#8394 Tracker for rhel packages
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by kevin. Opened 5 years ago by mohanboddu.

  • Describe the issue
    We dont know when packages gets added to rhel from epel. So, we want to track them and block them in epel or whitelist them for arch specific packages.

From RelEng meeting on May 29 2019

[12:25:47] <mboddu> nirik: I know there is no communication involved when packages are moved to RHEL and we have to remove them in EPEL
[12:26:27] <mboddu> Cant we ask RHEL maintainers to send us the list whenever they do so, or once a week/month?
[12:26:57] <mboddu> Or at the least when there is a release?
[12:28:10] <nirik> we have a list of packages in rhel
[12:28:37] <nirik> https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/repo/json/pkg_el7.json
[12:28:42] <nirik> https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/repo/json/pkg_el6.json
[12:29:42] <mboddu> nirik: Yes, I know them, but they contain all of them, not anything newly added
[12:30:07] <mboddu> Or we can write our own thing to compare list of packages in epel vs those json files
[12:30:26] <nirik> sure.
[12:30:41] <nirik> but we need to whitelist the limited arch ones...
[12:30:50] <mboddu> Yes
[12:30:55] <bcotton> do we know how often that changes? because if it's infreqent, I can talk to my counterparts who work on RHEL to notify me/someone
[12:32:03] <nirik> it changes at point releases...
[12:32:21] <nirik> I'm not sure notifying us is great.
[12:32:22] <mboddu> bcotton: ^ mostly at point releases
[12:32:34] <mboddu> nirik: Why?
[12:32:52] <nirik> there is supposed to be a step when adding a new package to rhel to file a bug on the epel package if it exists and getting the maintainer to retire it.
[12:33:05] <nirik> because releng doesn't scale, and we should get this as automated as possible.
[12:33:10] <nirik> manual workflows suck.
[12:33:26] <bcotton> agreed. if there's something that's supposed to be happening that isn't, i can bring that up, too
[12:34:16] <nirik> I suppose the best we might do is a script that runs every day and checks rhel against epel and has a whitelist. When something new comes up we retire it or whitelist it. but thats still manual... so dunno.
[12:34:23] <mboddu> That is true, but we can add something like "Talk to epel maintainer....blah blah....if the epel maintainer doesn't respond then talk to RelEng"
[12:35:29] <mboddu> I am okay with either one rather then being in the dark unless someone files a ticket
[12:38:00] <nirik> well, sure, but it needs script writing...
[12:38:55] <mboddu> nirik: I am okay with it
[12:39:03] <mboddu> I will create a ticket for it
[12:39:15] <nirik> so, yeah... lets put the generic solution in a ticket...
[12:39:25] <nirik> and in this one ask reporter for specfic details
[12:40:02] <mboddu> #info mboddu will ping the maintainer about the specific epel packages that that are causing issues
[12:40:52] <mboddu> #info mboddu will create a ticket to create a script that will compose epel packages with rhel package list json file and report back with results

Metadata Update from @syeghiay:
- Issue assigned to mohanboddu

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @cverna:
- Assignee reset

4 years ago

@tdawson You recently confirmed there was a process in place here right?

Going to just close this, reopen if there's anything for us to actually do.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Correct. There is a process in place with Red Hat. They check to see if a new package is in EPEL, and if it is, they contact the EPEL package maintainer. They determine the EPEL package maintainer by who it would be if a bug in bugzilla was assigned to them.
So yes, this can (and is now) closed and fixed.

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