#7922 Build Fedora 29 Python Classroom Lab
Closed: It's all good 5 years ago by churchyard. Opened 5 years ago by churchyard.

  • Describe the issue

The Fedora 29 Python Classroom Lab was not built (it FTBFS and I failed to notice that).
The FTBFS fix was pushed to rawhide and F29, rawhide builds, so should F29.

Please rebuild it, so we can "release" it.

The list should be:


  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)

No real deadline, sooner the better.

  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)

Fedora 29 EOL.

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?

No Fedora 29 Python Classroom Lab :(

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

5 years ago

@churchyard It seems they are still not building at least the Labs i386 and x86_64 iso's for rawhide as well


nothing provides python3.7dist(matplotlib) < 2.3 needed by mu-1.0.0-2.fc30.noarch.


$ dnf repoquery --repo=fedora --whatprovides 'python3.7dist(matplotlib) < 2.3'

Where is the problem? :(

Oh, right, the problem is in rawhide. However F29 should not have this problem.

Rawhide builds. Can we please have F29 as well?

Will test ISOs from https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=31255859 during the weekend, will report back on Monday.

Where can we get from here?

I'd still really love to see this done. What can I do?

Metadata Update from @humaton:
- Issue assigned to humaton

5 years ago

@humaton will try this build soon. Stay tuned.

any luck with i386 vagrant?

How can I move this forward?

Did those koji builds look ok to you? If they seemed to pass testing, I guess we could/should put them somewhere and you can talk to websites team about how to link to them?
Sounds reasonable @mohanboddu ?

I've checked the x86_64 workstation image. I wasn't able yet to check the vagrant images or arm.

Did those koji builds look ok to you? If they seemed to pass testing, I guess we could/should put them somewhere and you can talk to websites team about how to link to them?
Sounds reasonable @mohanboddu ?

Sounds good.

Fedora 30 Python Classroom Lab is now listed on the website. there is no longer a point in this thicket.

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Issue close_status updated to: It's all good
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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