#7188 Unretire hiredis from EPEL 6
Closed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by btwood.

When trying to install things like ntop, hiredis is now missing from the repo.

OS: CentOS 6

Last known working copy was hiredis-0.10.1-3.el6
It is shown to have been orphaned around 02/2016, and retired and removed around 11/2016.
hiredis timeline

ntop requires hiredis, and CentOS 6 EOL isn't until 11/30/2020

I'd like to continue to be able to use the old stable package.

I was able to grab the packages manually from ntop, they are now providing them in an "extra" repo.

They updated the install instructions:

So the package doesn't need to be maintained in EPEL if ntop is providing it.

Metadata Update from @btwood:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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