#6324 Koji tag for Ruby 2.3
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by vondruch.


Ruby 2.3 [1] was proposed as a feature for F24. Since there is soname bump involved, we would like to get a new Koji tag to be able to build them separately. This would help to prevent approx 150 broken packages reports and give use safe fallback if something goes unexpectedly wrong.

[1] ​https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Ruby_2.3

$ koji add-tag --arches "armv7hl i686 x86_64" --parent f24-build f24-ruby
$ koji add-target f24-ruby f24-ruby
f24-ruby target added, please let us know when you are done so we can marge the builds into rawhide and remove the target. you can submit builds by running
$ fedpkg build --target f24-ruby

ref: [https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ruby-sig%40lists.fedoraproject.org/message/J7VVQMSA3VR4CEEZGLIV3BEXTZ6YHO5W/ This]

121 successfully built
5 not yet built (in the sense that they require 'libruby.so.2.2')
* postgresql-plruby-0:0.5.4-6.fc23.x86_64
* ruby-libguestfs-1:1.33.1-1.fc24.x86_64
* ruby-shogun-0:4.0.1-0.6.git20151219.af8c1df.fc24.x86_64
* rubygem-raindrops-0:0.13.0-2.fc23.x86_64
* subversion-ruby-0:1.9.3-1.fc24.x86_64

postgresql-plruby, rubygem-raindrops, subversion currently fail to build. Vít says that shogun will fail to build, and for libguestfs Rich (libguestfs maintainer and upstream) will take care of this.

Vít thinks that now f24-ruby can be merged into main f24 tree, and I agree with this.
Dennis, would you move f24-ruby packages into f24? Thank you in advance.

Checking 121 builds...
Tagging clearsilver-0.10.5-33.fc24 into f24
Tagging dislocker-0.5.1-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging eruby-1.0.5-33.fc24 into f24
Tagging graphviz-2.38.0-32.fc24 into f24
Tagging hivex-1.3.13-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging hyperestraier-1.4.13-24.fc24 into f24
Tagging kazehakase-0.5.8-20.svn3873_trunk.fc24 into f24
Tagging libcaca-0.99-0.27.beta19.fc24 into f24
Tagging libdmtx-0.7.2-18.fc24 into f24
Tagging libsbml-5.12.0-4.fc24 into f24
Tagging libsedml-0.3.1-10.fc24 into f24
Tagging libselinux-2.4-7.fc24 into f24
Tagging libsmartcols-bindings-0.0.2-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging libsolv-0.6.15-5.fc24 into f24
Tagging libyui-bindings-1.1.0-16.fc24 into f24
Tagging marisa-0.2.4-13.fc24 into f24
Tagging notmuch-0.21-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging obexftp-0.24-10.fc24 into f24
Tagging openbabel-2.3.90-0.7.20150402gita345105.fc24 into f24
Tagging openwsman-2.6.2-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging passenger-5.0.23-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging pcs-0.9.144-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging player-3.0.2-49.fc24 into f24
Tagging qdbm-1.8.78-21.fc24 into f24
Tagging qpid-qmf-0.32-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging redland-bindings- into f24
Tagging remctl-3.9-10.fc24 into f24
Newer build found for root.
Tagging rrdtool-1.5.5-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-2.3.0-53.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-RRDtool-0.6.0-21.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-augeas-0.5.0-8.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-gnome2-0.90.4-7.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-korundum-4.14.3-7.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-ldap-0.9.16-5.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-mecab-0.996-6.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-ncurses-1.3.1-17.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-qt-4.14.3-4.fc24 into f24
Tagging ruby-shadow-1.4.1-28.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-RedCloth-4.2.9-12.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-RubyInline-3.11.3-7.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-algorithms-0.6.1-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-atk-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-atomic-1.1.99-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-bcrypt-3.1.10-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-binding_of_caller-0.7.2-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-bson_ext-1.10.2-5.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-byebug-8.2.1-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-cairo-1.14.3-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-cairo-gobject-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-charlock_holmes-0.7.3-9.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-curb-0.8.8-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-debug_inspector-0.0.2-4.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-escape_utils-1.1.0-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-eventmachine-1.0.8-1.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-fast_xs-0.8.0-9.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-ferret- into f24
Tagging rubygem-ffi-1.9.10-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-gherkin-2.12.2-6.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-gio2-3.0.7-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-glib2-3.0.7-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-glu-8.2.1-7.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-glut-8.2.1-5.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-gobject-introspection-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-goocanvas-2.2.0-7.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-goocanvas1-1.2.6-8.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-gstreamer-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-gtk2-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-gtk3-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-gtksourceview2-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-hitimes-1.2.3-1.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-hpricot-0.8.6-11.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-icaro-1.0.6-6.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-idn-0.0.2-16.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-json-1.8.3-101.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-kgio-2.9.3-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-krb5-auth-0.7-16.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-levenshtein-0.2.2-9.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-mysql2-0.4.0-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-narray- into f24
Tagging rubygem-nokogiri-1.6.7-0.4.rc3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-opengl-0.9.2-7.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-ox-2.2.3-1.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-pam-1.5.4-23.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-pango-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-pg-0.18.4-1.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-poppler-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-posix-spawn-0.3.11-4.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-qpid_messaging-0.34.1-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-qpid_proton-0.10.1-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-rdiscount- into f24
Tagging rubygem-redcarpet-3.3.2-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-rkerberos-0.1.3-10.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-rmagick-2.15.4-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-rsvg2-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-ruby-libvirt-0.6.0-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-rugged-0.23.0-0.20150732git233da19.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-serialport-1.3.1-6.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-sqlite3-1.3.11-1.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-syck-1.0.5-3.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-therubyracer-0.11.0-12.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-thin-1.6.4-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-unf_ext- into f24
Tagging rubygem-unicode- into f24
Tagging rubygem-vte-3.0.7-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-websocket-driver-0.3.4-4.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-xmlhash-1.3.6-7.fc24 into f24
Tagging rubygem-xmlparser- into f24
Tagging rubygem-zoom-0.5.0-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging saslwrapper-0.16-12.fc24 into f24
Tagging simspark-0.2.4-17.fc24 into f24
Tagging skf-2.00.2-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging stfl-0.22-15.fc24 into f24
Tagging uwsgi-2.0.12-4.fc24 into f24
Tagging vim-command-t-2.0-1.fc24 into f24
Tagging weechat-1.4-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging xapian-bindings-1.2.22-2.fc24 into f24
Tagging xchat-ruby-1.2-23.fc24 into f24
Tagging xmms2-0.8-31.fc24 into f24
Tagging zorba-3.0.0-20.20140621git152f8964c.fc24 into f24
Tagging 120 builds.
Tagged 120 builds.


the f24-ruby target has been removed,

Thanks very much

Metadata Update from @vondruch:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 24 Alpha

7 years ago

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