#9815 F34 Self-Contained Change: AArch64 KDE Plasma Desktop Image
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by pbrobinson. Opened 3 years ago by ngompa.

The KDE SIG would like to add an AArch64 KDE Plasma desktop image to the Fedora 34 deliverables.


RelEng work involves reviewing kickstart changes and then adding it to pungi configs.

Please let us know when you have the kickstart changes.

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue tagged with: change-ack, changes, f34, low-gain, low-trouble, ops

3 years ago

I'm unsure what kickstart changes are needed... @pwhalen do you know what I need to change here?

So @ngompa I would use the following as examples:
The aarch64/UEFI images are the fedora-disk* so use fedora-disk-workstation.ks or fedora-disk-xfce.ks as a basis as well as fedora-arm-kde.ks to create a fedora-disk-kde.ks and submit a PR and we can review it.

So these things are merged, and I saw that the live ISOs were created in the latest compose, but I see no disk images.

It seems there's a Fedora-Workstation pseudo-package in Koji that is where the disk image is created for Workstation Edition. I presume now Fedora-KDE needs to be created for that purpose and wire it up for Pungi to kick off...

That should now be fixed and should appear for the next rawhide compose. This should now be done from a rel-eng perspective for now.

Metadata Update from @pbrobinson:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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