#11509 Unretire rpms/rocm-smi
Closed: Fixed a year ago by humaton. Opened a year ago by mystro256.

I'd like to unretire rocm-smi.

I've already done a package review:

It was originally retired due to being orphaned since there was upstream related problems, but it's been resolved.

I'm looking to build for rawhide (f39+)

Metadata Update from @jnsamyak:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

a year ago

FYI for anyone following, rocm-smi is required for a bunch of ROCm related components.

List of smi dependent packages we are looking at is here https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/HC#Package_status
I think its about 4, but there are many other rocm packages not on this list.

The package is now unretired. For missing branches please use $fedpkg request-branch

Metadata Update from @humaton:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

Note that the pure-Python version of the script, packaged here, has been unmaintained upstream for quite some time, and that the current version of the rocm-smi command is a wrapper around rocm_smi_lib, and would be correctly packaged as a subpackage of a package for that library. The mentioned upstream difficulties were in correctly building and packaging that.

So, regarding the obsolete pure-Python rocm-smi packaged here, caveat emptor.

Note that the pure-Python version of the script, packaged here, has been unmaintained upstream for quite some time, and that the current version of the rocm-smi command is a wrapper around rocm_smi_lib, and would be correctly packaged as a subpackage of a package for that library. The mentioned upstream difficulties were in correctly building and packaging that.

So, regarding the obsolete pure-Python rocm-smi packaged here, caveat emptor.

Now I see that packaging rocm_smi_lib is exactly what you did here. Thanks! I’m excited that you did it.

Yes, it just seems better this way. All the cmake still has "rocm-smi", so it's more natural to unretire to me.

Thanks for the help!

I'm getting "BuildError: package rocm-smi is blocked for tag f39-updates-candidate"

Was I too fast? Or is this unrelated?

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