#8585 Module updates submitted to bodhi not available on mirrors
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by amoloney. Opened 4 years ago by mbooth.

  • Describe the issue

My update [1] was pushed to testing but there are no Eclipse packages available on the mirrors [2] which means I cannot install it.

[1] https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-MODULAR-2019-00f5ed2262
[2] https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/updates/testing/30/Modular/x86_64/Packages/e/

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)


  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)


  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?

Users cannot install Eclipse

Likewise Maven F30M update has been pushed to testing 3 months ago, but it's still not on mirrors.

Are any modular updates being published? Or is there something wierd about the java stack?

I can see my module as available if I interrogate dnf:

[mbooth@fedora30 ~]$ sudo dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing --enablerepo=updates-testing-modular module list 
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64 - Test Updates                                                                                                         
Name                 Stream         Profiles                               Summary                                                                
eclipse              2019-06 [e]    default                                An open, extensible IDE and application platform                       

But I get no updates after enabling the module :-/

Trying again: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-MODULAR-2019-fb1ce318f5

This update is now pushed to testing, but still seems to be absent from mirrors.

@sgallagh This feels like a quite a serious issue -- I am unable to publish any updates. How are other module authors publishing updates? Are they able to?

FWIW I don't see your django update on the mirrors either: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-MODULAR-2019-a9581c3f5a

@mbooth I agree this is quite serious. Unfortunately, I think the set of people who can fix this are probably in transit to Flock right now. Hopefully they'll see this soon.

CCing @mboddu and @kevin for visibility.

@mbooth I agree this is quite serious. Unfortunately, I think the set of people who can fix this are probably in transit to Flock right now. Hopefully they'll see this soon.
CCing @mboddu and @kevin for visibility.

Hmm, the situation may have resolved itself now. After checking my local mirror again I see the correct bits.

The situation was previously that even 4 days after my update was pushed to testing, the repodata contained the metadata for my module, but no RPMs for the module were present on the mirrors.

This was giving users the incorrect impression that the module was available for installation and I was unable to test my update.

You may have just had a mirror that was slow to update?

So, this is working now as far as we know, or is there something still to inveestigate?

You may have just had a mirror that was slow to update?

So is it possible for repodata to be updated, but not the RPM content? I haven't had an answer to this yet, but I wouldn't have expected this to be allowed.

You may have just had a mirror that was slow to update?

So is it possible for repodata to be updated, but not the RPM content? I haven't had an answer to this yet, but I wouldn't have expected this to be allowed.

cc @adrian

I just checked the master mirror. I see no django packages in /srv/pub/fedora/linux/updates/30/Modular/x86_64/Packages/d so if it is not on the master mirror it cannot be on the mirrors.

But everything which is related to repository generation is nothing I can really comment on as this is not related to MirrorManager, sorry.

You may have just had a mirror that was slow to update?

So is it possible for repodata to be updated, but not the RPM content? I haven't had an answer to this yet, but I wouldn't have expected this to be allowed.

Well, we compose things then sync them to our master mirror. From there mirrors sync that content. Some from other mirrors in a tiering system.

Is it possible someone synced the repodata and not the content? Sure, but if it stayed that way very long we would notice and remove them from the list, so I don't think that case is very likely.

Hmm, well I guess I can reopen if I notice something amiss again in the future. Ideally while Flock is not happening, so someone can poke it while the issue is happening ;-)

This issue seem to be fixed now. Please reopen should you find any other issues.

Metadata Update from @amoloney:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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