#28 two-week atomic use new AutoCloud release info instead of heuristic check
Merged 8 years ago by maxamillion. Opened 8 years ago by maxamillion.
maxamillion/releng two-week-atomic  into  master

file modified
+23 -23
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ 



  def get_latest_successful_autocloud_test_info(

+         release,



@@ -119,6 +120,8 @@ 

          s for s in autocloud_data

          if s[u'msg'][u'status'] == u'success'

          and s[u'msg'][u'image_name'] == u'Fedora-Cloud-Atomic'

+         and u'release' in s[u'msg'].keys()

+         and s[u'msg'][u'release'] == str(release)

          and not build_manually_marked_bad(


@@ -128,6 +131,8 @@ 

          s for s in autocloud_data

          if s[u'msg'][u'status'] == u'success'

          and s[u'msg'][u'image_name'] == u'Fedora-Cloud-Atomic-Vagrant'

+         and u'release' in s[u'msg'].keys()

+         and s[u'msg'][u'release'] == str(release)

          and not build_manually_marked_bad(


@@ -141,6 +146,7 @@ 



              "image_url": successful_atomic[0][u'msg'][u'image_url'],

+             "release": successful_atomic[0][u'msg'][u'release'],



      if successful_atomic_vagrant:
@@ -149,6 +155,7 @@ 



              "image_url": successful_atomic_vagrant[0][u'msg'][u'image_url'],

+             "release": successful_atomic_vagrant[0][u'msg'][u'release'],



      return successful_autocloud_info
@@ -246,23 +253,14 @@ 




-     # FIXME - right now the value of compose_id is actually just a date that

-     #         we have to glob search for, this should later just be a join

-     source_loc = glob.glob(

-         os.path.join(

-             compose_basedir,

-             "*{0}".format(compose_id)

-         )

-     )[0]

+     source_loc = os.path.join(compose_basedir, compose_id)


-     # FIXME - The --link-dest here is defined based on the stop-gap glob

-     #         and should be altered once this is fixed

      rsync_cmd = [

          'rsync -avhHP --delete-after',




-                 source_loc.split('/')[-1]

+                 compose_id



@@ -386,15 +384,25 @@ 


          help="signing key to use with sigul",


+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-r",

+         "--release",

+         help="Fedora Release to target for release (Ex: 22, 23, 24, rawhide)",

+     )

      pargs = parser.parse_args()


      if not pargs.key:

          log.error("No key passed, see -h for help")


+     if not pargs.release:

+         log.error("No release arg passed, see -h for help")

+         sys.exit(1)


      log.info("Querying datagrepper for latest AutoCloud successful tests")

      # Acquire the latest successful builds from datagrepper

-     tested_autocloud_info = get_latest_successful_autocloud_test_info()

+     tested_autocloud_info = get_latest_successful_autocloud_test_info(

+         pargs.release

+     )

      log.info("Query to datagrepper complete")

      # If the dict is empty, there were no successful builds in the last two

      # weeks, error accordingly
@@ -410,28 +418,20 @@ 


      log.info("Extracting compose_id from the image_url")

      # FIXME - This is a stop-gap until we test against composes and can

-     #         identify this properly (also, this is ugly and I'm sorry)

+     #         identify this properly


      #       For now this is just a date glob, it should be the compose_id once

      #       autocloud is compose based and references that in it's fedmsg

      #       information

-     compose_id = \

+     compose_id = "{0}-".format(pargs.release) + \





      log.info("Signing image metadata")

-     # FIXME - This is another place where we're having to glob to find the

-     #         actual path we want instead of being able to just join the path

-     #         using the compose_id



-         glob.glob(

-             os.path.join(

-                 COMPOSE_BASEDIR,

-                 "*{0}".format(compose_id)

-             )

-         )[0]

+         os.path.join(COMPOSE_BASEDIR, compose_id),



      log.info("Staging release content in /pub/alt/atomic/stable/")

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