#6134 docker: Use "fedora" as image name, and distro version as version
Closed: Fixed 6 years ago Opened 9 years ago by walters.

See: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/cloud/2015-March/005053.html

From what I can tell of the ImageFactory Docker.py plugin, it has:

        # Get any parameters and if they are not set, create our defaults
        repository = parameters.get('repository',tdlobj.name)
        tag = parameters.get('tag','latest')
        docker_image_id = parameters.get('docker_image_id', self._generate_docker_id())
        rdict = { repository: { tag: docker_image_id } }

We want to be passing repository=fedora and tag=22 I believe.

What makes you say that?

This is a bit of a complex topic as some of the metadata in that tag name is useful. Officially the Docker hub only supports x86_64, but down the line we will want things like architecture metadata inside the image. Some of this is being addressed upstream, other parts are in https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/9882

But currently, the name sticks out like a sore thumb:

# Images and versions from the Hub and registry.access.redhat.com:
rhel7 0-23
rhel7 latest
fedora 21
centos 7
# The Fedora Koji generated one:
Fedora-Docker-Base-22-20150316.x86_64 latest

Now, a lot of this gets to the tricky issue of versioning. If you look at what Ubuntu is doing with tags, they inject the date stamp:

We could do something similar - in addition, we want "fedora:22" to be tagged into the hub for the latest version for each stream. I'll do a bit more investigation here.

Metadata Update from @walters:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 22 Beta

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @ausil:
- Issue assigned to maxamillion
- Issue close_status updated to: None
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 26 Final (was: Fedora 22 Beta)

7 years ago

@maxamillion lets get something sorted out in f26, at the least document how to set the version.

Metadata Update from @maxamillion:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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