#6623 ceph-10.2.5-2.fc26 stuck in f26-pending
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by ellert.

ceph-10.2.5-2.fc26 stuck has been stuck in 26-pending for more than 4 hours.

$ LANG=en TZ= date
Thu Feb  9 10:42:26 UTC 2017
$ LANG=en TZ= koji list-tag-history --build=ceph-10.2.5-2.fc26
Thu Feb  9 06:41:10 2017: ceph-10.2.5-2.fc26 tagged into f26-pending by branto [still active]

Usually builds stay i 26-pending for less than a minute.

The version of ceph currently tagged into f26 was built using the previous version of boost and is now not installable, so it is not possible to build packages in rawhide that build-requires ceph libraries.

Thinking: would this be due to some kind of fault in robosignatory?

This was due to sigul somehow choking on the update.
It's now been signed and moved.

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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