#5359 GenericError: Error importing archive file, /mnt/koji/packages/texlive/2012/3.20120926_r27815.fc18/src/texlive-2012-3.20120926_r27815.fc18.src.rpm already exists
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by jnovy.

Two consecutive builds failed with the message in ticket summary. One of such build is this one:


The srpm name shouldn't conflict with F19 builds because the F18 srpm contains its %dist tag. Any hints?

Is this still happening, or did it get solved?

Replying to [comment:1 kevin]:

Is this still happening, or did it get solved?

Still happening. Last time I tried yesterday. The build failed with the same error...

I think we got this solved? Or at least there have been texlive updates. ;)

Please reopen if there's still an issue.

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