#11662 Please create f40-gnome side tag
Closed: It's all good 7 months ago by kevin. Opened 8 months ago by adamwill.


Please create a new f40-gnome side tag and build target. Desktop team will use it for building and coordinating GNOME megaupdates before submitting them to Bodhi.


See F39 ticket for reference. Here is the recipe thanks to @kalev :

koji add-tag f40-gnome --parent=f40-build --arches=i686,x86_64,aarch64,ppc64le,s390x
koji add-target f40-gnome f40-gnome
koji regen-repo f40-gnome

Maybe we should do this as part of branching in future?

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

8 months ago

I am not sure this is going to be that useful in rawhide.

You can build things in it sure, but if you tag them into candidate bodhi will make single build updates for them, and if you try and make a update from the tag bodhi will not see it as it's not a normal side tag. ;(

Roger. We can delay this till F40 branch then, I guess. It would be nice if we could create custom tags like this that we could use in Bodhi for Rawhide, but it's not critical.

+1 from me to not create the side tag just yet.

I experimented with having a f39-gnome side tag for rawhide a few weeks before it was branched for f39 and while it worked, it added a non-straightforward step where I had to create a second, self-service side tag just to be able to merge the builds from f39-gnome to rawhide.

I thought we'd find more use for it, but in reality it was only used for collecting gnome-shell builds, iirc. I think a better solution is for me to talk it through with Florian how to use self service side tags for gnome-shell in rawhide instead.

(But I agree that it would be super useful to have a way to create bodhi updates from named side tags! That would make life a lot easier.)

Lets go ahead and close this for now then?

If there's anything further to do, feel free to re-open.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: It's all good
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 months ago

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