#6568 f25: add new anaconda to atomic installer iso
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by dustymabe.

A new version of anaconda made it to stable. We'd like to get this version of anaconda into the Atomic ISO installer image so that we can resolve this bug related to installing on systems with UEFI.

$ koji tag-build f25-atomic anaconda-25.20.9-1.fc25
Created task 16996824
Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...
16996824 tagBuild (noarch): free
16996824 tagBuild (noarch): free -> closed
  0 free  0 open  1 done  0 failed

16996824 tagBuild (noarch) completed successfully

should be in the next compose

@ausil changed the status to Closed

7 years ago

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