#101 push-two-week-atomic.py fixes/refactor
Merged 8 years ago by ausil. Opened 8 years ago by maxamillion.
maxamillion/releng two-week-atomic  into  master

file modified
+50 -26
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ 

  # Full path will be:

  #   /pub/alt/stage/$VERSION-$DATE/$IMAGE_TYPE/x86_64/[Images|os]/

  # http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/stable/

- ATOMIC_TESTING_BASEDIR = "/pub/alt/atomic/testing/"

- ATOMIC_STABLE_DESTINATION = "/pub/alt/atomic/stable/"

+ ATOMIC_LINKDEST = "/pub/alt/atomic/testing/"

+ ATOMIC_STABLE_BASEDIR = "/pub/alt/atomic/stable/"


  # the modname gets used to construct the fully qualified topic, like

  # 'org.fedoraproject.prod.releng.blahblahblah'
@@ -116,9 +116,13 @@ 


      Takes an autocloud fedmsg message and returns the image name and final url.


-     dest_dir = ATOMIC_STABLE_DESTINATION + 'CloudImages/x86_64/images/'

+     dest_dir = os.path.join(


+         msg[u'msg'][u'compose_id'],

+         'CloudImages/x86_64/images/'

+     )

      image_name = msg[u'msg'][u'compose_url'].split('/')[-1]

-     image_url = dest_dir + image_name

+     image_url = os.path.join(dest_dir, image_name)

      return image_name, image_url


@@ -390,6 +394,9 @@ 

  Respective signed CHECKSUM files can be found here:



+ For direct download, the "latest" target is always available here:

+ https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/stable/latest/


  Thank you,

  Fedora Release Engineering

@@ -409,12 +416,11 @@ 

      except smtplib.SMTPException, e:

          print "ERROR: Unable to send email:\n{}\n".format(e)



  def stage_atomic_release(



-         testing_basedir=ATOMIC_TESTING_BASEDIR,

-         dest_dir=ATOMIC_STABLE_DESTINATION):

+         dest_base_dir=ATOMIC_STABLE_BASEDIR,

+         link_dest=ATOMIC_LINKDEST):



@@ -424,6 +430,7 @@ 



      source_loc = os.path.join(compose_basedir, compose_id, "compose")

+     dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_base_dir, compose_id)


      # FIXME - need sudo until pungi perms are fixed

      rsync_cmd = [
@@ -431,7 +438,7 @@ 

          'rsync -avhHP --delete-after',



-                 testing_basedir,

+                 link_dest,



@@ -447,7 +454,6 @@ 





  def sign_checksum_files(


@@ -567,31 +573,48 @@ 




- def prune_old_testing_composes(

-         prune_limit=ATOMIC_COMPOSE_PERSIST_LIMIT,

-         prune_base_dir=ATOMIC_TESTING_BASEDIR):

+ def prune_old_composes(prune_base_dir, prune_limit):


-     prune_old_testing_composes

+     prune_old_composes


          Clean up old testing composes from /pub/alt/


+     :param prune_base_dir: str, path to base diretory needing pruning

+     :param prune_limit: int, the number of composes that should be kept,

+                         pruning all others.



      prune_candidate_dirs = os.listdir(prune_base_dir)


-     for testing_dir in prune_candidate_dirs[prune_limit:]:

-         try:

-             shutil.rmtree(

-                 os.path.join(prune_base_dir, testing_dir)

+     # Sort then reverse so we can slice the list from [0:prune_limit]

+     prune_candidate_dirs.sort()

+     prune_candidate_dirs.reverse()


+     for candidate_dir in prune_candidate_dirs[0:prune_limit]:

+         #try:

+         #    shutil.rmtree(

+         #        os.path.join(prune_base_dir, candidate_dir)

+         #    )

+         #except OSError, e:

+         #    log.error(

+         #        "Error trying to remove directory: {}\n{}".format(

+         #            candidate_dir,

+         #            e

+         #        )

+         #    )


+         #FIXME - need to do this with sudo until pungi perms are fixed

+         prune_cmd = "sudo rm -fr {}".format(

+             os.path.join(

+                 prune_base_dir,

+                 candidate_dir


-         except OSError, e:

+         )

+         if subprocess.call(prune_cmd.split()):


-                 "Error trying to remove directory: {}\n{}".format(

-                     testing_dir,

-                     e

-                 )

+                 "prune_old_composes: command failed: {}".format(prune_cmd)




  if __name__ == '__main__':


      # get args from command line
@@ -641,7 +664,7 @@ 

      log.info("Extracting compose_id from tested autocloud data")

      compose_id = tested_autocloud_info['atomic_qcow2']['compose_id']


-     log.info("Signing image metadata")

+     log.info("Signing image metadata - compose")



          os.path.join(COMPOSE_BASEDIR, compose_id),
@@ -659,7 +682,8 @@ 

      log.info("Sending Two Week Atomic announcement email")

      # Find all the Atomic images and CHECKSUM files to include in the email

      email_filelist = []

-     for full_dir_path, _, short_names in os.walk(ATOMIC_STABLE_DESTINATION):

+     for full_dir_path, _, short_names in \

+             os.walk(os.join(ATOMIC_STABLE_BASEDIR, compose_id)):

          for sname in fnmatch.filter(short_names, '*Atomic*'):


@@ -673,7 +697,7 @@ 



      log.info("Pruning old Atomic test composes")

-     prune_old_testing_composes()

+     prune_old_composes(ATOMIC_STABLE_BASEDIR, 2)


      log.info("Two Week Atomic Release Complete!")


  • change names of atomic rsync link-dir to be more descriptive
    • add "latest" target
    • don't over write in-place the stable content

Signed-off-by: Adam Miller maxamillion@fedoraproject.org


8 years ago

I removed the handling of "latest" as this will move out to something in the website code, but I'll still needs a fix to the email text to contain whatever the actual "latest" download link(s) are.

Pull-Request has been merged by ausil

8 years ago