#9758 Untag flatpak module builds from f33-modular
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 3 years ago by kalev.

When looking into https://github.com/fedora-silverblue/issue-tracker/issues/82, it turned out that it's caused by flatpak modular builds that have incorrectly ended up tagged with f33-modular:

flatpak-common-f33-3320200914202842.fb2b2a51  f33-modular           kalev
flatpak-runtime-f33-3320200914203518.601d93de  f33-modular           kalev
flatpak-runtime-f33-3320200915105109.601d93de  f33-modular           kalev

The way we do flatpak builds is that we use modular rpm builds as intermediate artifacts that are then used in the build system to build flatpak containers. The modular rpm builds are never supposed to go out in a repo as they are incompatible with the rest of Fedora: they are build with prefix=/app, compared to prefix=/usr for regular Fedora packages.

According to @mohanboddu, this happened because of a robosignature misconfiguration. This led to builds directly getting tagged with f33-modular, bypassing Bodhi (and freeze). The bug has been fixed now so new builds should no longer end up getting incorrectly tagged.

To fix this, we need to untag the 3 builds from above. They are actively harmful as they may end up updating regular fedora packages and then replacing them and breaking users systems (prefix /app vs /usr -- /app does not work in regular Fedora).

Now this extended to few other modular builds as well


All of them are untagged after the freeze has started.

The right thing to do is, untag them from f33-modular and tag them into f33-modular-updates-candidate and create the updates for the non flatpak modular builds?

Or just untag the flatpak modular builds and leave it as is?

+1's please

+1 to clean it up. yeah.

$ koji untag-build f33-modular perl-5.32-3320200825091657.94c872f1 postgresql-9.6-3320200826094636.601d93de cri-o-nightly-3320200813051106.601d93de perl-5.30-3320200901075115.394aad6b jmc-7-3320200901184439.601d93de mysql-8.0-3320200902143940.601d93de jmc-latest-3320200902194158.601d93de postgresql-10-3320200904122022.601d93de nodejs-14-3320200908190412.601d93de nodejs-14-3320200911140402.601d93de flatpak-runtime-f33-3320200914203518.601d93de flatpak-common-f33-3320200914202842.fb2b2a51 flatpak-runtime-f33-3320200915105109.601d93de avocado-latest-3320200915235937.601d93de nodejs-14-3320200916122851.601d93de nodejs-10-3320200916131549.601d93de

$ koji tag-build f33-modular-updates-candidate perl-5.32-3320200825091657.94c872f1 postgresql-9.6-3320200826094636.601d93de cri-o-nightly-3320200813051106.601d93de perl-5.30-3320200901075115.394aad6b jmc-7-3320200901184439.601d93de mysql-8.0-3320200902143940.601d93de jmc-latest-3320200902194158.601d93de postgresql-10-3320200904122022.601d93de nodejs-14-3320200908190412.601d93de nodejs-14-3320200911140402.601d93de avocado-latest-3320200915235937.601d93de nodejs-14-3320200916122851.601d93de nodejs-10-3320200916131549.601d93de

And created the bodhi update for all the non flatpak builds except the nodejs-12 as it got fixed yesterday and the non latest nodejs-14 builds

$ bodhi updates new --type bugfix --notes 'Updates for modular builds since the freeze - https://pagure.io/releng/issue/9758' perl-5.32-3320200825091657.94c872f1,postgresql-9.6-3320200826094636.601d93de,cri-o-nightly-3320200813051106.601d93de,perl-5.30-3320200901075115.394aad6b,jmc-7-3320200901184439.601d93de,mysql-8.0-3320200902143940.601d93de,jmc-latest-3320200902194158.601d93de,postgresql-10-3320200904122022.601d93de,avocado-latest-3320200915235937.601d93de,nodejs-14-3320200916122851.601d93de,nodejs-10-3320200916131549.601d93de


Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

I removed the perl builds from the testing update. We have had newer versions in stable now.

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