#12106 Can we have `dnf5 copr` command in the Fedora Container?
Opened a month ago by praiskup. Modified 24 days ago

Similar to #12105 - but with a different background.

There's a Copr plugin in the dnf5-plugins package; it provides a convenience logic for enabling/disabling Copr repositories. It would be awesome to have it available by default, without the need to dnf install -y dnf5-plugins (users often install Copr packages into containers, and they also often build custom container images on top of Copr).

Could we install dnf5-plugins into the Base image? If the additional image payload isn't acceptable, we could prepare a new sub-package, say dnf5-plugins-minimal, providing only a subset of plugins that do not pull-in additional transitive deps (on top of those that are already pulled in by dnf5.rpm).

  • When do you need this? I'd wish to have it yesterday :) it was previously accepted twice but it did not survive the migration to Kiwi builders.
  • When is this no longer needed or useful? no specific deadline
  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact? users facing inconvenience caused by absence of dnf copr command

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

a month ago

I think we can do this, see my comment in the other issue... can you do a PR?

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