#6752 unblock baloo for f26
Closed: Invalid 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by rdieter.

Recently, baloo was orphaned/retired erroneously and caused broken deps. The error was caught an and it was unretired quickly, so please unblock (for f26).

See also,

I do not see this package as blocked; please verify on your side @rdieter

koji latest-pkg f26-build baloo => nothing

and f26 builds that include: BuildRequires: baloo-devel currently fail. What else could cause that?

OK, I suspect this may be related by timing of when it was retired vs. when branching happened , and changes to tag inheritance. Anyway, trying a buildroot override and we'll see what happens.

Looks like things are proceeding now, sorry for the noise, and thanks for the clue.

Metadata Update from @rdieter:
- Issue close_status updated to: Invalid
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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