#34 process-git-request was replaced by pkgdb2
Merged 8 years ago by ausil. Opened 8 years ago by till.
till/releng process-git-requests  into  master

@@ -1,937 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/python -t

- VERSION = "1.0"


- # Unfortunately pkgdb can't tell us when we stop accepting branches for the

- # oldest supported release, so this needs updating manually.



- # A bug for testing new types of badly formatted requests exists:

- # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=622067


- # A bug for testing flags, primarily by limburgher, also exists:

- # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=837840


- # TODO:

- # Display last linked spec file.

- # Download (and process?) last linked srpm


- # Checks to add:

- # Package and/or branch already exists in pkgdb.

- # Catch common misspellings?


- import bugzilla

- import getpass

- import logging

- import operator

- import os

- import re

- import readline

- import sys

- import subprocess

- import tempfile

- import time

- import webbrowser

- import socket

- from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors

- from fedora.client import AccountSystem, AuthError, AppError

- from pkgdb2client import PkgDB, PkgDBException

- from optparse import OptionParser

- from validate import Validator


- import fedora_cert

- import pkgdb2client


- # Red Hat's bugzilla, Fedora's FAS

- url = 'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi'

- fasurl = 'https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/'


- # Users who indicated that they're OK with EPEL branches.  Some request that

- # they be made comaintainers.

- # Taken from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/ContributorStatusNo

- epel_ok = ['abompard', 'athimm', 'corsepiu', 'ecik', 'faucamp', 'konradm',

-         'monnerat', 'mtasaka', 'nim', 'rafalzaq', 'rineau', 'rstrode',

-         'sgrubb', 'shishz', 'terjeros', 'zkota']

- epel_ok_comaint = ['alexlan', 'guidograzioli', 'jwrdegoede', 'kkofler',

-         'mebourne', 'overholt', 'pgordon', 'rishi', 'snirkel']


- PAGER = os.environ.get('PAGER') or '/usr/bin/less'

- EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR') or '/bin/vi'


- logging.basicConfig()

- PKGDBLOG = logging.getLogger("pkgdb2client")

- LOG = logging.getLogger("process-git-requests")


- # Override a method in xmlrpclib so it doesn't blow up when getting crap data

- # from Red Hat's bugzilla.

- # Bugfixes seem to have rendered this unnecessary

- #def _decode(data, encoding, is8bit=re.compile("[\x80-\xff]").search):

- #    # decode non-ascii string (if possible)

- #    if unicode and encoding and is8bit(data):

- #        data = unicode(data, encoding, 'replace')

- #    return data

- #xmlrpclib._decode = _decode


- def clear():

-     #os.system('clearl)

-     print "\n============================================================\n"


- def parse_commandline():

-     usage = 'usage: %prog [options]'

-     parser = OptionParser(usage)


-     try:

-         default_user = fedora_cert.read_user_cert()

-     except fedora_cert.fedora_cert_error:

-         default_user = getpass.getuser()


-     parser.add_option('--url', dest='url',

-             help='bugzilla URL to query',

-             default=url)

-     parser.add_option('--pkghost',

-             help='Hostname of the machine where branches must be created',

-             dest='pkghost',

-             default='pkgs.fedoraproject.org')

-     parser.add_option('--pkghostlocal',

-             help='Local hostname of the machine where branches must be created',

-             dest='pkghostlocal',

-             default='pkgs01.phx2.fedoraproject.org')

-     parser.add_option('-u', '--user',

-             help='Username for PackageDB connection',

-             dest='user',

-             default=default_user)

-     parser.add_option('--verbose',

-             action='store_true',

-             dest='verbose',

-             default=False,

-             help='Outputs more information (less than debug though)')

-     parser.add_option('--debug',

-             action='store_true',

-             dest='debug',

-             default=False,

-             help='Turn on some debugging statements')


-     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

-     return options


- def parse_pkgdb_config():

-     vldtr = Validator()

-     # configspec to validate types and set defaults

-     configspec = '''

-     [global]

-         pkgdb.url = string(default = 'https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb')

-         pkgdb.retries = integer(default = 5)

-         pkgdb.knowngroups = list(default = list())

-     '''.splitlines()


-     cfg = ConfigObj('/etc/pkgdb-client.cfg', configspec=configspec)

-     user = ConfigObj(os.path.expanduser('~/.fedora/pkgdb-client.cfg'),

-             configspec=configspec)

-     cfg.merge(user)

-     res = cfg.validate(vldtr, preserve_errors=True)


-     for entry in flatten_errors(cfg, res):

-         section_list, key, error = entry

-         section_list.append(key)

-         section_string = ','.join(section_list)

-         if error == False:

-             error = 'Missing value or section.'

-         print ','.join(section_list), '=', error

-         sys.exit(1)


-     cfg['global']['pkgdb.url'] = os.environ.get('PACKAGEDBURL') or cfg['global']['pkgdb.url']

-     return cfg['global']


- def encode_utf8(object, encoding='utf8', errors='replace'):

-     if isinstance(object, basestring):

-         if isinstance(object, str):

-             return unicode(object, encoding, errors)

-         else:

-             return object

-     return u''


- # Get all valid branches for a package:

- # pkg_branches :: PkgDB -> String -> (IO) [String]

- def pkg_branches(pkgdb, pkg):

-     LOG.info('Getting branches of package %s from pkgdb', pkg)

-     package = pkgdb.get_package(str(pkg))

-     valid_branches = filter(lambda x: x['collection']['branchname'] in branches.keys(), package['packages'])

-     return map(lambda x: x['collection']['branchname'], valid_branches)


- def add_package(pkgdb, request, bug):

-     LOG.info('Adding package %s in pkgdb', request['pkg'])


-     # A nested helper function to see if a package exists or not.

-     # pkg_exists :: String -> (IO) Bool

-     def pkg_exists(pkg):

-         try:

-             pkgdb.get_package(str(pkg))

-         except PkgDBException as err:

-             LOG.debug('Error when retrieving package %s: %s', str(pkg), err)

-             # We get an error back if (at least) the package doesn't exist.

-             return False

-         return True


-     for retry in range(1, config['pkgdb.retries'] + 1):

-         try:

-             if pkg_exists(request['pkg']):

-                 pkgdb.update_package_poc(request['pkg'],

-                                          pkg_branches(pkgdb, request['pkg']),

-                                          request['owner'])

-             else:

-                 # Note: must stringify the pkg; it blows up with unicode

-                 pkgdb.create_package(

-                     str(request['pkg']),

-                     request['description'],

-                     None,

-                     'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/%d' % bug.id,

-                     'Approved',

-                     True, # TODO: Nuke this eventually?

-                     request['branches'],

-                     request['owner'],

-                     request.get('upstream_url', ''))


-             # Set comaintainer ACLs

-             for i in request['comaintainers']:

-                 pkgdb.update_acl(

-                     str(request['pkg']),

-                     request['branches'],

-                     ['watchcommits', 'watchbugzilla', 'approveacls', 'commit'],

-                     'Approved',

-                     i)

-             # Set CC user

-             for i in request.get('cc_list', []):

-                 pkgdb.update_acl(

-                     str(request['pkg']),

-                     request['branches'],

-                     ['watchcommits', 'watchbugzilla'],

-                     'Approved',

-                     i)

-         except AuthError, e:

-             LOG.debug('It says AuthError: %s', e)

-             if sys.stdin.isatty():

-                 if retry >= config['pkgdb.retries']:

-                     break

-                 #pkgdb.password = getpass.getpass('PackageDB Password: ')

-             else:

-                 # Don't retry if we're reading the password from stdin

-                 break

-         else:

-             break


- def edit_package(pkgdb, request):

-     LOG.info('Edit package %s in pkgdb', request['pkg'])

-     for retry in range(1, config['pkgdb.retries'] + 1):

-         try:

-             for person in ([request['owner']] + request['comaintainers']):

-                 pkgdb.update_acl(

-                     str(request['pkg']),

-                     request['newbranches'],

-                     ['watchcommits', 'watchbugzilla', 'approveacls', 'commit'],

-                     'Approved',

-                     person)

-         except AuthError, e:

-             if retry >= config['pkgdb.retries']:

-                 break

-             #pkgdb.password = getpass.getpass('PackageDB Password: ')

-         else:

-             break


- def run_query(bz):

-     querydata = {}

-     querydata['column_list'] = ['id', 'creation_time',

-             'assigned_to', 'reporter', 'bug_status', 'resolution',

-             'component', 'blockedby', 'dependson', 'summary',

-             'status_whiteboard', 'flags']


-     querydata['query_format'] = 'advanced'

-     querydata['product'] = ['Fedora', 'Fedora EPEL']

-     querydata['f1'] = 'flagtypes.name'

-     querydata['o1'] = 'equals'

-     querydata['v1'] = 'fedora-cvs?'


-     bugs = bz.query(querydata)

-     bugs.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('id'))


-     ids = map(lambda x: x.id, bugs)

-     comments = bz._proxy.Bug.comments({"ids": ids})


-     return [bugs, comments]


- def display_bug(bug, comments):

-     '''Show the complete ticket in a pager.'''

-     comment = 0

-     b = []

-     b.append('https://bugzilla.redhat.com/%d' % bug.id)

-     b.append('Bug %d - %s' % (bug.id, bug.summary))

-     b.append('Reported by: %s at %s' % (bug.reporter, bug.creation_time))

-     b.append('Assigned to: %s' % (bug.assigned_to))

-     for i in comments:

-         b.append('-'*40)

-         b.append('Comment %d by %s at %s\n' % (comment, i['author'], time.strftime('%F %T',i['time'].timetuple())))

-         b.append(i['text'])

-         b.append('')

-         comment += 1


-     p = subprocess.Popen(PAGER, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

-     p.communicate('\n'.join(b).encode('utf8'))



- def edit_string(s):

-     '''Edit the contents of a string in the user's preferred editor.'''

-     (fd, f) = tempfile.mkstemp()

-     fh=os.fdopen(fd, 'w+')

-     fh.write(s)

-     fh.close()

-     p = subprocess.Popen([EDITOR, f]);

-     sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]

-     if not sts:

-         try:

-             fh = open(f, 'r')

-             s = fh.read()

-         finally:

-             fh.close()


-     return s



- def parse_prefixed_lines(s):

-     lastitem = ''

-     items = {}

-     items['Branches'] = ''

-     items['New Branches'] = ''

-     lines = s.splitlines()


-     # Skip until the Request line

-     while 1:

-         if (lines[0].find('New Package CVS Request') == 0

-                 or lines[0].find('New Package GIT Request') == 0

-                 or lines[0].find('New Package SCM Request') == 0

-                 or lines[0].find('Package Change Request') == 0):

-             break

-         lines.pop(0)


-     # Skip until a line containing a colon

-     while 1:

-         if lines[0].find(':') >= 0:

-             break

-         lines.pop(0)


-     # Now parse

-     while 1:

-         if not len(lines):

-             break


-         line = lines.pop(0)

-         line.strip()

-         if len(line) == 0:

-             break


-         pos = line.find(':')


-         # Line-wrapped?

-         if pos < 0:

-             items[lastitem] += " " + line.strip()

-             continue


-         lastitem = line[:pos]

-         items[lastitem] = line[pos+1:].strip()


-     return items



- def clean_branches(branches):

-     '''Clean up a list of branches and turn them into what pkgdb expects.'''

-     branches = branches.lower()

-     branches = re.sub(r',', ' ', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r'devel', ' ', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r'master', ' ', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r'f-([1-9][0-9])', r'f\1', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r'el-([1-6])', r'el\1', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r'el-([7-9])', r'epel\1', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r'epel-([1-9])', r'epel\1', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r'epel([1-9])', r'el\1', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r' +', ' ', branches)

-     branches = re.sub(r'el7', r'epel7', branches)

-     branches = branches.strip()

-     return branches



- def clean_request(items):

-     '''Clean up various bits that can be passed in a request.'''

-     request = {}


-     if not 'InitialCC' in items:

-         items['InitialCC'] = ''

-     if not 'Owners' in items:

-         items['Owners'] = ''

-     if not 'Short Description' in items:

-         items['Short Description'] = ''

-     if not 'Upstream URL' in items:

-         items['Upstream URL'] = ''


-     branches = clean_branches(items['Branches'].strip())

-     branches += ' master'

-     items['Branches'] = branches

-     request['branches'] = branches.split()


-     branches = clean_branches(items['New Branches'].strip())

-     items['New Branches'] = branches

-     request['newbranches'] = branches.split()


-     owners = items['Owners'].strip()

-     owners = re.sub(r',', ' ', owners)

-     if len(owners):

-         request['owner'] = owners.split()[0]

-         request['comaintainers'] = owners.split()[1:]

-     else:

-         request['owner'] = ''

-         request['comaintainers'] = []


-     cclist = items['InitialCC'].strip()

-     cclist = re.sub(r',', ' ', cclist)


-     upstreamurl = items['Upstream URL'].strip()


-     request['cc_list'] = cclist.split()

-     request['pkg'] = items['Package Name']

-     request['description'] = items['Short Description']

-     request['upstream_url'] = upstreamurl


-     return request



- def new_request_string(items, bug):

-     r = []

-     r.append("Bug URL: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/%d " % bug.id)

-     r.append("Bug summary: " + bug.summary)

-     r.append('')

-     r.append("New Package SCM Request")

-     r.append("=======================")

-     r.append("Package Name: " + items['Package Name'])

-     r.append("Short Description: " + items['Short Description'])

-     r.append("Upstream URL: " + items['Upstream URL'])

-     r.append("Owners: " + items['Owners'])

-     r.append("Branches: " + items['Branches'])

-     r.append("InitialCC: " + items['InitialCC'])

-     r.append('')

-     return '\n'.join(r)



- def change_request_string(items, bug):

-     r = []

-     r.append("Bug URL: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/%d" % bug.id)

-     r.append("Bug summary: " + bug.summary)

-     r.append('')

-     r.append("Package Change Request")

-     r.append("======================")

-     r.append("Package Name: " + items['Package Name'])

-     r.append("Owners: " + items['Owners'])

-     r.append("New Branches: " + items['New Branches'])

-     r.append("InitialCC: " + items['InitialCC'])

-     r.append('')

-     return '\n'.join(r)



- def get_pkgdb_owners(pkgdb, pkg):

-     owners = {}

-     o = ''

-     try:

-         package = pkgdb.get_package(pkg)

-     except PkgDBException, e:

-         return (owners, o)


-     # This mostly duplicates a procedure above, but we need more than just

-     # the branch name :(

-     valid_branches = filter(lambda x: x['collection']['branchname'] in branches.keys(), package['packages'])

-     for i in valid_branches:

-         branch = i['collection']['branchname']

-         owners[branch] = {}

-         owners[branch]['primary'] = i['point_of_contact']


-         # Get fas names of all people with commit access

-         # then filter out 'group::' and the POC.

-         if 'acls' in i:

-             comaint = map(lambda x: x['fas_name'], filter(lambda x: x['acl'] == 'commit', i['acls']))

-             owners[branch]['comaint'] = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('group::') and x != i['point_of_contact'], comaint)

-         else:

-             owners[branch]['comaint'] = []


-     for i in sorted(branches, reverse=True):

-         if i in owners:

-             o += "%s: %s" % (i, owners[i]['primary'])

-             if len(owners[i]['comaint']):

-                 o += ' - %s' % ','.join(sorted(owners[i]['comaint']))

-             o += '\n'


-     return (owners, o)



- def process_no_request(bug, allcomments):

-     '''Deal with a ticket where no request was found.'''

-     while 1:

-         clear()

-         print "No SCM request found in bug %d\nhttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/%d." % (bug.id, bug.id)

-         ok = raw_input('\nWhat do?  (n=Next, s=Show ticket, b=Show ticket in browser, c=Comment, q=Quit):')

-         if ok == 'c':

-             bug_comment = edit_string('')

-             print bug_comment

-             ok = raw_input("\nPost this comment to the ticket (y/n)?")

-             if ok == 'y':

-                 print "Updating bugzilla..."

-                 bug.addcomment(bug_comment)

-                 ok = raw_input("\nClear the fedora-cvs flag (y/n)?")

-                 if ok == 'y':

-                     print "Clearing the flag..."

-                     bug.updateflags({'fedora-cvs':'X'})

-             break

-         elif ok == 'n':

-             return True

-         elif ok == 'q':

-             return False

-         elif ok == 's':

-             print

-             display_bug(bug, allcomments)

-         elif ok == 'b':

-             webbrowser.open("https://bugzilla.redhat.com/" + str(bug.id), new=1)

-     return True



- def check_owner(fas, owner):

-     """Check if owner is a valid FAS account or group.


-     If owner is a valid FAS account, also check if owner is a packager.

-     """

-     warnings = []

-     if owner.startswith('group::'):

-         group_name = owner[7:]

-         try:

-             group = fas.group_by_name(group_name)

-             if not group_name.endswith('-sig') and not group['group_type'] == 'pkgdb':

-                 warnings.append('WARNING: "%s" is not a valid FAS group.' % group_name)

-         except AppError:

-             warnings.append('WARNING: "%s" could not be found as FAS group.' % group_name)

-     else: # Check if owner is a valid user

-         person = fas.person_by_username(owner)

-         if not 'status' in person:

-             warnings.append('WARNING: "%s" is not a valid FAS account.' % i)

-         else:

-             groups = [g['name'] for g in person.approved_memberships]

-             if not 'packager' in groups:

-                 warnings.append('WARNING: "%s" is not in the packager group.' % i)

-     return warnings



- def check_owners(fas, owner, comaintainers, cc_list):

-     print "Checking owners..."

-     warnings = []


-     for i in [owner] + comaintainers:

-         for retry in range(1, config['pkgdb.retries'] + 1):

-             try:

-                 warnings.extend(check_owner(fas, i))

-             except AuthError, e:

-                 if retry >= config['pkgdb.retries']:

-                     break

-                 print e

-                 fas.password = getpass.getpass(

-                     'FAS Password for user {}: '.format(fas.username))

-             else:

-                 break


-     for i in cc_list:

-         warnings.extend(check_owner(fas, i))


-     return warnings



- def process_new_request(bug, comment, allcomments, firstfound, pkgdb, fas, branches):

-     '''Parse a new package request, try to repair line wrapping, and do some

-     basic validity checks.'''

-     LOG.info('Processing new package requests')

-     warned = False

-     warnings = []

-     items = parse_prefixed_lines(comment['text'])

-     request = clean_request(items)


-     w = check_owners(fas, request['owner'], request['comaintainers'], request['cc_list'])

-     if len(w):

-         warnings.extend(w)

-         warned = True


-     if not 'Owners' in items:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: No owners provided.")

-         warned = True

-     if not firstfound:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: SCM request was not the last comment.")

-         warned = True

-     if not 'Package Name' in items:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: No package name supplied.")

-         warned = True

-     if not('Short Description' in items) or not(len(items['Short Description'])):

-         warnings.append("WARNING: No description provided.")

-         warned = True

-     if not 'Upstream URL' in items:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: No upstream URL provided.")

-         warned = True

-     for i in request['branches']:

-         if i not in branches:

-             warnings.append("WARNING: Invalid branch %s requested" % i)

-             warned = True

-     if bug.assigned_to == 'nobody@fedoraproject.org':

-         warnings.append("WARNING: Ticket is not assigned to anyone.")

-         warned = True


-     frflag = bug.get_flags('fedora-review')

-     if not frflag:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: fedora-review flag not set")

-         warned = True

-     else:

-         if frflag[0]['status'] != '+':

-             warnings.append("WARNING: fedora-review flag not set to '+'")

-             warned = True

-         if frflag[0]['setter'] == bug.reporter:

-             warnings.append("WARNING: fedora-review flag set by review submitter!  Verify that review was approved by reviewer!")

-             warned = True


-     m=re.search('Review Request:\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_+.-]+)\s+', bug.summary, re.I)

-     if not m:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: Couldn't parse package name out of bug summary.")

-         warned = True

-     elif m.group(1) != items['Package Name']:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: Requested package name %s doesn't match bug summary %s" % (items['Package Name'], m.group(1)))

-         warned = True


-     if items.get('Upstream URL', None) and not items['Upstream URL'].startswith('http://') and not items['Upstream URL'].startswith('https://'):

-         warnings.append("WARNING: Upstream URL seems to be invalid")

-         warned = True


-     req_string = new_request_string(items, bug)

-     bug_comment = 'Git done (by process-git-requests).\n'


-     okprompt = 'Do it (yes=Yes, n=No, e=Edit request, s=Show ticket, b=Show ticket in browser, c=Comment, q=Quit)?'

-     if warned:

-         prompt = 'Warnings present!\nDo it (a=Accept warnings, n=No, e=Edit request, s=Show ticket, b=Show ticket in browser, c=Comment, q=Quit)?'

-     else:

-         prompt = okprompt


-     # We have to loop until the user accepts the request

-     while 1:

-         # We have to loop until the user enters something that works

-         while 1:

-             clear()

-             if len(warnings):

-                 print '\n'.join(warnings), "\n"

-             print "Currently assigned to: %s" % bug.assigned_to

-             print req_string

-             ok = raw_input(prompt)

-             if ok == 'a':

-                 prompt = okprompt

-                 warned = False

-             if ok == 'c':

-                 bug_comment = edit_string('')

-                 print bug_comment

-                 ok = raw_input("\nPost this comment to the ticket (y/n)?")

-                 if ok == 'y':

-                     print "Updating bugzilla..."

-                     bug.addcomment(bug_comment)

-                 ok = raw_input("\nClear the fedora-cvs flag (y/n)?")

-                 if ok == 'y':

-                     print "Clearing the flag..."

-                     bug.updateflags({'fedora-cvs':'X'})

-                 return (False, True)

-             elif ok == 'e':

-                 req_string = edit_string(req_string)

-                 items=parse_prefixed_lines(req_string)

-                 request = clean_request(items)

-                 req_string = new_request_string(items, bug)

-                 break

-             elif ok == 'n':

-                 return (False, True)

-             elif ok == 'q':

-                 return (False, False)

-             elif ok == 's':

-                 print

-                 display_bug(bug, allcomments)

-             elif ok == 'b':

-                 webbrowser.open("https://bugzilla.redhat.com/" + str(bug.id), new=1)

-             elif ok == 'yes' and not warned:

-                 bug_comment = edit_string(bug_comment)

-                 print '\n', bug_comment

-                 ok = raw_input('Go ahead (y/n)?')

-                 if ok != 'y':

-                     break

-                 print 'Calling pkgdb...'

-                 try:

-                     add_package(pkgdb, request, bug)

-                 except Exception, e:

-                     print "Pkgdb call failed:"

-                     print e

-                     raw_input('\nPress enter to continue to the next ticket.')

-                     return (False, True)


-                 print 'Updating bugzilla...'

-                 # XXX Need to handle errors here - might be done, limburgher 2012-09-05

-                 try:

-                     bug.updateflags({'fedora-cvs':'+'})

-                 except Exception, e:

-                     print "Bugzilla call failed:"

-                     print e

-                     raw_input('\nPress enter to continue to the next ticket.')

-                     return (False, True)

-                 try:

-                     bug.addcomment(bug_comment)

-                 except Exception, e:

-                     print "Bugzilla call failed:"

-                     print e

-                     raw_input('\nPress enter to continue to the next ticket.')

-                     return (False, True)


-                 return (request['pkg'], True)

-             else:

-                 pass


- def process_change_request(bug, comment, allcomments, firstfound, pkgdb, branches):

-     '''Parse a change request, try to repair line wrapping, and do some

-     basic validity checks.'''

-     LOG.info('Processing new branch requests')

-     owned = False

-     warned = False

-     warnings = []

-     items = parse_prefixed_lines(comment['text'])

-     request = clean_request(items)

-     print "Looking up owners in pkgdb..."

-     (owners, owner_string) = get_pkgdb_owners(pkgdb, items['Package Name'])


-     # Try to enforce EPEL branch rules

-     exists = True

-     if not len(owners):

-         warnings.append("WARNING: Package does not appear to exist in pkgdb currently.")

-         warned = True

-         exists = False


-     if not len(items['New Branches']) and len(items['Branches']):

-         warnings.append("NOTE: Misformatted request; using 'Branches' instead.")

-         items['New Branches'] == items['Branches'];

-         request['newbranches'] = request['branches']


-     for i in owners.keys():

-         if request['owner'] == owners[i]['primary'] or request['owner'] in owners[i]['comaint']:

-             owned = True

-     if exists and not owned and items['New Branches'].find('EL') >= 0 and owners['devel']['primary'] in epel_ok:

-         warnings.append("NOTE: new branch owner not owner of other branches,\n  but primary devel owner is OK with EPEL branches.")

-     elif exists and not owned and items['New Branches'].find('EL') >= 0 and owners['devel']['primary'] in epel_ok_comaint:

-         warnings.append("NOTE: new branch owner not owner of other branches,\n but primary devel owner is OK with EPEL branches\n  as long as they comaintain.")

-     elif exists and not owned:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: new branch owner not owner of other branches.")

-         warned = True


-     if not firstfound:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: SCM request was not the last comment.")

-         warned = True

-     if not 'Package Name' in items:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: No package name supplied.")

-         warned = True

-     if not 'Owners' in items:

-         warnings.append("WARNING: No owners provided.")

-         warned = True

-     if not len(items['New Branches']):

-         warnings.append("WARNING: No new branches requested.")

-     for i in request['newbranches']:

-         if i not in branches:

-             warnings.append("WARNING: Invalid branch %s requested" % i)

-             warned = True


-     req_string = change_request_string(items, bug)

-     bug_comment = 'Git done (by process-git-requests).\n'


-     okprompt = 'Do it (yes=Yes, n=No, e=Edit request, s=Show ticket, b=Show ticket in browser, c=Comment, q=Quit)?'

-     if warned:

-         prompt = 'Warnings present!\nDo it (a=Accept warnings, n=No, e=Edit request, s=Show ticket, b=Show ticket in browser, c=Comment, q=Quit)?'

-     else:

-         prompt = okprompt


-     # We have to loop until the user accepts the request

-     while 1:

-         # We have to loop until the user enters something that works

-         while 1:

-             clear()

-             if len(warnings):

-                 print '\n'.join(warnings), "\n"

-             print req_string + "\nCurrent branch owners - comaintainers:\n" + owner_string

-             ok = raw_input(prompt)

-             if ok == 'a':

-                 prompt = okprompt

-                 warned = False

-             if ok == 'c':

-                 bug_comment = edit_string('')

-                 print bug_comment

-                 ok = raw_input("\nPost this comment to the ticket (y/n)?")

-                 if ok == 'y':

-                     print "Updating bugzilla..."

-                     bug.addcomment(bug_comment)

-                 ok = raw_input("\nClear the fedora-cvs flag (y/n)?")

-                 if ok == 'y':

-                     print "Clearing the flag..."

-                     bug.updateflags({'fedora-cvs':'X'})

-                 return (False, True)

-             elif ok == 'e':

-                 req_string = edit_string(req_string)

-                 items=parse_prefixed_lines(req_string)

-                 request = clean_request(items)

-                 req_string = change_request_string(items, bug)

-                 break

-             elif ok == 'n':

-                 return (False, True)

-             elif ok == 'q':

-                 return (False, False)

-             elif ok == 's':

-                 print

-                 display_bug(bug, allcomments)

-             elif ok == 'b':

-                 webbrowser.open("https://bugzilla.redhat.com/" + str(bug.id), new=1)

-             elif ok == 'yes' and not warned:

-                 bug_comment = edit_string(bug_comment)

-                 print '\n', bug_comment

-                 ok = raw_input('Go ahead (y/n)?')

-                 if ok != 'y':

-                     break

-                 print 'Calling pkgdb...'

-                 try:

-                     edit_package(pkgdb, request)

-                 except Exception, e:

-                     print "Pkgdb call failed:"

-                     print e

-                     raw_input('\nPress enter to continue to the next ticket.')

-                     return (False, True)


-                 print 'Updating bugzilla...'

-                 # XXX Need to handle errors here - might be done, limburgher 2012-09-05

-                 try:

-                     bug.updateflags({'fedora-cvs':'+'})

-                 except Exception, e:

-                     print "Bugzilla call failed:"

-                     print e

-                     raw_input('\nPress enter to continue to the next ticket.')

-                     return (False, True)

-                 try:

-                     bug.addcomment(bug_comment)

-                 except Exception, e:

-                     print "Bugzilla call failed:"

-                     print e

-                     raw_input('\nPress enter to continue to the next ticket.')

-                     return (False, True)


-                 return (request['pkg'], True)

-             else:

-                 pass


- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     processed = []

-     options = parse_commandline()


-     if options.debug:

-         LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

-         PKGDBLOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

-     elif options.verbose:

-         LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)


-     print "Connecting to bugzilla..."

-     try:

-         bz = bugzilla.Bugzilla(url=options.url)

-     except Exception, e:

-         print "Bugzilla call failed:"

-         print e

-         exit(1)


-     print "Querying bugzilla..."

-     try:

-         (bugs, comments) = run_query(bz)

-     except Exception, e:

-         print "Bugzilla call failed:"

-         print e

-         exit(1)


-     print "Done; got %d." % len(bugs)

-     if not len(bugs):

-         print "No requests to process!"

-         exit(0)


-     bugcount = len(bugs)


-     print "Making sure " + options.pkghost + " is available..."

-     try:

-         sshsock = socket.create_connection((options.pkghost, 80))

-         sshsock.close()

-     except Exception, e:

-         print options.pkghost + " unavailable."

-         print e

-         exit(1)


-     print "Connecting to pkgdb..."

-     config = parse_pkgdb_config()

-     pkgdb = PkgDB(config['pkgdb.url'],

-                   login_callback=pkgdb2client.ask_password)

-     pkgdb.username = options.user



-     print "Getting valid branches...."

-     collections = pkgdb.get_collections(

-         clt_status=['Active', 'Under Development'])

-     branches = dict(

-         (k,v) for (k,v) in map(

-             lambda q: (q['branchname'], 1),

-             collections['collections']))


-     # Prune any obsolete branches

-     if OBSOLETE_BRANCH in branches:

-         del branches[OBSOLETE_BRANCH]

-     if 'EL-4' in branches:

-         del branches['EL-4']


-     print "Connecting to FAS..."

-     fas = AccountSystem(username=options.user)

-     print "Done."

-     print


-     # I think this reliably detects whether or not you've logged in

-     if bugs[0].assigned_to.find('@') < 0:

-         print "It looks as if you don't have a valid bugzilla cookie."

-         print "Please run 'bugzilla login' and try again."

-         exit(1)


-     # Iterate over bugs

-     newre = re.compile('^New Package .* Request', re.MULTILINE)

-     changere = re.compile('^Package Change Request', re.MULTILINE)

-     bugcounter=1

-     for i in bugs:

-         firstfound = True

-         type = ''

-         print "Parsing bug %d - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/%d - processing %s of %s" % (i.id, i.id, str(bugcounter), str(bugcount))

-         for j in reversed(comments['bugs'][str(i.id)]['comments']):

-             if newre.search(j['text']):

-                 type = 'new'

-                 break

-             if changere.search(j['text']):

-                 type = 'change'

-                 break

-             firstfound = False

-         else:

-             if not process_no_request(i, comments['bugs'][str(i.id)]['comments']):

-                 break


-         if type == 'new':

-             (package, more) = process_new_request(i, j, comments['bugs'][str(i.id)]['comments'], firstfound, pkgdb, fas, branches)

-             if not more:

-                 break

-         elif type == 'change':

-             (package, more) = process_change_request(i, j, comments['bugs'][str(i.id)]['comments'], firstfound, pkgdb, branches)

-             if not more:

-                 break

-         bugcounter = bugcounter + 1


-     if len(processed):

-         print '\nThe git repos/branches will be created in the background automagically.'

-         print 'If this does not work, please execute the following commands on pkgs.fedoraproject.org:'

-         print '/usr/local/bin/pkgdb_sync_git_branches.py ' + ' '.join(processed)


-     sys.exit(0)

no initial comment