#100 Docs update with removed MD5 in sop_pushing_updates.rst
Closed 7 years ago by ausil. Opened 7 years ago by mohanboddu.
mohanboddu/releng master  into  master

file modified
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ 




+     sop_bodhi_activation




@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ 

+ .. SPDX-License-Identifier:    CC-BY-SA-3.0



+ ===========================

+ Bodhi Activation Point

+ ===========================


+ Description

+ ===========

+ .. Put a description of the task here.


+ Bodhi must be activated after two weeks of `Mass Branching`_ at 00:00 UTC.


+ Action

+ ======

+ .. Describe the action and provide examples


+ Run the following commands in the bodhi backend.


+ ::

+     $ bodhi-manage-releases create --name F25 --long-name "Fedora 25" --id-prefix FEDORA --version 25 --branch f25 --dist-tag f25 --stable-tag f25-updates --testing-tag f25-updates-testing --candidate-tag f25-updates-candidate --pending-stable-tag f25-updates-pending --pending-testing-tag f25-updates-testing-pending --override-tag f25-override --state pending -- username <user_name>


+ Now the Koji tags should be edited so that Bodhi can push updates.


+ ::

+     $ koji edit-target f25-candidate --dest-tag f25-updates-candidate

+     $ koji edit-target f25 --dest-tag f25-updates-candidate

+     $ koji edit-tag --perm=admin f25


+ Email **devel-announce** and **test-announce** lists about Bodhi Activation. 

+ Please find the body of the email below:


+ ::

+   Hi all, 


+   Today's an important day on the Fedora 25 schedule[1], with several significant cut-offs. First of all today is the Bodhi activation point [2]. That means that from now all Fedora 25 packages must be submitted to updates-testing and pass the relevant requirements[3] before they will be marked as 'stable' and moved to the fedora repository. 


+   Today is also the Alpha freeze[4]. This means that only packages which fix accepted blocker or freeze exception bugs[5][6] will be marked as 'stable' and included in the Alpha composes. Other builds will remain in updates-testing until the Alpha release is approved, at which point the Alpha freeze is lifted and packages can move to 'stable' as usual until the Beta freeze.


+   Today is also the Software String freeze[7], which means that strings marked for translation in Fedora-translated projects should not now be changed for Fedora 25. 


+   Finally, today is the 'completion deadline' Change Checkpoint[8], meaning that Fedora 25 Changes must now be 'feature complete or close enough to completion that a majority of its functionality can be tested'. 


+   Regards 

+   <your_name>


+   [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/Schedule 

+   [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Updates_Policy#Bodhi_enabling 

+   [3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Updates_Policy#Branched_release 

+   [4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Milestone_freezes 

+   [5] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_blocker_bug_process 

+   [6] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_freeze_exception_bug_process 

+   [7] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering/StringFreezePolicy 

+   [8] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Policy


+ Verification

+ ============

+ .. Provide a method to verify that the action completed as expected (success)


+ The following message is displayed after successful completions of the bodhi command.


+ ::

+   Name:                F25

+   Long Name:           Fedora 25

+   Version:             25

+   Branch:              f25

+   ID Prefix:           FEDORA

+   Dist Tag:            f25

+   Stable Tag:          f25-updates

+   Testing Tag:         f25-updates-testing

+   Candidate Tag:       f25-updates-candidate

+   Pending Testing Tag: f25-updates-testing-pending

+   Pending Stable Tag:  f25-updates-pending

+   Override Tag:        f25-override

+   State:               pending


+ Consider Before Running

+ =======================

+ .. Create a list of things to keep in mind when performing action.


+ No considerations at this time. The docs git repository is simply a static

+ html hosting space and we can just re-render the docs and push to it again if

+ necessary.


+ .. _Mass Branching: https://docs.pagure.org/releng/sop_mass_branching.html 


file modified
+19 -43
@@ -43,46 +43,10 @@ 


  Bodhi tasks


- * In puppet, set the push scripts to not push the old release:


-   ::


-     diff --git a/configs/system/fedora-updates-push

-     b/configs/system/fedora-updates-push

-     index 2c05334..39e25f7 100755

-     --- a/configs/system/fedora-updates-push

-     +++ b/configs/system/fedora-updates-push

-     @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

-      SOURCE=/mnt/koji/mash/updates

-      DEST=/pub/fedora/linux/updates/


-     -for rel in 11 12 13; do

-     +for rel in 12 13; do


-      rsync -rlptDvHh --delay-updates $RSYNC_OPTS --exclude "repodata/*" \

-              $SOURCE/f$rel-updates/ $DEST/$rel/ &>/dev/null

-     @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ rsync -rlptDvHh --delay-updates $RSYNC_OPTS --delete

-     --delete-after \

-              $SOURCE/f$rel-updates/ $DEST/$rel/ &>/dev/null


-      done

-     -for rel in 11 12 13; do

-     +for rel in 12 13; do


-      rsync -rlptDvHh --delay-updates $RSYNC_OPTS --exclude "repodata/*" \

-              $SOURCE/f$rel-updates-testing/ $DEST/testing/$rel/ &>/dev/null


- * Take a bodhi database snapshot for good measure


+ * Run the following end of life script from bodhi backend


+     bodhi-manage-releases edit --name F21 --state archived


-     [masher@releng04 bodhi]$ bodhi-pickledb save


- * Remove all updates and comments associated with the release


-   ::


-     [masher@releng04 bodhi]$ bodhi-rmrelease F19



@@ -162,13 +126,25 @@ 

  Announcement content



- .. note::

-     FIXME: This needs updating, that URL is a dead link


- * Consider this [http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=announce&msgNo=407

-   EOL announcement] from openoffice.org

+ * As of the <eol_date>, Fedora X has reached its end of life for

+   updates and support. No further updates, including security updates,

+   will be available for Fedora X. A previous reminder was sent on 

+   <announcement_daet> [0]. Fedora X+1 will continue to receive updates until

+   approximately one month after the release of Fedora X+3. The

+   maintenance schedule of Fedora releases is documented on the Fedora

+   Project wiki [1]. The Fedora Project wiki also contains instructions

+   [2] on how to upgrade from a previous release of Fedora to a version

+   receiving updates.


+   <your_name>.


-     * Note FAQ

+   [0]<url to the announcement from announce@lists.fedoraproject.org list>

+   [1]https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Release_Life_Cycle#Maintenance_Schedule

+   [2]https://getfedora.org/


+ .. note::

+        All dates should follow xxth of month year format.(Example: 19th of July 2016)


  Update eol wiki page


@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ 




- 	playbooks/groups/pkgs.yml -t distgit -t config

-     playbooks/groups/packages.yml -t packages/web

+     sudo rbac-playbook groups/pkgs.yml -t distgit -t config

+     sudo rbac-playbook groups/packages.yml -t packages/web



@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ 




-     $ sudo -u jkeating /usr/local/bin/genacls.sh

+     $ sudo /usr/local/bin/genacls.sh



  Undo change to the new branch process
@@ -268,15 +268,6 @@ 

  Please see :doc:`sop_updating_comps`



- Mock

- ----

- Mock needs to be updated to have configs for the new branch.  This should

- actually be done and pushed just before the branch event.


- .. note::

-     FIXME Link to mock update SOP ... does that exist?





  Mirror manager will have to be updated so that the `dnf`_/`yum`_ repo

@@ -110,20 +110,18 @@ 


      for i in 24 23 22;


-         NSS_HASH_ALG_SUPPORT=+MD5 ~/releng/scripts/sigulsign_unsigned.py \

+         ~/releng/scripts/sigulsign_unsigned.py \

              fedora-$i -v --write-all \

              --sigul-batch-size=25 $(cat /var/cache/sigul/{Stable,Testing}-F${i});



      for i in 7 6 5;


-         NSS_HASH_ALG_SUPPORT=+MD5 ~/releng/scripts/sigulsign_unsigned.py \

+         ~/releng/scripts/sigulsign_unsigned.py \

              epel-$i -v --write-all \

              --sigul-batch-size=25 $(cat /var/cache/sigul/{Stable,Testing}-*EL-${i});



- * You may need to add ``NSS_HASH_ALG_SUPPORT=+MD5`` before

-   ``sigulsign_unsigned`` (or add it to your ~/.bashrc).


  * If signing process struggles to finish, then consider adjusting the

    ``--sigul-batch-size=N`` to ``1``, which is more resilient but much slower.
@@ -150,6 +148,11 @@ 


      $ sudo journalctl -o short -u fedmsg-hub -l -f


+ #. Check the processes


+    ::

+     $ ps axf|grep bodhi


  #. Watch for fedmsgs through the process. It will indicate what releases it's

     working on, etc. You may want to watch in ``#fedora-fedmsg``.

@@ -217,6 +220,16 @@ 

    ``"OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: '/mnt/koji/mash/updates/*/../*.repocache/repodata/'``

    you need to restart fedmsg-hub on the backend and resume.


+ * If the updates push fails with:

+   ``IOError: Cannot open /mnt/koji/mash/updates/epel7-160228.1356/../epel7.repocache/repodata/repomd.xml: File /mnt/koji/mash/updates/epel7-160228.1356/../epel7.repocache/repodata/repomd.xml doesn't exists or not a regular file``

+   This issue will be resolved with NFSv4, but in the mean time it can be worked around by removing the `.repocache` directory and resuming the push.

+   ``$ sudo rm -fr /mnt/koji/mash/updates/epel7.repocache``


+ * If the Atomic OSTree compose fails with some sort of `Device or Resource busy` error, then run `mount` to see if there are any stray `tmpfs` mounts still active:  

+   ``tmpfs on /var/lib/mock/fedora-22-updates-testing-x86_64/root/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.bylgUq type tmpfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,mode=755)``

+   You can then

+   ``$ sudo umount /var/lib/mock/fedora-22-updates-testing-x86_64/root/var/tmp/rpm-ostree.bylgUq`` and resume the push.


  Other issues should be addressed by releng or bodhi developers in
