#11189 add fedora-toolbox as an official Fedora release artifact
Closed: Can't Fix a year ago by humaton. Opened 2 years ago by petersen.

  • Describe the issue

After suffering containerBuild issues leading up to GA (and Beta) for both the F36 and F37 releases (the latter only just resolved last week), the Workstation WG would like to request that the fedora-toolbox container image be considered an official Fedora release artifact, which should be made available for Beta and GA releases.
See the discussion in this WG ticket. How does that sound? Is that something that Fedora releng could do going forward?

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)

F38 Beta

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?

fedora-toolbox may continue to be delayed or unavailable in an up-to-date form for future releases.

What does it mean that it would be an official artifact to the Workstation team? Is this also a request to QE to add it to their testing and infrastructure?

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: high-gain, medium-trouble

2 years ago

What does it mean that it would be an official artifact to the Workstation team?

It means we are guaranteed to have current fedora-toolbox container images available for future Fedora Beta and GA releases.

Is this also a request to QE to add it to their testing and infrastructure?

See the related QA ticket: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/716 thanks

Hi @petersen,

while technically this is doable by Release Engineering. But you will need a change proposal and FESCO ack as described on the blocking deliverables page https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/releases/f38/blocking/

Once you have the approvals just open the change review request and we can work from there.

Metadata Update from @humaton:
- Issue close_status updated to: Can't Fix
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

@rishi @dcantrell , I wanna have a changeset proposed and have myself added as a QA for this ASAP. @dcantrell, can you help me with the changeset submission process so FESCO can ack? Also, is there a way by which, we can fast-track this for F38 or should we have to take this to F39 anyway. If later is the case, I wanna start right away. Toolbx is a very important keeping the fedora 2028 head in mind.

If the images are going to be generated by Release Engineering, then will they be still defined in terms of a Docker/Containerfile as they are today? I am not entirely sure how the fedora base images are currently defined and built today, but, as far as I can make out, the kickstart files in fedora-kickstarts play a role. eg., fedora-container-base.ks.

The fedora-toolbox images are currently defined as a Docker/Containerfile, both upstream and downstream. There's some value in this becase a Docker/Containerfile ensures a workflow that's widely known and easy to use with podman build.

I left a longer comment about this on the fedora-workstation ticket.

@rishi @dcantrell , I wanna have a changeset proposed and have myself added as a QA for this ASAP. @dcantrell, can you help me with the changeset submission process so FESCO can ack? Also, is there a way by which, we can fast-track this for F38 or should we have to take this to F39 anyway. If later is the case, I wanna start right away. Toolbx is a very important keeping the fedora 2028 head in mind.

I can help you with this. If you have not started here, read through this: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/program_management/changes_guide/

It's too late for F38, so this should be an F39 change:

We are working on a Fedora 39 Change:

... and a new release engineering ticket has been created at:

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