#42 change index to 2 depth, add contributing docs
Merged 8 years ago by ausil. Opened 8 years ago by maxamillion.
maxamillion/releng docs  into  master

Add Contributing Docs
Adam Miller • 8 years ago  
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ 

+ .. SPDX-License-Identifier:    CC-BY-SA-3.0


+ =============================================

+ Fedora Release Engineering Contributing Guide

+ =============================================


+ Fedora Release Engineering works with many different utilities that are

+ maintained in respective upstream locations. Fedora Release Engineering

+ maintains an "Upstream First" policy such that if there is a bug in an utility

+ or a feature needed, we pursue that upstream before entertaining the idea of

+ carrying a Fedora specific patch.


+ Fedora Release Engineering also has a number of scripts and utilities that are

+ strictly Fedora centric in order to automate tasks and processes as they

+ relate to Fedora itself which is what is contained in the `releng git

+ repository`_ hosted on `Pagure`_. If you would like to contribute to something

+ in this repository, please reference the :ref:`contributing-to-releng` section.


+ .. _contributing-to-releng:


+ Contributing to releng

+ ======================


+ In order to contribute to the releng `git`_ repository (where the source

+ reStructured Text version of these docs live), you should first have a `Fedora

+ Account System`_ (FAS) account, log into `pagure.io`_ and the fork the `releng

+ git repository`_.


+ Once you've forked the `releng git repository`_, you will need to set the remote

+ upstream git clone of your fork in order to track the official releng

+ repository. While not mandatory, it's conventional to call the remote upstream

+ the name ``upstream`` which can be done with the following command while within

+ the directory of your local git clone of your fork.


+ .. code:: bash


+     $ git remote add upstream https://pagure.io/releng.git


+ .. note::


+     If you are not currently familiar with git, it is highly recommended to

+     visit git's upstream and familiarize yourself.


+     http://www.git-scm.com/



+ RelEng Developer Workflow

+ -------------------------


+ There are many options for developer workflow, but the recommended workflow for

+ Fedora releng repository is known as a "`Topic Branch`_" based workflow in git

+ nomenclature. This is how Fedora Release Engineering contributors can submit

+ changes to the `releng git repository`_ for both code and documentation.


+ The general workflow is as follows:


+ * Checkout ``master`` branch of the local git clone of your releng repository

+   clone.


+   ::


+     $ git checkout master


+ * Pull upstream and merge into local master to make sure that your master

+   branch is in line with the latest changes from upstream. Then push it to your

+   clone so that origin knows about the changes.


+   ::


+     $ git pull --rebase upstream master

+     $ git push origin master


+ * Create a topic branch from master.


+   ::


+     $ git checkout -b my-topic-branch


+ * Make changes in your topic branch and commit them to your topic branch.


+   ::


+     $ vim somefile.py


+     .... make some change ...


+     $ git add somefile.py

+     $ git commit -s -m "awesome patch to somefile.py"


+ * This step is optional but recommended in order to avoid collisions when

+   submitting upstream. Here we will checkout master again and merge

+   ``upstream/master`` so that we can resolve any conflicts locally.


+   ::


+     $ git checkout master

+     $ git pull --rebase upstream master

+     $ git push origin master


+ * Rebase on master before submitting a pull request


+   ::


+     $ git rebase master


+     ..... Resolve any conflicts if needed ......


+ * Push your topic branch to your fork's origin in pagure.


+   ::


+     $ git push origin my-topic-branch



+ * Open a pull request in Rel Eng Pagure. https://pagure.io/releng/pull-requests




+ Developer Workflow Tips and Tricks

+ ----------------------------------


+ Below are some Fedora Release Engineering Developer Workflow Tips and Tricks

+ used by current members of the team in order to help assist with development.


+ pullupstream

+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^



+ The following is an useful shell function to place in your ``~/.bashrc`` to

+ help automate certain aspects of the developer workflow. It will allow you to

+ merge in the upstream master or devel branch into your forked repository for

+ easily keeping in line with the upstream repository.


+ The following is the bash function to be added to your ``~/.bashrc`` and make

+ sure to ``source ~/.bashrc`` after adding it in order to "enable" the function.


+ ::


+     pullupstream () {

+         if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then

+             printf "Error: must specify a branch name (e.g. - master, devel)\n"

+         else

+             pullup_startbranch=$(git describe --contains --all HEAD)

+             git checkout $1

+             git pull --rebase upstream $1

+             git push origin $1

+             git checkout ${pullup_startbranch}

+         fi

+     }


+ With the function in place you can easily pull and merge in the releng master

+ branch even while using a topic branch as follows:


+ ::


+     $ git status

+     On branch docs

+     nothing to commit, working directory clean


+     $ pullupstream master

+     Switched to branch 'master'

+     Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

+     Already up-to-date.

+     Everything up-to-date

+     Switched to branch 'docs'


+     $ git status

+     On branch docs

+     nothing to commit, working directory clean


+ Now that you're back on your topic branch you can easily rebase on your local

+ master branch in order to resolve any merge conflicts that may come up for

+ clean pull request submission.


+ ::


+     $ git rebase master

+     Current branch docs is up to date.



+ RelEng Upstream Tools

+ =====================


+ Fedora Release Engineering uses many tools that exist in their own upstream

+ project space. These are tools that every Fedora Release Engineer should be

+ familiar with and in the event there is a bug or a feature needed, we should

+ participate in the respective upstream to resolve the issue first before

+ considering carrying a Fedora specific patch.


+ Tools List

+ ----------


+ Tools Release Engineering is actively involved with upstream

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ Below are a set of tools that are centric to the Release Engineering team and

+ our processes. We actively engage with upstreams of these projects. For these

+ tools, we recommend the same git contribution workflow that is outlined above

+ for this git repository.


+ * `koji <https://pagure.io/koji>`_ -

+   Build System used by Fedora

+ * `mash <https://pagure.io/mash>`_ -

+   Tool that creates repositories from koji tags, and solves them for multilib

+   dependencies.

+ * `pungi <https://pagure.io/pungi>`_ -

+   Fedora Compose tool

+ * `Product Defintion Center (PDC)

+   <https://github.com/release-engineering/product-definition-center>`_ -

+   Repository and API for storing and querying product metadata

+ * `koji-containerbuild

+   <https://github.com/release-engineering/koji-containerbuild>`_ -

+   Koji plugin to integrate OSBS with koji


+ Tools Release Engineering is actively mostly consumers of

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ Below are the set of tools that the Release Engineering team either consumes

+ directly or as the side effect of other tools in the Release Engineering

+ Infrastructure. Tools here should always be engaged upstream in the event of a

+ bug or enhancement needed but are not tools that the Release Engineering team

+ is extremely active in their continued upstream development and will defer to

+ each upstream for recommended contributions workflow.


+ * `fedpkg <https://fedorahosted.org/fedpkg/>`_ -

+   command line utility for Fedora (and EPEL) developers. It interacts with

+   dist-git, koji, rpmbuild, git, etc.

+ * `rpkg <https://fedorahosted.org/rpkg>`_ -

+   library for dealing with rpm packaging in a git source control (used by

+   fedpkg)

+ * `dist-git <https://github.com/release-engineering/dist-git>`_ -

+   remote Git repository specificaly designed to hold RPM package sources.

+ * `creatrepo <http://createrepo.baseurl.org/>`_ -

+   A python program which generate repodata from a set of rpm files.

+ * `createrepo_c <https://github.com/rpm-software-management/createrepo_c>`_ -

+   C implementation of createrepo

+ * `oz <https://github.com/clalancette/oz>`_ -

+   set of programs and classes to do automated installations of operating

+   systems.

+ * `imagefactory <http://imgfac.org/>`_ -

+   imagefactory builds images for a variety of operating system/cloud

+   combinations.

+ * `sigul <https://fedorahosted.org/sigul/>`_ -

+   An automated gpg signing system

+ * `mock <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mock>`_ -

+   a tool for building packages in prestine buildroots

+ * `fedmsg <http://www.fedmsg.com/en/latest/>`_ -

+   Fedora Infrastructure Message Bus

+ * `lorax <https://github.com/rhinstaller/lorax>`_ -

+   tool to build install trees and images

+ * `OpenShift <http://www.openshift.org/>`_ -

+   Open Source Platform as a Service by Red Hat

+ * `OSBS <https://github.com/projectatomic/osbs-client>`_ -

+   set of utilities that turn OpenShift into a layered image build system

+ * `taskotron <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Taskotron>`_ -

+   a framework for automated task execution.

+ * `pulp <http://www.pulpproject.org/>`_ -

+   a platform for managing repositories of content, such as software packages,

+   and pushing that content out to large numbers of consumer

+ * `crane <https://github.com/pulp/crane>`_ -

+   Crane is a small read-only web application that provides enough of the docker

+   registry API to support "docker pull"

+ * `pagure <https://pagure.io/pagure>`_

+   A git centered forge

+ * `rpm-ostree <https://github.com/projectatomic/rpm-ostree>`_ -

+   Store RPMs in OSTree repository, and atomically upgrade from commits

+ * `ostree <https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/OSTree>`_ -

+   a tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees.


+ .. _releng git repository: https://pagure.io/releng

+ .. _Pagure: https://pagure.io/pagure

+ .. _Fedora Account System: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts

+ .. _pagure.io: https://pagure.io

+ .. _Topic Branch: http://www.git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Branching-Workflows#Topic-Branches

+ .. _git: http://www.git-scm.com

file modified
+3 -1
@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ 



  .. toctree::

-     :maxdepth: 3

+     :maxdepth: 2




+     contributing




  This page contains information about the Fedora Release Engineering team.


  .. _releng-contact-info:

no initial comment

What about to replace the fetch & merge combo with git pull --rebase?


  • Simpler
  • It pull also current tags
  • It helps to avoid unnecessary merges in history
  • Probably it may be also faster because it's just a single command (spawns one process instead of three)

This one line:

git pull --rebase upstream master

Stands for:

git fetch upstream
git fetch upstream --tags
git merge upstream/master

What about to replace the fetch & merge combo with git pull --rebase?

It pull also current tags
It helps to avoid unnecessary merges in history
Probably it may be also faster because it's just a single command (spawns one process instead of three)

This one line:
git pull --rebase upstream master

Stands for:
git fetch upstream
git fetch upstream --tags
git merge upstream/master

I thought about that but I worried about the tags becoming problematic for people's forks because there are two tags used for certain jobs that are often overwritten to point to new git hashes and if you pull tags locally and then attempt to push them to your fork, it errors:

To git@pagure.io:forks/maxamillion/releng.git
 ! [rejected]        rawhide-stable -> rawhide-stable (already exists)
 ! [rejected]        twoweek-stable -> twoweek-stable (already exists)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@pagure.io:forks/maxamillion/releng.git'

Probably one of the most important things after "I just made some changes in git" is "How do I test this?" Answering that is hard I know...

Also, rpm-ostree doesn't appear on the list of things.

Probably one of the most important things after "I just made some changes in git" is "How do I test this?" Answering that is hard I know...
Also, rpm-ostree doesn't appear on the list of things.

I added rpm-ostree and ostree. The point about testing is a good one, something I'm not entirely sure how to answer just yet because of how different the testing for different things are and the levels of access required to run certain things. I think we'll need to come up with test cases in the near-term in order to effectively "emulate" some of the workflows. Ultimately I'd like to rewrite all of this stuff in python as libraries and utilities using those libraries that are driven by events over the fedmsg bus. This would allow us to have unit tests and all sorts of nice things that we just don't have right now.

Also given how critical OpenShift v3 is to the Docker builds, it's likely worth calling out explicitly.

Also given how critical OpenShift v3 is to the Docker builds, it's likely worth calling out explicitly.

Agreed. Added.

Alright, based on feedback I've changed to git pull --rebase in the recommended workflow as well as restructuring the tools section into "Things RelEnd actively contributes to" and "Things RelEng mostly are consumers of" to help give a better feel for where the team spends it's time writing code and hopefully to help guide newcomers on the topic.

Looking forward to further feedback.

Updated with feedback, please ignore the "scripts/push-two-week-atomic.py" diff in this PR ... that was brought in from merging master into this branch and for whatever reason pagure doesn't realize that it's not actually in the diff (doesn't show up in a 'git diff' locally).

Had to do a dirty force push to handle an ugly rebase conflict. Should be good to go.

What about to replace the fetch & merge combo with git pull --rebase?
It pull also current tags
It helps to avoid unnecessary merges in history
Probably it may be also faster because it's just a single command (spawns one process instead of three)
This one line:
git pull --rebase upstream master
Stands for:
git fetch upstream
git fetch upstream --tags
git merge upstream/master

I thought about that but I worried about the tags becoming problematic for people's forks because there are two tags used for certain jobs that are often overwritten to point to new git hashes and if you pull tags locally and then attempt to push them to your fork, it errors:
To git@pagure.io:forks/maxamillion/releng.git
! [rejected] rawhide-stable -> rawhide-stable (already exists)
! [rejected] twoweek-stable -> twoweek-stable (already exists)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@pagure.io:forks/maxamillion/releng.git'

Thank you for the git pull --rebase! (If you are worried about the tags conflicts then you can use --no-tags option)