+     except (ValueError, AttributeError):

+         raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('This option must be in the format of "name:stream"')

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@@ -2073,6 +2073,39 @@

          self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)



+     @patch('openidc_client.OpenIDCClient.send_request')

+     def test_module_build_dep_overrides(self, mock_oidc_req, mock_get):

+         """

+         Test a module build with buildrequire and require overrides

+         """

+         cli_cmd = [

+             'rpkg',

+             '--path', self.cloned_repo_path,

+             'module-build',

+             'git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?#79d87a5a',

+             'master',

+             '--buildrequires', 'platform:f28',

+             '--buildrequires', 'platform:f29',

+             '--requires', 'platform:f29'

+         ]

+         mock_get.return_value.ok = True

+         mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = {

+             'auth_method': 'oidc',

+             'api_version': 2

+         }

+         mock_oidc_req.return_value.json.return_value = [

+             {'id': 1094}, {'id': 1095}, {'id': 1096}]


+         with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

+             cli = self.new_cli()

+             cli.module_build()


+         brs = mock_oidc_req.call_args[1]['json']['buildrequire_overrides']

+         assert set(brs['platform']) == set(['f28', 'f29'])

+         reqs = mock_oidc_req.call_args[1]['json']['require_overrides']

+         assert reqs['platform'] == ['f29']


+     @patch('requests.get')

      def test_module_build_conflicting_keys(self, mock_get):


          Test a module build with optional arguments the conflict with other arguments

Addresses part of FACTORY-3084

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5 years ago

It might be a good idea to disallow certain keys in optional_dict. For example, if optional parameter contains any of these it would cause a confusing behavior: scmurl, branch, buildrequire_overrides, require_overrides.

Good idea. I should probably make this a separate PR though since this problem existed before this PR.

@lsedlar could you please review this as well?


A minor suggestion is to validate --buildrequires and --requires values during argparse parses option values. Setting a validation function to argument type parameter.

FYI adding kwargs not at the end is not backwards compatible and would break users that call the method without naming the kwargs. But hey, that does not happen here, so +1 for this more reasonable ordering.

Looks good to me. :thumbsup:

rebased onto 5a054d769be4ebf917e5430d0c440ab449c8738b

5 years ago

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5 years ago

rebased onto 89e34eb

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by lsedlar

5 years ago