#11794 Change path for output in get_retired_packages.sh
Closed 6 months ago by lenkaseg. Opened 6 months ago by lenkaseg.
lenkaseg/releng pdc  into  main

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/bash


+ set -u


+ declare -a active_branches=( rawhide )

+ declare -a releases=( current pending frozen )

+ declare -A retired

+ declare -a git_branches

+ declare -r checkout_path="${1:-/srv/git/rpms}"


+ # Get active releases from bodhi and store them in an array

+ for release in ${releases[@]}; do

+   active_branches=("$active_branches $(curl -X GET -s -H 'Accept: application/json' 'https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/releases/?state='$release | jq -r '[ .releases[].branch | select(test("\\d+$"))] | unique | .[]')")

+ done



+ for git_repo in ${checkout_path}/*.git; do

+   # Declare these helper arrays inside the loop

+   declare -a branch_intersection=()

+   declare -a unicorn=()

+   # pushd popd can be silenced, depends on if we want to see whether the desired path is correct

+   pushd $git_repo

+   # Get the name of the package

+   package=$(basename $git_repo .git)

+   # Get the branches of the git repo, to check only in thse that exist, to avoid git fatal errors

+   git_branches=($(git branch | cut -c 3-))


+   # Create intersection of the active releases and the git branches to avoid git fatal errors

+   for release in ${active_branches[@]}; do

+     for branch in "${git_branches[@]}"; do

+       if [[ $release == $branch ]]; then

+         branch_intersection+=("$release")

+       fi

+     done

+   done


+   # Deduplicate the branch array

+   unicorn=($(printf "%s\n" "${branch_intersection[@]}" | sort -u))


+   # Check for presence of a dead.package (indicates retired package)

+   for release in ${unicorn[@]}; do

+     if [[ -n "$(git ls-tree ${release} --name-only -- dead.package)" ]]; then

+       echo "$package is retired"

+       # Add retired package to an associative array as a value under a key that represents release

+       retired["$release"]+="\"$package\","

+     fi

+   done

+   popd

+ done


+ # Store the retired packages in separate json files by release

+ for release in "${!retired[@]}"; do

+   printf '{"%s": [%s]}\n' "$release" "${retired[$release]:0:-1}" > /srv/cache/lookaside/retired_in_${release}.json

+ done

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Pull-Request has been closed by lenkaseg

6 months ago