#7388 predicting dependency failures in image builds
Closed: Fixed a year ago by kevin. Opened 6 years ago by dustymabe.

It would be nice if we could predict when dependency failures in image builds will happen. I have been using a rough set of commands to do this in the past few weeks but this could be polished up and put in place to forecast failures.

What I;ve been doing is:

dnf --releasever 29 --installroot /srv/installroot/ --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=today --enablerepo=koji install $(cat packages.txt | sed 's/^-/--exclude /' | tr '\n' ' ')

  • where repo today is today's rawhide run
  • where repo koji is the f29-build repo
  • where packages.txt is the %packages list from a kickstart file

This is a pretty good indicator of failures.

This could be refined and put into a testing framework to run often. Steps: For each kickstart do:

  • ksflatten kickstart file and get %packages list
  • For groups use libcomps and fedora-comps repo to determine packages
  • use koji f29-build repo and list of packages to determine if there are missing dependencies

yes, koji should do same. But instead of doing dnf install, it's much more efficient to use libsolv's or DNF's API to do dependency solving.

yes, koji should do same. But instead of doing dnf install, it's much more efficient to use libsolv's or DNF's API to do dependency solving.

yeah I only included the dnf command in there so I can do it again if I need to soon. if we call the API I'd like to get a nice error message to output in the test without writing a bunch of code to do it. I know /usr/bin/dnf will do that for us, I don't know about the API.

Metadata Update from @syeghiay:
- Issue assigned to humaton

5 years ago

@humaton can expand this into the compose-tracker.

Metadata Update from @cverna:
- Assignee reset

3 years ago

So, we have ci/openqa now and such issues should be caught there along with rawhide gating. ;)

I'm going to close this now, let us know if there's anything we missed.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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